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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Very nice. Now make it affect the Allies too. I'd say all the North African cities should be affected, but not Egypt proper. For Egypt, add in a Crete effect, would help put Greece in play. What's good for the goose is good for the gander after all.
  2. Easy, the Brits... but they actually get something for the taxes they pay </font>
  3. Why no Malta effect for Tunis yet we get one for the rest of Africa? Seems odd, it's a heck of a lot closer to the island than Tobruk.
  4. Why no Malta effect for Tunis yet we get one for the rest of Africa? Seems odd, it's a heck of a lot closer to the island than Tobruk. Whoops, other forum ---->
  5. Yep, I took both cities. It was trying to get the last one that did me in. Never saw a HQ for Torch. Doesn't mean he wasn't there though, as I didn't push past the invasion city. Giving it another try with a different strategy now.
  6. Whew, you would have thought the 4th was a German holiday. Anybody got any beer left?
  7. Well, I got up to the end of summer 45. Allies did a Torch, was beaten back by the Italians. UK did a landing around Antwerp, didn't get it and were killed with no supply. Also did the Trondheim invasion, same story. US did Brest and did well. Has now taken Paris, forcing a withdrawal to the Siegfried Line. Anything Axis is just bomber bait. And Russia, well, Russia was like playing handball with a wall. effing relentless. I was sooo close. Driving on the last capital when it all came unglued. Think I could hold out for a stalemate, but I'm not going to win this one. Excellent work Timskorn, and I'm ready for 2.2.
  8. Check photo 3. Swedes are playing a different game...
  9. Eh, what the hey. http://msn.foxsports.com/soccer/pgStory?contentId=5676192
  10. My apologies, this is the one. http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/8798 S&T and SPI, god I'm getting old...
  11. If you can find it, look for SSI's old Winter War boardgame. OOB and stuff all there for you. I'd dig mine out for ya, but it's over at dalem's.
  12. Think I see the fatal flaw here. Most of this lot will be ready for action 10 minutes after they're asleep.
  13. Er, Retributar, if you're going to agree with me, do me a favor and don't follow it by posting something from the fever swamp, m'kay? http://watch.pair.com/ Sheesh
  14. Didn't say that. Just think there's better examples. Sand Creek, for instance.
  15. Er, about Wounded Knee... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wounded_Knee_Massacre Not a massacre, unless you believe a general who had a grudge against a subordinate. Also, eyewitness accounts, written by the Sioux. http://www.pbs.org/weta/thewest/resources/archives/eight/wklakota.htm http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/knee.htm Who started firing first? We'll never know. But think it's pretty clear the Sioux were trying to hide weapons. And once the shooting starts...
  16. How about re-naming it Long Range Bombardment and redoing the unit markers? Level 0-1 - truck mounted stalin organ or nebulwerfer or whatever. Level 2-3 - tracked self propelled arty. Level 4-5 - existing rocket icon. Or somfink.
  17. Well, "Death Trap" tends to sell a lot of books. Stalin has a good point though, not all Sherman losses were due to uberkitties. The more mundane things like AT guns, mines, panzerfausts, or just sliding off a mountain road tend to get overlooked.
  18. Not really, the moron did lose. Napoleon is the poster boy for "Absolute power corrupts" . He was a decent man before he became emperor and did some amazing reforms for France that are seen throughout the world today in every country. But he though of himself as invincible as he became more powerfull. </font>
  19. Er, no it didn't. Which was my point. And the attacking force did notice the difference.
  20. Thank god she's better looking than you. Not bad, actually. A few more years and I may want to have a word with her about some things...</font>
  21. Stroll through Paris put on hold. Took a nice walk through abandoned Maginot Line instead.
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