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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Er, he got you to send a ceasefire when you had it in the bag, didn't he? That counts as a win around these parts, pardner.
  2. You would kinda have to ignore Napoleon. Can't post the link, no parenthesis in tags allowed.
  3. Pretty good numbers here on wiki. Scroll down a bit and it has number served by country. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties#Casualties_by_country The CBI just gets no respect though.
  4. Assuming you're just looking for US? Just Army, doesn't include Navy or Air Force.
  5. I'd let them give supply at the very least, and not just to minors. Would work it among major allies too. I don't care how much you don't like some German or Italian General running the front, you're going to eat the chow when it shows up. As for the combat bonus, I'd tie it to the rating of the HQ, but say half for a ballpark figure. Better rating then could reflect a more diplomatically inclined HQ. Btw, all very nice to point out the minor HQ's in the build list, but has anybody ever bothered to build one?
  6. Neither do I. But would it act and re-act better than it would without a HQ at all? Yes. Unquestionably yes.
  7. As I recall, a HQ is supposed to represent the full range of benefits of such an organization, not just the "name" at the top. Supply and some sort of bonus for minors nearby should be in there. Would have been an better fix than giving Egypt it's very own, imho.
  8. Hey Rolend, just poking ya a bit. Did you ever read Steel Victory : The Heroic Story of America's Independent Tank Battalions at War in Europe ? Written by one of our very own board members. Shermans sucked in comparison to Germany's best, but they didn't suck that bad.
  9. Worse. But for it's time, not as bad as you'd think as it predated the Sherman. Opening Salvo: Carro Armato M13/40 I apologize for the Axis & Allies site in advance, but it's a pretty good write up by a Sergeant Major.
  10. So even with over 3000 planes/ month being delivered in September of 1944 they simply had no fuel to fly! </font>
  11. Some. Most of the nation had a different viewpoint. Think they were called the North. Er, most of the native population was wiped out by disease long before the Indian Wars even really got going. And the Indian Wars were never even close to the scale of what we're talking about for a genocide. Gee, that works out to killing 397 Indians a year. And the buggers were shooting back to boot. So if you want to call it a genocide, think it was the most unsuccessful, slow moving one in history. Now back away from the VCR, and throw the "Dancing with Wolves" tape away.
  12. And even the toy has a bottle. Life is so cruel sometimes.
  13. Ok, NGCavscout. Don't be looking at that other photo but you can look at this one. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'm pretty sure it hasn't any pork in it.
  14. Tells the guy in Iraq he has both bourbon and pork sausages. See all you SSN's out there? This, this is how a master works.
  15. I know. But they're all eggshells with hammers really. Sherman, not great, but good enough. Better than a Pzkw IV anyway. Now there was an old design.
  16. Take out the bump to readiness at the very least. Then you can at least justify taking Denmark for the port. Also, Iceland shouldn't contribute anything to the Allies other than a place for the Bomber.
  17. Then you would have chosen wrong. Besides, the choice is really between you and your buddies sitting in five halfway decent tanks or you sitting in one ubertank while your buddies get shot. Then you getting shot later.
  18. Granted, but you can get better numbers even off of wiki. That site was terrible. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_production_during_World_War_II
  19. But not a good one. Even the production numbers are flawed. Producing what? A Brewster Buffalo or T-26 counts the same as a P-51 or JS-3.
  20. http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/weapons_and_manpower.htm See that and someone tell me how Germany had a chance to win? </font>
  21. Bugger. Well, at least it cost you somfink. Frenchies get hit hard. Tank, Army and AF gone. Paris is due for a parade next turn. In the Med, well, it's the Italian Navy being run by a Dane. The less said, the better…
  22. Pilot training. If you've ever read the war logs, the LW accident rate was horrific towards the end.
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