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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lars

  1. I have done the same thing but I never bothered with the Sub tech as Germany already starts out with one. I use the points for long range fighter and more subs and air fleets. Operating under air cover based by Brest your subs are about invulnerable to attack in the demo. Allied counters would be their own long range fighters and bombers. It does leave England rather open for a late Sealion as all their points are going to deal with the sub scourge. The Brits are going to have a rough time of it until the US comes in. Try taking Greece with the Italians if you're not going to bother with Egypt.
  2. But they are going to join you anyway. Why bother? You are losing three corps and four or five armies and ticking off the U.S.
  3. Not only the brits warned them. Stalin was too paranoid to believe his own spies.
  4. Shy, retiring, gentle and in general, friendly. Kind of like sheep. But you're going to need a stepladder.
  5. At this scale every hex has a suitable beach. It was one of the things I didn't like about Third Reich.
  6. Thinking about it a bit more, I think the automatic destruction of a port after capture would be an good simple fix. It would make it easy to get in but hard to get out. Would take care of the one turn invasion of Sweden or Greece as it would take awhile to get your units out and make you think about them being stuck there until the port was repaired. As I recall, the Germans did quite the job on Cherbourg and Antwerp. Really screwed up the Allies logistics. I don't think the Brits would have just handed a port over to the Germans either. And on a side note, the Russians destroy the cities and mines, but don't bother destroying the ports, very strange.
  7. I think that was hubert's design call to balance amphibious landings. If they didn't have to wait a turn to unload at the beach your navy and airforce wouldn't get a crack at them. And a port is a port after all, you should be able to unload quickly there. I like Immer's idea of less readiness, perhaps couple it with no movement or attack after landing to reflect the beach battle and to give the defender a chance to react. Not having the full version it's tough to say where the balance lies. Does anybody know if the Germans destroy the ports after D-Day? Perhaps a port should be randomly razed after capture.
  8. Perhaps a better and easier fix would be to raise the cost of transport and then add another tech for amphibious assault/shipping to help reduce it. Then, if multiple landings are your thing, you have a way of doing it, otherwise you'll just have to save up the MPP's if you only want to do one or two.
  9. I think they would have gone after the Allies too.
  10. If hackers are such nice people how come they never hack into our mortgage bankers or credit card companies and wipe the slate clean? Don't let the peckerheads get you down Hubert and keep up the good work!
  11. All besides the point lads, what would you propose to fix it is the real question. Keep in mind that surprise invasions were carried out in WWII. Do you really want to totally remove the option?
  12. Thank god he wasn't Australian. We'd never hear the end of it.
  13. Old&Slow, I think it's the choice you have to make. Leave one fighter group behind and put up a token defense or put four in France with long range fighter and go after those bombers. That can make it costly for the English. [ July 07, 2002, 07:37 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]
  14. That’s about equally far for everybody, I’ll go. How would I go about getting a bottle of your vino here in the Minneapolis area if I can’t make it? I don’t recall seeing it at Surdyk’s.
  15. It's not that rare actually. And it's only a hour until they let me out of here. Look out lake, here I come.
  16. Thanks for the clarification Hubert. Your reasoning is what I suspected was the case.
  17. How is having to raise them at home and pay to Op move them to the city a benefit? You can build one at the foreign city after moving the garrison off so there is no difference as far as the actual unit. I don't know how it plays out as a game balance issue but it will make it more costly in time and MPPs to quickly reinforce a threatened city. Was this your intent?
  18. And build more. They are cheaper than any other naval unit.
  19. I agree. It bothers me more that I have to move my unit off of a city that I've captured in order to build a new one.
  20. 0 bytes. What would be the clue that the setup you sent wasn't going to work? Maybe you should try a scenario. Arty Fest '45 perhaps?
  21. They seem to do fine with no supply. Of course, you don't get the combat bonus from the HQ and you can't reinforce. But, if a unit gets too damaged(down to 3 or less) I move it back to the HQ to rebuild or use it to garrison until the HQ catches up. Haven't tried anything but the AI. Just playing with ideas while I wait. Waiting for the full version to start a PBEM.
  22. Why don't you get back into your minivan and go chase the Soccer Moms, Papa? Then you wouldn't have to be such an expert at the slap shot, playing the crease and high sticking in Pocket Hockey.
  23. Spoken like a true crumpet stuffer. No need to put Ice in front of Hockey. There is no other kind. Twit.
  24. No, the Canadians play too. But, being Canadians, they suck and are going out of business to boot.
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