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Everything posted by Banshee

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IntelWeenie: Another tactic is to ambush, stay in position until you see an attack on these positions forming, then call arty in on yourself. Run. If timed right, the arty will start falling just as the enemy is in the open charging into your old positions. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This tactic always works very well for me. *SPOILER* . . . Very first time I ever used it was in First clash at Cambes scenario. Ran a company size force into the woods, I got into a pretty major firefight when I realized (very early on) the attacking force had to be the opponents majority of troops (turned out it was all his infantry). I was in danger of being flanked or artyed to death so I called down (150mm) arty on myself, waited a couple turns and then ran like the dickens for the town. After that I waited in the town as the arty did it's work. And waited.. And waited.. I began to think I misjudged the attack and the attackers were going to come from another direction. Slowly a trickle of enemy soldiers appeared from the original direction maybe 2 platoons total, easily handled by my IG's and MG42's. Then the scenario ended with the British surrendering, and I got to take a look at the damage the arty had caused.. Clearly the arty had hit them right as they were running through the positions and completely decimated everyone and everything. Many squads completely obliterated, even more just shocked and routed. I must say I was quite happy with it's effect. Arty + ambush positions = deadly My ambush tips are pretty much the same as everyone elses: 1) Scattered trees and edges of tall pines and/or woods are not places to hide or ambush. Stay in the middle of towns or forests so you can't be engaged by direct fire from long ranges. Of course reverse slopes are great for this as well. 2) Know when to say when, sticking around after an ambush is sprung is just asking to be flanked or arty'd to death. Unless the enemy is foolishly attacking from the same direction over and over, get the heck out of there. 3) Smoke is your friend, cover your withdrawl or drop it behind the people that are walking into the trap to cover your forces from direct fire. 4) Put a TRP or have some mortars watching the place you just exited, it's a good bet your enemy will come through there and you can do even more damage. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  2. In the autobiography "Company Commander" by Charles B. McDonald I was noticing that he (charles) almost always called in arty himself and got adjustments from the platoon leaders over the radio. "Citizen Soldiers" and "Band of Brothers", there was many first accounts of non-FO's calling in arty. It really seemed like (amis) company level commanders always had arty on call unless something huge was going on. I think the game uses FO's as a way to limit the (over)use of arty, but I do think there is a slight error if the FO's don't count areas that can be seen by platoon and company commanders as areas under direct observation. As to the main point of the thread, I've never had any problems with FO's being "overly" targeted, I usually keep them far enough behind the action to keep them from being identified. It makes sense for them to get clobbered when identified. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  3. That is some cool schiznit, all I had when I was a kid was the cheap plastic green soldiers. The whole Ultimate Soldier collection looks pretty awesome, they also have a great looking (1/6 scale) m5 tank and a panther as well. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> IIRC, the points are calculated depending on vehicle characteristics (armor, gun, turret speed, etc.) and not fudged with something like ASL's rarity factors. I think the reasoning behind this is to make tournament or PBEM games more evenly matched. For better historical accuracy, you'll need to use the scenario editor or bump the advantage % up for the allies <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I agree completely with the statement, I wasn't trying to say that getting an even amount of points per side wouldn't get you a fair fight , it will (though IMHO, it slightly favors the germans). I was just saying it was historically inaccurate (err less accurate?). BTS has made the point cost be based on the capabilities of a particular item, which makes for interesting, but historically less accurate (IMHO!) games. btw this isn't a rant, I love the game and wouldn't have them change a thing (keep those boys working on the expansion pack and CM2!). I just think the average CM battle has much more german (or less american) equipment, men, airpower, and artillery, vs. a typical WW2 scenario. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki [This message has been edited by Banshee (edited 08-31-2000).]
  5. Using arty to hit places you can't see was used quite often in ww2, just because an area isn't under direct observation doesn't mean it's not a worthy target. In many games I also use arty to hit the places that I would be exposed too once I cross over a hill or come out of a treeline. Just last night I drop some 4.2 mortars in a back area behind a town, turns out the AI had 2 HT's full of troops and an wood MG bunker waiting for me their, knocked all 3 out. If the computer started dropping arty in "suspected" enemy locations like that I would be quite impressed. Also I believe the scenario you were playing was "First Clash at Cambes(sp?)", and if this was the case the 150's start over at the edge of the map and have to be moved into position, maybe they were seen being moved much earlier. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I really wanted to makes sure I was at least an able player <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just an joke OT reply: If you weren't "able"/competent you could still RPG the French commanders ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  7. Dammit why didn't my scenario german%^!@!^&***(&(*&(*&)(*(>>>.zip get posted? ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Finally, my point wasn't about Elijah's post. I think it's pretty new: I'm not beating a dead horse. I'm trying to discuss the fanatic, graphic-ignoring hardcore gamers that often seem to neglect important concerns (i.e. graphics). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You are beating a dead horse, and the topic has been closed by BTS. This is just flame bait and I hope that BTS locks this thread up as well. If you really think this hasn't been posted to death try using the search function and you'll see the many discussions re: graphics. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Private Pike: I'm using a V3 3000 (3Dfx) on a Win98se machine nad have no problems with screen shots into paintbox. Sorry this doesn't help I just thought I'd say it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I may have misspoke, I meant a seperate 3d card, the majority of which whose chips are made by 3dfx. IIRC the V3 is not a seperate card but an all in one card. This issue would only arise if you have a second card. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  10. It makes sense that they were only available from Dec, '44 . I remember reading in one of my books about the Flammhetzer saying that many were captured and photographed giving them much more importance than they actually had. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki [This message has been edited by Banshee (edited 08-30-2000).]
  11. I believe 20 38 (t) Hetzers were made into Flame tanks for the Battle of the Bulge. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  12. Maybe you have a 3dfx card? If so that is prolly the issue, the "prtscrn" is taking pics of the first card's screen while the action is going on with the second (3dfx) card screen. I've seen that happen with other games. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  13. GREAT post btw, if I may offer a couple of uninformed, easily ignored opinions. While I do feel you guys are correct, I also feel that the game also makes german tanks cheaper (points wise) than they should be, or maybe I should say that Amis tanks are more expensive than they should be. The same (IMHO) is true for Ami artillery and airpower. Maybe the more accurate statement is that Allies should have (a lot)more points allotted to them the majority of the time. Hmm I think I'm straying a little from the great posts that you all have made, my point really being that if German tanks are made better their costs should increase since I don't believe the costs are modeled correctly either. Thanks for your time, Chris ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki [This message has been edited by Banshee (edited 08-30-2000).] [This message has been edited by Banshee (edited 08-30-2000).]
  14. Thats was my plant!! Darn kids! I'm up for a 1 turn a day pbem, would like 1000 pt games i'll play either side. Never done a pbem so you might have to bear with me! chris@covatron.com ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  15. Great minds must think alike! I had just uploaded a meeting engagement around Paderborn last night as well called "Paderborn Panic". I'll have to try yours out I'm sure it is much superior to mine. Mine hasnt shown up on the combatHQ directory yet, not sure why not. Just thought it interesting that we came up with the same idea for a scenario. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  16. Damn I just did all that work on a meeting engagement outside Paderborn, called "Paderborn Panic", and I uploaded last night. Now today I find out WB has one out too! Doh! ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  17. I've actually noticed this too but I have yet to test it thoroughly to figure out if I'm just being paranoid. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  18. In Citizen Soldiers by Stephen Ambrose, he mentions the German tactic of sending in armored cars to draw fire and then retreat. While the tactic of sending in units to draw fire is sound , the way your friend is actually employing the units is gamey.IMHO, Recon forces in a "move to contact" scenario would move in short rushes from cover to cover with overwatch. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by guachi: I highly recommend that players slow down their pace of play, it really adds to the game. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In one other thread BTS (Steve or Charles can't remember which) stated that they thought many people tried to do too much during one turn. After reading that I tried doing things the "right" way(slower, more recon, covering flanks more, etc) and have found that my winning percentage has increased dramatically. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  20. I would love some really good detailed maps and pictures of small (battalion and smaller) battles, they do seem quite rare. The army site had a few slim pickings, I'll have to check out these book recommendations, but not too many of them are in bookstores. These type of books are really ones you have to browse first. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  21. Everytime I play CM my computer stays on mysteriously till 4 am and I'm always late for work. Could you patch the game and make it less entertaining. Just point the game exe to the uninstaller and maybe I wont get fired. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  22. I think this has been discussed before, The solution that was presented that I thought was best was If a VF was taken or in contention in the last couple of turns the Game will extend for 5 more rounds and then end no matter what. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  23. If you changed the topic from : "Topic: Stuff promised and not in yet" to "Topic: Stuff we never thought of and yet they put it in anyways" this topic would be much larger. IMHO, I think BTS should freeze CM as is and work on the expansion pack and CM2. ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys: Take Andreas for example... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes someone take him, please, lol j/k.. (In the vein of Take my wife, Please!) ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
  25. When already under bombardment there is little you can do, since you were in foxholes staying put might have been a better answer, but it is a tough call. One thing to try is a "reverse slope" defense which would keep you from being directly seen by the artillery observer which make any incoming arty less accurate. If you use the search function you will see some posts better explaining a "reverse slope" defense. Just my .02 ------------------ Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki
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