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Posts posted by Splinty

  1. I'll chime in on this one,I'm going through this as I type,I've waited at least 5 mins. for a strike that said it would splash in 3 mins. My FO doesn't have a direct LOS to the target so this seems to show that LOS does seem make a differance in the amount of time the rounds take to impact. I'm guessing this simulates the amount of time it takes the FO to do his calculations and map reading and then pass them up the line to the firing batteries so they can do the same and then get the shot off.


    Nicht Schiessen!!

  2. Shatter I think your idea to post your Grandfather's stories is a great idea,what a great way to honor the memory of the men who fought in the blooodiest struggle in human history. My father fought with the British 8th Army in North Africa and Italy and I know he will feel priveledged to put his story along side your Grandfather's and the stories of all the other brave men who fought so hard and suffered so much .


    Nicht Schiessen!!

  3. I don't think having formation commands for either infantry or armor is out of CM's scope at all as long as the commands are limited to platoon level. It is part of the platoon leaders job to assign movement formations in his op order or frag order and to change them on the fly when needed and circumstances permit. Especially when we're talking vehicles, I mean that's what radios are for (or flag signals). Anyway just my .02$


    Nicht Schiessen!!

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