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Everything posted by Spike

  1. I agree.. I think the battle for berlin would be a fantastic battle to recreate!!!
  2. Hello, I am having a minor problem with WIN2K and CM. After upgrading my OS to WIN2K the barrels on some machine guns and tanks are solid white!!! Has anyone else had any problems with this??? Is there a cure or fix? Please let me know. The game operates fine... I just have white barrels..... Thank, Spike Out!
  3. I remember the last proposed RPG..... It would have been beautiful!!! It would have taken forever with the PBEM sys... Now that we have the TCP/IP patch it would be a lot faster... Anyway i just wanted to see who would be interested in another attempt at an RPG, Combat Mission Style!!! I have a really cool idea for one and I am developing it now. I just wanted to post this and see if you and your buddies would like to play in it. Because i hate to go through all this work just to have no one play it !!! So post here if you are interested... Also one more thing... Does anyone remember the Game master for the last RPG??? Does anyone have his email? Please send it to me if you do!!! Spike Out! http://www.geocities.com/scenario_archive/
  4. Thanks for all the support guys! It really keeps me going!!I can not wait to get it all done and then finding a ptogram to automatically update the site with scenarios that the users upload! That would be nice!! Okay once again i have updates the site!!! Take a gander at: http://www.geocities.com/scenario_archive/ Spike Out!
  5. Please send it to me.. I would like to see the entire map and give it a whirl! Spike Out!
  6. I would love to try it as well.. Please send to me... Thanks Spike out!
  7. Well Cm'ers.. I got emails from a lot of Authors this weekend. I posted and linked a lot of files/sites. Drop by and check it out. I got ahold of Marko, He did a lot of the ASL scenarios, he email me all of the scenarios and got them on the site for you! Swing by and check it out!!! http://www.geocities.com/scenario_archive/ Spike Out!
  8. Progress is going well on the site and aa lot of the authors i have emailed... Have given their consent to host or link their scenarios... I have a lot of "beautifing" ideas for the site but have opted to get all the scenarios on the site ASAP. I figure we can always polish the site a little bit at a time!!! Thanks for all yor support and i hope that http://www.geocities.com/scenario_archive/ becomes a helpful site to everyone!!! If you have some spare time and would like to help out please email me!! Thanks, Spike Out!
  9. Hello all... I have installed a list bot on the Scenario Archive!! That way you can get notified as soon as we update the site!!!! I have gotten quite of email back from the authors i email last night and the response has been positive and encouraging! Thanks to all the authors and to you for supporting this!!! Spike Out!
  10. Hello All, Well the project has begun! Please surf to http://www.geocities.com/scenario_archive/ It will be a long road of emailing and updates but when it gets done it will be grand indeed!!!! Thanks to the authors that have replied to my email already and thanks to Admiral Keth and to Griffin!!!! I kow the site is rough looking... not much graphics... but hang in there it will get better!! Spike Out!
  11. Sounds great!!!! please email me a copy to: rhodes89@hotmail.com Thanks a bunch! Spike Out!
  12. Sure i would like it to... I clicked you link, i think it is broken!
  13. Okay everyone!!!! Check this out... I have set up a VERY basic site... I think this will work for all of us, please i am acking for help and comments here.. Click on the link below.. go to the site and look around. I used 2 examples here... one was AACHEN which you can now download from the site(JUST FOR AN EXAMPLE) and the second is "Another Road in France" this scenario was created by ECHO! this one... since i have not gotten in contact with him.. i liked it.. go to the site and you will see... Please let me know what you think!!! Spike Out! http://www.geocities.com/scenario_archive/
  14. Berlichtingen, I understand what you are saying, and by no means have i intended to step on toes or take a jab at anyone intentionally. If anyone got offended by my letters please forgive me. The Admiral and I just have CM and all the gamers best interest at heart! I am going to put together a sample web site.. of just a couple of options that i propose... I will take my ideas and combine them with Admirals, using the limitations all of you have put on this. Then you can let me know if the idea is okay.... Spike Out!
  15. Well i certainly did not mean to turn the COMBAT-MISSION world upside down. I only intended to help and provide a service to everyone. I did not mean to take glory away from individual websites... In fact if i write the pages, i would offer them to all the sites... That way no matter what site a person went to the scenarios (or link) would be there. I certainly did not mean to turn this into a Jihad. I think Admiral Keth and i were on the same wave length.. We just wanted a web page with ALL the scenarios and ops on it.. A one stop shopping spree so to speak . Wouldn't that be nice? I also like the Links idea... Problem is... what do we do when that link breaks or the web site where the scenario is being held goes away? I wanted to do something nice, a service to the CM universe, but you know what... there is to much red tape forming here.... I guess i will hang onto the scenarios and ops i have and just keep downloading them from here and there as i see them... Maybe some day we can figure this out and put pride aside and work for the common good. I think the dedicated sites that are out there right now are terrific. Keep up the good work and keep the scenarios current!!! Spike Out
  16. Okay guys... did not know that the mega pack was out there... But i was thinking of listing the individual senarios on the site for download. If i can help you Admiral w/ your project... Please let me know! Spike
  17. Hello fellow CM'ers!!! I have downloaded a lot of scenarios and i really like the CM database. I feel however that we need one archive site to store ALL of them That way all of the CM players now and in the future will have a place to upload and download scenarios. I will be glad to do a site like this, but i will need some help. I have a lot of scenarios now, but to be honest with you i am not sure who wrote them all. So i am asking you to email me all of the scenarios. That way i will archive the scenarios i am sent and i will not have people yelling at me because i did not ask there permission to post them. Please give me you feedback and ideas! I will need some help with graphic work. Some banners and buttons and so forth if interesed please drop me a line. at rhodes89@hotmail.com Thanks, Mike
  18. Hello all you CM fanatics!!! It is the greatest game of all time! A HUGE thanks to BTS!!! I am sure this game has caused many divorces and breakups!! LOL I do have a serious question though.... I have been playing CM for a while and can not get tired of it but, When can we expect to see CM2? I have not been reading the boards lately and am not sure if i missed a posting about this. Any info would be great! A big shout out to James Thomas in Schinnen!!!!!
  19. May i have a copy of it as well please? I appreciate it!! Spike
  20. Stalin, below are some great links to CM sites... I downloaded the files that your talking about from one of these sites... Sorry to say i do not know what the name was.. Mike http://www.geocities.com/alla_keefek/ http://www.afv-uk.net/cmoutpost/ http://www.combatmission.com/mods/mods.asp http://cm.slp.pl/download.html http://home.germany.net/101-77027/CM/International.html http://geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html http://home.germany.net/101-77027/CM/International.html http://pages.prodigy.net/bogart69/ http://www.angelfire.com/ak5/TheLastDefense/index.html http://homepage.eircom.net/~holdit/ :confused: :confused:
  21. Terence, could you email these to me as well? I would appreciate it!! Thanks alot, Mike
  22. Hello all! Recently on this BB i saw a post for the CM scenario database. I downloaded it and found it to be a great tool. My system recently crashed and i have lost it. Can some one please provide me with a link to download it or email it to me please.. Thanks a lot, Spike rhodes89@hotmail.com
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