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Everything posted by MikeJ

  1. argh! don't confuse me like this, i expected this to be a topic about close assaults! come on guys, i'm just a college student, help me out a little...
  2. thought i'd contribute this one a friend of mine mailed me when i told her i was joining up, she says it's called The Tough Marine At the end of the night a Marine leaves a bar. Outside he sees a nun. He walks over to her and slaps her in the face. Then he punches her in the stomach and knocks her over. He proceeds to kick her several times and when he's done he bends down to her and says, "Not as tough as a Marine, are you Batman?"
  3. Well, I saw it Friday night, all I can say it was absolutely incredible! I went to the 12:30 am showing and was afraid I would fall asleep; by the time we got out of there a little after 3 i was wide awake, it's that good. The acting and dialogue is great, and even though I obviously knew what was going to happen it still managed to build suspense. Also got to see trailers for Pearl Harbor and Enemy at the Gates. Gates should be awesome, i hope they don't screw it up, and they better not butcher Pearl Harbor...
  4. Thanks for the info Old Crow, I didn't know about that. Do you know if it was the fault of the weapon itself or just improper handling? (i would guess it's the latter...) And no jeff, i wasn't implying they should just blow every ship out of the water, just pointing out that because of this strange-sounding regulation, it is possible that if the threat were recognized there may not have been enough time to react.
  5. Ciao! Sounds like a good idea to me, too bad my Italian accent is no good, this damn Rhode Island one gets in the way. It screws with my French as well unfortunately... but anyways, buona fortuna amico!
  6. I'm not sure if this is actually true or not but my father works over at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Newport much of the time and he has heard that the men standing watch did not even have loaded rifles (due to a lack of funds and/or training). So if that is true, no amount of security precautions could have possibly made any difference...
  7. Fortunately M$ didn't get the Myth franchise, so there's still hope, keep the faith a bit longer my brothers! Personally I can't wait, Myth I was one of the best games I have ever played IMHO
  8. Thank you, I'm still waiting on the waiver, and even though the Marines is my first choice, I would be glad to discuss other options Only problem right now is it still hurts to talk for any length of time, hopefully i'll be pretty much recovered by tomorrow or sunday though... Major, my main question about being accepted by another branch is that when I go to sign up I'll have to answer yes to the question, "Have you ever been rejected from military service?" Do you know if that would kill my chances? Thanks again to you and everyone that replied to this thread, this is a great community here
  9. Heya Warmaker, sorry for the long delay in response, but I had to go and get my wisdom teeth yanked out... haha So what made me want to join? Well, I guess part of it is kind of bred into me; just about every man on my mom's side of the family has been in the military going back to WWI, which is i think when they first came to the US. Originally I wanted to be a pilot in the Air Force, but with my vision that's obviously out of the question. Then one of my friends joined up with the Marines (he was a DEPer our senior year), so at graduation I had him introduce me to his recruiter, and that kinda got the ball rolling. I've done some research into the Corps and I have a tremendous amount of respect for everyone that wears that uniform, and I would love to be a part of that. Also, not to brag or anything, but I basically breezed through high school and got good grades without having to totally dedicate myself to it (with a few exceptions). However, I know that the Marines will be a huge challenge for me, and I'm confident I can make it through the training with enough dedication, but I kind of want to push myself and see how far I can go (hopefully that makes sense, i'm still on some painkillers here hehe). Finally, the Marines are having the least amount of trouble with maintaing morale and keeping all their equipment functioning, so that makes sense too... Anyways, this has gone on pretty long, so I'll sign off for now
  10. Thanks for the reply Tom, I'm hoping to either get infantry, intelligence, or security forces, assuming I can get them to let me in. I knew about the eye thing from years ago, if I had perfect vision I would probably be at the AFA not URI, but who knows... My eyes do correct to 20/20 so I shouldn't have had a problem getting a waiver, unless they screwed the test up at boston MEPS. And as far as I know the Marines don't accept any type of eye corrective surgery, but maybe this changed recently and Gunny Yeatman just didn't know about it. Thanks again!
  11. Wow, I was expecting maybe 3 or 4 replies but not 15! Thanks a lot for all your responses, they've give me some ideas, plus hope that just maybe I can beat this thing even though all the recruiters have given up. You're right about them being aholes though, and the really sad thing is that compared to the Army guys, the Marine ones are really trustworthy! Anyways, thanks again, I'll post if I have any more questions for you all
  12. Hi all, I haven't been to this forum in months (been busy at college) but last time I was here I remember there were a lot of former and active military personnel. Anyways, my question is, do any of you have experience with overturning a permanent medical disqual? I want to join the Marine Corps, but when I took my physical in June, they told me my eyesight was too bad and I've have to get waivers even though my vision is 20/20 with glasses or contacts. I got all the paperwork done and submitted, but the waiver was not granted. This is basically total BS because another applicant who has worse vision than I do was given waivers. Anyways, the recruiters have basically written me off by now, but I don't want to give up. I have gotten in touch with my congressman's office, but who knows if that will do any good. If any of you vets out there have any advice of have dealt with this before, I would really appreciate any help you could give me. Thanks -Mike Juscyk Semper Fi
  13. Hey Devil Dog, welcome aboard! To answer your question, this feature is not available yet, but has been requested by many. With any luck it might make it into an eventual patch (hopefully before CM2!). I know there's some more discussion about this, so run a search and you should get plenty of stuff to read over (assuming the search function is working right... heh). again, welcome to the board!
  14. I also agree, this type of flame war is totally unnecessary here.
  15. hey robo. the way i see it, the issue isn't really about the TacAI knowing when to leave, it's more of the player having a very general idea of how damanged a building is. That way the player (NOT the AI) can make a more informed decision.
  16. I've never seen the show myself, but as a fellow Rhode Islander, I gotta throw my support to Rich! And btw, not everyone from RI is that evil... or are we? muahahahahaha Oh, and Mat great pic. I wish i'd taken a screen shot of the poor King Tigers getting demolished by my Jacksons...
  17. Thanks for the reply, and yes i do realize that fanatics do not carry over from battle to battle, but pg 77 and 117 of the manual strongly suggest that a unit will be fanatic for the duration of the scenario. Personally, I haven't really noticed any fanatical behavior, so I just thought it could be useful if after the scenario the game told me which of my troops (if any) were fanatics. That would basically let me say "ohhh, no wonder that squad was acting like it did!" and in the future it'd (hopefully) be a little easier for me to recognize fanatical squads. I admit this is a really minor point, but i was just curious.
  18. Hi all, I've been reading the forum for quite some time, but almost never post, probably because I don't actually know very detailed info about WW2 (plus, i like lurking near cesspools, you hear the strangest things in them sometimes). Anyways, I do have a question for all you grognards out there: how often do you have fanatic troops? Also, how easy are they to spot? I've only played against the AI to this point, and I'm never sure if I have one or not (it seems that for the most part when a squad does something "fanatical" like charge an entrenched .50 cal MG without orders, it gets chewed to pieces before I can even tell if the unit will break or not). Would there perhaps be a way for BTS to let the player know exactly which units were fanatical in the AAR report (kind of like in Sid Meier's Gettysburg AAR)? that way you would not be able to use them in gamey ways, yet still benefit from that knowledge in future games. Thanks, and sorry for the long post.
  19. heh, it appears that other than Ryan, the only ones that have posted to that thread are from this forum. Still, the replies were all mature and well put, so hopefully others are reading the thread even if they don't post replies.
  20. That could definitely be useful, but on the other hand if you are firing on a building with an enemy squad (or AT tank) you may wish to keep firing to make sure once and for all that it's eliminated. Maybe a firing option here would be possible?
  21. darn, beat me by 5 mins Pat! Enjoy your reward (just hope it isn't a huge weight dropped on your head)
  22. NTG84, I would think that one would normally want to conserve ammo for use on military targets, especially considering that it was a pre-emptive strike designed to completely destroy our Pacific Fleet... Actually, it doesn't matter to me whether the movie is terrible or not anyways, I don't think we'll be seeing it in boot camp!
  23. Hey, welcome aboard Jarhead, I usually read these boards, but almost never post to them. You will definitely love this game, especially if you like any kind of strategy at all, and even if you don't normally like wargames. I would love to "kick a former Marine's butt", but being a future Marine I don't know if that would be such a good idea if you want to set up a PBEM game when you finally get your copy, email me at thetrumpetman@home.com again, welcome aboard!
  24. Hi, I am joining the Marine Reserves next summer (after my freshman year at URI is done with) and so I was very interested in your comments on mortar crews serving in the same role as "regualar" infantry. I was just wondering if I could perhaps ask you a few questions about the Corps? I want to find out as much as I can before I go off to basic, although the more I think about it the more I know I want to be a Marine. Anyways, if you could email me (thetumpetman@home.com) I'd appreciate that alot, thanks! -Mike
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