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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Michael, Thank you i have copied down the URL's and am going to take a look here in a minute. Actually though i received an email from you on Wednesday, April 25, 2001 and you enquired about submitting your scenarios to the online form so i assumed that it was okay to post your material. Griffn Cheng never forward me any material from you though.. I do thank you for your public permission here and i will go ahead and update The Archive with your scenarios. A big thank you! Spike...Out!
  2. Hello Everyone: Well tonight is a great night... I have completed all the letters of the alphabet. A thru Z baby!!! Lots of scenarios now available to everyone in the CM community. Soon i will begin on the ops!! Now here comes the question to you. I have sent out numerous emails to all of the authors listed on the site!! 3 or 4 each... For the ones still not linked or archived i have received no response. This leads me to the following conclusions: 1) That they really do not care about my efforts or don't care if i link or archive the scenarios. 2) To lazy or busy to write me back. 3) Have not checked their email. Conclusion 2 and 3 are hard for me to believe, so thatleave me with number 1. So here is the moral question... Do i leave their scenario listed on the site? Do i delete it? Or if i have the scenarios, just archive them with out permission? Now think about this before you add feedback here.. Remember several emails over the last 2 months have been sent out to the authors. Don't you think that they could have responded by now? I will be honest with everyone here. I would like to just go ahead and link or archive all the scenarios! However, i want a group decision, one that we are all happy with. Just like when the question came up before, when everyone attacked Admiral Keth and i about the mega scenario pack. So once again i stand before the forum with the best of intentions. Do i serve the greater good by providing all the scenarios i have to the CM community or do i delete the remaining authors who have not responded? Lets get some feedback going folks! The site i am working on is for all of you so i would like some feedback.. Thanks for your time. Spike... Out!
  3. Another update at the Archive!! Marko Pelan has created another 4 masterpiece's for you to enjoy. He wants some help testin them. So head over to the Paytest page. Some of them have been reworked and some are brand new. They are: Decision at La Gleize Beast at Bay (reworked) The Bridge at Cheneux (reworked) Scotland the Brave (reworked) Please give him some feedback!! Spike
  4. Hello eveyone!! Some more updates to report! I have added four brand new scenarios to the playtersters page/ Mr. Johnson contributed three of them. they are: 1) 25 pounder 2) Arras 3) Antieam Ramor also sent me a scenarios entitled: 1) Gotterdammerung all look great! Thanks guys!!! Please make sure to give the authors some feedback as well! They work long and hard to create these for us.. The least we could do is give 5 minutes of our time and email them some feedback!!! Thanks alot! Spike Out!
  5. A big update this time folks!!! I added the letters "S" & "T" to the archive today!! Lots of great scenarios for everyone to download and enjoy! I am also glad to report that we were able to take a scenario Off of "MIA" status!! Received an email from Strider and he gave me permission to Archive "Brits Move Forward." I did receive a negative email though... It seems that everyone who has visited and downloaded the new scenarios off of the playtesters page have not been giving the authors feedback. That page serves 2 purposes! One is for the author to reach many people to test the scenario . Two, if for the people who want to playtest to download the scenario and SEND FEEDBACK TO THE AUTHOR. Please folks, support these authors. They work hard to give us all great scenarios. The least we can do is take 5 to 10 minutes and give them some feedback! Enjoy the site and the scenarios! Spike
  6. Once again some emails drifted in and allowed me to update the site and arcvhive the following scenarios: A Polish Tragedy Kommerscheidt Night Train Graveyard Head On Nam Mission Also, The "Debut of the Jagdtiger" scenarios has been reworked by the author Keith Schur!!! So hurry to the site and download the new version!!!! Thanks for the continued support! Spike Out!
  7. Hello Everyone, Once again the site have been Updated. The following scenarios we added today: Captue of Balta Chess Elite Forest Dwellers Going to Town Hell on HorseShoe Hill Meyers Decision 1 Meyers Decision 2 Meyers Decision 3 Over Hill Over Dale Polder Bridge Ride of the Valkyries Act 1 Rock Quarry Stop by the site and download them!!! Spike Out!
  8. Hello, This looks very interesting! I would like to look at it a bit more.. Please send a url when it is completed!! Thanks, Spike Out!
  9. Hello everyone! The Archive has been updates again. Lots of scenarios have been added and i have also added a page where scenario authors can email me their scenarios and i will post them. This well allow willing playtester to download your scenario and provide you valuable feedback on your scenario!!! Swing by The Archive and check it out!! Spike Out!
  10. are you refering to Mods? Mods are replacement bmps that replace the original bmps in the CM game. There are tons out there for tanks, infantry etc... Check out Manx's site: http://www.combat-missions.net/mods.asp there are a lot of CM site out there that have mods... Check out: http://nav.webring.yahoo.com/hub?ring=combatmission&id=10&list this lists all the sites on the CM webring... just go to the individual site and look around for mods!!! Spike Out!
  11. Hello everyone!!! I have exciting news.. Marco Pelan the author of the really popular ASL/CM series has decided to go and rework his scenarios... He email me his first updated scenario entitled: ASL-CM KG Peiper- Cheneux.cmb I have uploaded the new scenario on the the site and is now available for download!! Now that i finished uploading it to the net for eveyone, i am going close out and play it!!! Spike Out! http://www.geocities.com/scenario_archive/
  12. Hello everyone! I am starting the process of creating a strategic map of the Dutch province of limburg for my upcoming RPG. I really do not have a lot of experience making CM battle maps and one that i reall need is a huge city map... Could anyone help out?? all help is appreciated.. Spike Out!
  13. I would like to try it as well! Thanks Spike Out!
  14. Surf to: http://www.geocities.com/scenario_archive this will help you find what scenario you are looking for and direct you a CM sight for download.. Spike OUt!
  15. Appreciate all the help you all!!! Thanks, Spike Out!
  16. Sure... I'll try it! send it my way!! Thanks, Spike Out!
  17. The site has been updated again! Check out the upcoming RPG.. Looking for players for both sides and assistant GM's!!! Spike Out! http://www.geocities.com/scenario_archive/
  18. Check the following site!!! It is awesome... Dont know if they have what your looking for... but the have tones of info and pics!! http://www.euronet.nl/users/wilfried/ww2/ww2.htm Spike out!
  19. I have a voodoo 5500 viseo card w/ the latest drivers... also have directx 8.0 The whit barrels happen all the time which is okay if i am playing a snowy battle but look stupis in the summer one. I am really just glad that CM operates correctly and i do not have any major problems with it! But i would like to resolve the "white barrel" issue!!! Thanks a lot, Spike Out!
  20. The easist thing to do is upzip them to your descktop then cut & paste them to your D:\Program Files\CMBO\Scenarios directory!! Start the game and you should be set!!! Spike Out!
  21. Well i updated it again today... another 16 scenarios went up on the site. Plus some more links... Check it out! http://www.geocities.com/scenario_archive/
  22. Hello All, The Scenario Archive has been updated. http://www.geocities.com/scenario_archive/ Spike Out
  23. Does anyone use the COCAT system? I D/L it from one of the CM sites. It is really cool! I just wish i could figure out how to make my own maps on it? Does anyone know???? Spike Out!
  24. Hello all... I am looking for the game master from the last RPG! His email was: CMRPG@hotmail.com Does anybody remember his name or have a valid email address? I am trying to get a RPG going for all of us here.. But i would like to talk with him and get some advice.. If i do not hear from him, i will simply have to try my best!!! Interested in playing? Let me know!! Spike Out!
  25. WOW!!! I guess no one is interested i an RPG.... What gives? Spike Out!
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