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Posts posted by Abbott

  1. My dog gone dogs woke me up this morning barking at a neighbor's (a mile or so away) dog gone dog. Every time there is a bit of thunder or gun fire this big old black dog heads to my house. She is a pretty peaceful ole' gal and just wants to come in the house which of course is not a good idea because of the cat. The only cat around smart enough to stay out of the meat grinder of a backyard inhabited by the cat and dog-killing gang of three excavators that live there. I just hot wire the fence and give the excavators a bit of shock treatment now and then. Joe when are you coming by?

  2. -Do you run the 110v wire separately from the original bus wiring harness or do you link them so your Schlitz stays cold whilst underway, betwixt trailer parks?


    Yes, the 110v wiring is run separately. The refer cabinet which is shown in the photo will house a small 4.4 cubic foot refrigerator (dormitory refrigerator) that runs off of 110v when the bus is hooked to shore power or I am running the generator. When driving or parked and not hooked up to a 110v source the refrigerator will run off of deep cycle batteries known as the “House Batteries” and an inverter which changes 12-volt DC current to 110volt AC current. The house batteries will be charged when needed by shore power or by generator. The house batteries are separate from the vehicle batteries.

    -Did you run a complete new wiring harness?


    I used the existing wiring harness and added wiring for new 12-volt and 110-volt circuits where needed.

    -Aren't you a tad concerned about wiring and the copious amounts of kindli...er, wood that you used for this project?


    No. The 110-volt system is wired the same as any house.

    -Why isn't this 'shelf' made with an easy to clean surface, say granite (it's a rock) or laminate countertop material?


    That small counter top will get several layers of epoxy resin (Bar Top) for a nice clear counter top with some depth to it. It will be awhile before this happens, as I haven’t gotten to any of the finish work as of yet. I hope to have the bus done (except for exterior paint) by the end of this coming winter.

  3. [rapidly hoofing through a well-used copy of DSM-IV...]

    Bother, sod, sod, bugger, bother... it ain't just sodding split, its sodding completely detached with delusions of southerness... sodding bother...

    [more frantic page turning...]

    ... where's the sodding reattachment page? Glue 'im back to Emrys, it'll improve.... improve... improve... glue 'im to Boo

    LOL, beyond a doubt you are the strangest MF'er that posts in this thread!

  4. Abbott

    Sorry if I seemed insulting, didn't mean to be.

    But you've got me wrong on the hatred/enemy thing. I love my country.

    Anyway, and moving right along, you should hear me whale on the foreigners about how great our country is. And don't forget I volunteered and served in uniform, in the US military, at a time when military service generally wasn't considered patriotic, just stupid.

    Nope, I did not think you were insulting, just the usual load of bull****, hell who cares?

    I know your intelligent Steve but as far as the the U.S. Military goes if you ever tried to serve again (figure of speech) and your CO read the things you have regularly posted to this Forum you would be out. Hell I know if I served with you I wouldn't trust you and your constant *****ing and baiting concerning the United States, our military, our President and the war in Iraq. You have badgered all of them on this Forum for several years now. As you may have guessed I wouldn't sit still and listen to it come out of your mouth if we served together in war time. That doesn't mean I think you are a bad soldier, I have a high opinion of you in that regard, my opinion is your on the wrong side. Why, I don't know.

    As for the NYT, well, yeah sure, lots of people think it's a useless liberal rag. That isn't the same thing as it actually being a useless liberal rag; after all, if they have been in business for three centuries they must be doing something right. They seem to be doing pretty well in keeping a loyal readership - can all those New Yorkers just be willing to pay all those years to read packs of lies day after day? Or just maybe the NYT does its job well, that's how they've stayed in business this long?

    The NYT is widely known as not just a liberal newspaper but as a very far left newspaper and one of the most far left (if not the most) of the major newspapers. The NYT is also in a bind financially, suffering from sinking sales and it has lost a prominent amount of subscribers, bankruptcy has been mentioned a few times, this is well known here in the United States. I personally canceled my subscription to the NYT Times a couple of years ago.

    AKD is on point in this discussion. The number of journalists in Iraq has fallen significantly since the tide of war has turned. No bad news makes for a bad news day, low sales, and their employers have pulled many journalists from Iraq. Good news is considered boring news and most often doesn’t get reported, again, low sales. What pays the bills is writing up bad news in such a way as to make it worse and by sensationalizing whatever can be hyped. If something bad happens you can count on many journalists making it worse and editors going over it again to try and make it kick some more. Sensationalism gets them noticed and that's what pays the bills, the New York Times is famous for this approach to news and (again) here in the U.S. that is well known.

    By the way if you are not aware the parks in Baghdad are now filled with picnicking families on the weekends. You asked me once (with a poor tone) “The war in Iraq, how is that going for you?” At this point it is going pretty good, hopefully it will continue to improve and God willing and if the river don’t rise some soldiers will be returning home soon. I look forward to peace but I do not expect it.

  5. Be Careful - A 'heads up' for those men who may be regular Home Depot customers. Over the last 2 months I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. Simply going out to get supplies has turned out to be quite traumatic. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you or your friends.

    Here's how the scam works:

    Two very hot 20-21 year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping into the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. It is impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say 'No' and instead ask you for a ride to another Home Depot. You agree and they get in the backseat. On the way, they start undressing. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and starts crawling all over you, while the other one steals your wallet.

    I had my wallet stolen May 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th & 24th. Also June 1st, 4th, twice on the 8th, 16th, 23rd, 24th, three times last Saturday and very likely again this upcoming weekend. So tell your friends to be careful.

    P.S. Wal-Mart has wallets on sale 2.99 each

  6. Gunner,

    I have not read the article nor do I care to. I know first hand what dead men look like and I try to forget. I do not plan to comment on the article, I only commented on the source of the article and stand by those comments.

    I know that you are a nice guy and if I have upset you I apologize.



  7. Nick,

    The only thing I will object to is your saying I'm being nasty about what you said about the NYT. I am not being nasty, I am expressing an opinion.

    Final note, don't you think you can bait me and people like me some other way than simply saying "documented", "liberal", "bias," and "NYT" all in the same sentence?

    Heh, Gotcha Steve. You're expressing an opinion and I am baiting, check.

    Oh yeah and I am being lazy and unimaginative by pointing out a well known and accurate fact of a bias that is noted across America but some overseas may not be aware of. Check.

    I stopped reading your stuff and a couple other guy's stuff around here because over the years you and they have nothing more to say but the usual mantra of hate spewed at America and Americans. You're posts are often (always the same), long winded hate filled anti-U.S. tripe, intermixed with personal egotistical superiority. Until I read this Forum for a few years I never realized how many people overseas had grown up being nurtured on hatred of my country and her soldiers. The folks I knew and worked with always appreciated our help.

    The New York Times is a joke to many of the people in this country, you appear to be ignorant of that fact. But jump in with the usual gang to try and shout down any opinion that goes against your disdain of the United States. As I said earlier (and in all seriousness) I don't think you are a bad guy, just another enemy of my country. I have lived, ate, drank and worked with a lot of guys just like you.

  8. Abbott,

    Sorry about all the words.]

    No problem Steve, I stopped reading your long-winded posts about a year or so ago when it became apparent that like the New York Times (and Dorosh) the gist of your posts was always the same. In all honesty I do consider you to be a good guy, extremely convinced of you're own righteousness and superiority but that is easy to overlook when one is aware that we all have weaknesses and room for improvement. You're getting nasty over the fact that I felt bringing the extreme and documented bias of the NYT to light for some who may not be aware of that fact will be over-looked and forgiven.

    Best wishes,


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