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Posts posted by Ellros

  1. I have to agree that the Ai will also do that. I watched the surviving squad of a German platoon run towards a house (and into the teeth of fire from a .30cal, 3 infantry squads, a platoon HQ, and company HQ). The House was the nearest physical cover (and housing my .30cal and platoon HQ), even though the german could have retreated back over a hill and out of sight. Needless to say, the german squad was wiped out just short of the house.

    I can't see it as an assault charge, as it was outnumbered over 4 to 1.

  2. One thing to remember about Adcritic.com, is that a lot of their ads are not shown on normal television. They are spoofs. Meant to be taken lightly. Hence, I seriously doubt we'd see the Jim Beam commercial during Prime hours (even though wouoldn't it be something to see during the Super Bowl?).

  3. Modern aircraft mg's are often in gatling configuration, which helps keep the heat down. Other aircraft cannon which are not usually have a much lower rate of fire. And you have to remember, WW2 pilots were told to fire short bursts. If they held their finger down on the trigger too long, jams were the normal result.

    As for man-carried mg's, virtually all of today's weapons are designed so the barrel can be changed out very quickly, since sustained fire burns barrels out quite rapidly.

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