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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Anyone ever seen this kind of thing before. My Churchill Mk VIII fires an HE shot (all he had left) at 2 Marders on a ridge, misses both but the explosion occurs right between both units & they both abandon! I couldn't believe it. Just when you think you've seen everything in this game, something new crops up & blows you away. Suffice to say I was rather chuffed at this turn of events. Regards Jim R.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tero: > I have a picture taken during the summer of 1944 of a Finnish horse drawn field artillery piece (76mm?) in the middle of forrest road firing and hitting a tank (according to the caption anyway). The horse limber is not in sight but it must be near by. But lets keep this thread focused on CAS and not dead horses. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think you're flogging a dead horse there mate. Sorry, couldn't resist... Regards Jim R.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: I think tanks are more accurate now and there are alot more first shot hits. When the Allied tanks fire first I find they rarely miss at less than 500 m (same deal for the germans), my point is that all tanks now seem to only rarely miss their first shot at less than 500 meters and the Allied tanks seem to get the first shot off sooner, than the big slow german tanks. So that favours the Allies. MANY broad gerneralities here I know. But the bottom line is I don't think it is as diffucult to win with the Allies as it used to me and I'm wondering if folks out there that routinely choose the germans find it is not as easy to win now as it used to be? Any comments? Are my observations incorrect? thanks -tom w<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well either I'm incredibly UNlucky or I haven't noticed any significant change in chance to hit at short ranges with the new version. Just witnessed a turn where my Churchill VIII fired 3 shaped charge shots at a stationary PzIVH at UNDER 150M and missed every bloody time in the equivalent of 60 seconds of game time. Somewhat frustrating... Regards Jim R.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Forever Babra: The most wonderful thing about a bump is...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Did you mean to say "bump" or perhaps "hump"? Just curious... Regards Jim R.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lucero1148: Well if you had moved your grey whales in a overwatch position they could have belly flopped themselves on that M4 and save your Panther the trouble of getting brewed. Tactics it's always tactics! . Best Patrick Couldn't resist!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I like it, I like it alot. Must try that manoevre myself someday. Regards Jim R.
  6. I'm all for it... I want to see Fionn Kelly with a malevolent look on his face, much like he'd look after crushing another poor CM "expert" wannabe. Regards Jim R.
  7. Good to see you're back "in the game", so to speak & I look forward to your usual quality posts down the track. Regards Jim R.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo: Yeah, yeah, but kisser is real badass against trucks, jeeps and such.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well trucks maybe, hang on I'll retract that... crews of trucks maybe, provided they're out of pistol range. Regards Jim R.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wild Bill Wilder: Cruising (ever so slowly ) into 64 today. It ain't bad guys Wild Bill<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hang on. Haven't you been 64 for something like the last 3 years? P.S. Hope you had a good one and I do appreciate the great work you do designing all those scenarios. Regards Jim R.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Hehe - now since we all know how to kill the mighty Hetzer, let's switch topics. Is editing a post to insert a smiley gamey? Opinions on a postcard please. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I would have thought that question is one for Peng... wouldn't you? Regards Jim R.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo: Hey! No fair! You keep your übertanks away from my purty 'kisses! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In that company, a bloody Matilda I is an ubertank! Regards Jim R.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo: I tried 'em out a while ago. In a role they are somewhat suited for. I set up an allied mechanized attack, vs german armored. The AI picked british forces, some halftracks and arty with a lot of infantry. I picked a fleet oh H-39's. Then I just drove them against the enemy hordes, completely and utterly smashing them. I don't think I've ever defended against an attack so easily. Lost one kisser to the arty and 2 were immobilized. 1 casualty. Piat's did their best, but as soon as one popped up, he was met by half a dozen blazing MG's. I don't think I'd have done better with StuH's.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm shocked! 1940's French made tanks winning the day... what is the world coming to... Regards Jim R.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo: Yeah, I always keep them buttoned myself, so it's no major issue anyway. BTW, I wouldn't expect the remaining crewmember to abandon the vehicle if the commander is hit. Sounds like the kind of action leading to the court martial.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> A court marshall for bailing out of a Hotchkiss... jeez you're a hard man. All crew members should be receiving the Iron Cross 1st Class just for crewing the mobile coffin. I can tell you, if I was inside it & being shot at by anything larger than air-gun I'd probably bail myself at the earliest opportunity, wouldn't you? Regards Jim R.
  14. I do not consider myself a gamey player but I once used this tactic under ver. 1.03 simply because I felt I had no other option based on the skewed pre-designed scenario I was playing. In my instance I was the attacker with an American force consisting of 4 short 75mm Shermans, a couple of Stuarts, a Priest & a Greyhound plus 1 81mm spotter & 1 105mm spotter and only 1 company of standard infantry. Furthermore I was attacking on a very long & narrow map so the opportunity to go wide to try & obtain flanking shots was extremely limited. When I realised what I was up against, eg. 2 Nashorns, Jagdpanther, Wirbelwind, Stuf III, 2 quad 20mm flak AFV's, 1 37 mm flak AFV, 88mm Pillbox, Pak 75mm ATG a full company of Infantry, 4 HMG's, 150 mm Inf. gun plus, as it turns out 2 81 mm spotters and a 105mm spotter... I felt fully justified in resorting to this gamey tactic as I simply didn't have enough stuff in the outset to possibly try & capture the one objective right at the rear of the German position with the limited amount of assets, especially the limited amount of Infantry. Was it gamey... I suppose so but when you consider how stacked the odds were from the outset I felt justified in resorting to them. Yes, I did receive re-inforcements down the track consisting of another Stuart, a platoon of infantry and, at last, a 76mm armed Sherman plus 2 more bog standard Shermans, but then so did the Germans! This time a Tiger, a StuH 105 and 2 20mm armed Armoured Cars. As it turns out, I only had about 300 points more in force value (approx. 3750 total) to the defenders total and yet I was in an Attack scenario on a very narrow map! So what I'm trying to say is that in normal circumstances I don't use "gamey" tactics but when the game has been set up from the outset in a "gamey" manner for one side then yes I did resort to them. I'm not blaming my opponent BTW, he simply found this scenario & we gave it a try but in my case the circumstances IMHO justified the use of crews. Clearly in the case of a Quick Battle when you know the odds are relatively even I do not resort to this nor when playing well designed scenarios by people you know can produce balanced games. As a footnote, it didn't really work as I simply ended up with a whole bunch of dead & captured crews which no doubt contributed handsomely to the Germans end score, a tactical victory to the Axis. In hindsight therefore, it probably isn't worth doing no matter what the circumstances but the best way to learn is from your mistakes. Regards Jim R.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1: Why would I use it. I never have and never will use the spell checker.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gee, I would never have guessed... fancy that! Regards Jim R.
  16. Thought that would get people's attention. Just in case you didn't bother reading the recent "Is CM worth buying?" topic, check out the description John Kettler gave of the game in that thread.. the almost perfect way to publicise Combat Mission 2 when released I would have thought. Originally posted by John Kettler: Combat Mission is immersive, terrifyingly so, but it is the immersion that comes from bearing the crushing responsibilities of a battlefield commander (up to battalion level) dealing with men under fire, men who are far more fond of their hides than in seizing the objective one day, but who fight to the last man the next. It is an experience of carefully nursing green troops to the objective, taking casualties all the while, only to have the big attack collapse when all seems destined for success. It is screaming with frustration because fire support is late in coming; it is cringing as fighter bombers roll in on the target while you pray fervently they don't drop on your troops. Combat Mission is discovering too late that you forgot to shift fire, meaning you are now shelling your own troops. It is the triumph of a well-executed ambush, the sharpshooter's kill of a Tiger commander and the grenade dropped from the upper floor into a Hellcat driving past the window. It is the shattering blast of a K-killed tank, the whoosh of a flamethrower, the crack of high velocity guns, the roaring crump of artillery fire and the heaving of the earth that goes with it. It is the ripping sound of MG-42s firing, answered by the chugging bursts of the .50 cal MG. It is the sound of the sky ripping apart under Nebelwerfer and battleship fire. It is the sound of orders given in the language of the men fighting; their screams of pain when hit and dying. It is of vistas so beautiful they take your breath away, and scenes of devastation which practically make you gag. Everything except the actual performance characteristics is customizable, too--uniforms, faces, vehicle paint schemes' buildings, bridges, the grass itself. Mods galore are available for free. You can play the battles and operations (series of battles) on the CD, download dozens for free from a bunch of sites, let the computer do a Quick Battle for you (just set the basic parameters) or design your own with the complete Scenario Designer which is included. You can fight the good AI, play by hotseat, play by E-mail or download the beta patch and play on the Internet or via LAN. What you've read about in the history books will come to life for you when you have Combat Mission. END OF QUOTE How's that for a great description of the game! Regards Jim R.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Kettler: Combat Mission is immersive, terrifyingly so, but it is the immersion that comes from bearing the crushing responsibilities of a battlefield commander (up to battalion level) dealing with men under fire, men who are far more fond of their hides than in seizing the objective one day, but who fight to the last man the next. It is an experience of carefully nursing green troops to the objective, taking casualties all the while, only to have the big attack collapse when all seems destined for success. It is screaming with frustration because fire support is late in coming; it is cringing as fighter bombers roll in on the target while you pray fervently they don't drop on your troops. Combat Mission is discovering too late that you forgot to shift fire, meaning you are now shelling your own troops. It is the triumph of a well-executed ambush, the sharpshooter's kill of a Tiger commander and the grenade dropped from the upper floor into a Hellcat driving past the window. It is the shattering blast of a K-killed tank, the whoosh of a flamethrower, the crack of high velocity guns, the roaring crump of artillery fire and the heaving of the earth that goes with it. It is the ripping sound of MG-42s firing, answered by the chugging bursts of the .50 cal MG. It is the sound of the sky ripping apart under Nebelwerfer and battleship fire. It is the sound of orders given in the language of the men fighting; their screams of pain when hit and dying. It is of vistas so beautiful they take your breath away, and scenes of devastation which practically make you gag. Everything except the actual performance characteristics is customizable, too--uniforms, faces, vehicle paint schemes, buildings, bridges, the grass itself. Mods galore are available for free. You can play the battles and operations (series of battles) on the CD, download dozens for free from a bunch of sites, let the computer do a Quick Battle for you (just set the basic parameters) or design your own with the complete Scenario Designer which is included. You can fight the good AI, play by hotseat, play by E-mail or download the beta patch and play on the Internet or via LAN. What you've read about in the history books will come to life for you when you have Combat Mission. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> BTS, you've just gotta employ Johnno... who else could so eloquently describe Combat Mission (say on the box cover of CM2? when released) than ol' Kettler. That was almost poetry. Regards Jim R.
  18. This one is a double posting. Refer to Henri's previous post with exactly the same subject line. Regards Jim R.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Grobdeutschland: In a PBEM game using ver. 1.24 I had a tank Killed by a GREEN zook team...199 meters AWAY & on it's 1st SHOT!! Needless to say, I'm still in therapy <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oooh dear, this sort of incident could take months to get over, even with the best psychotherapists and drugs in the business. I'll pray for you to get over this episode as soon as is humanly possible. Regards Jim R.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dr. Buhl: SPR is a very realistic war movie but I would like to ask Hollywood and Spielberg why on earth they always has to put a terrible plot in their movies. Why does the German soldier they capture and then let go again have to shot Tom Hanks and stick a knife in one of the other heroes? I mean someone else could have shot them without ruining the movie. It's just crap if you ask me. What is the moral in that? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hang on, hang on... the guy who stuck the knife into one of the SPR "hero's" in that memorable hand to hand scene was different from the German prisoner they let escape surely. Although they looked similar, if memory serves me right the knife man seemed to represent the typical seasoned German veteran who wore a slightly different uniform (possibly Fallschirmjaeger?) compared with the "dastardly" Wehrmacht former prisoner in his feldgrau uniform. Anybody know for sure? Regards Jim R.
  21. What I would love to know is how a British Comet found its way into the Red Army Tank Museum in Kubinka. Surely none of these late model MBT's were ever exported to the USSR under lend lease. You're right by the way, an absolutely fascinating pictorial collection of the real thing, in colour no less. Regards Jim R.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Enfors: Skorzey mission pack? I'll be sure to check it out, thanks. Sounds like great fun. Elite UK glider squads, huh? I guess that's better than nothing, but I still want specialized commandos that don't depend on a HQ unit. Any official word from BTS (or somebody else who knows) whether they aren't included, or if they will be in the future? -Enfors-<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> To be honest, I would say your chances are Buckleys & none. I have not read of any front line firefight where Commando squads ran around "blowing up" tanks that were engaged in the fight at the time, nor killing enemy HQ's or FO's so close to where the action was. If there were instances of this then I stand corrected but if not, BTS prides itself on portraying realistic battles, not fanciful ones. Just my thoughts on the subject. Regards Jim R.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KwazyDog: Hehe, to be honest we get these sort of posts often shortly after someone just had it happen to them in a vital pbem game...its suprising how fired up CM seems to get people Kanonier, if you care to provide some further information such as ranges, slope of the target as opposed to the firer and angle the fires was off from the target, etc, chances are we could provide you with an explaination. Dan <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK, OK, I've calmed down now after taking my medication (just kidding, really) and I suppose it represented the fact that the Cromwell was higher than my AFV and I guess when it hit the upper hull in an upwards fashion the vertical plate simply helped the shell on its way upwards into the sky. In my defence, that was its 3rd shot at the Cromwell at less than 300 metres with the 1st shot hitting a small rise in front less than 20 metres away from my firing unit... talk about a gumby regular crew. When combined with some other guys topic that he noted first turn kills seemed much more prevalent with the latest patch I was beginning to think I was jinxed or something considering my unit has fired about 10 times or something at various AFV targets less than 500 metres away with very little to show for it apart from scared Allied crews! At this rate my tank will run out of ammo before doing any serious damage. Regards Jim R.
  24. RANT MODE ON I guess I'm fired up on this at the moment but I just saw my German 75mm LL70 armour peircing shell richocet off the front upper hull of a bloody Cromwell VII. Unless there is some sort of particular strengthening in that part of its hull it's difficult for me to comprehend how this could happen, especially since the Cromwells upper hull is virtually vertical plate with minimal slope. I know, I know, you're gonna say "**** happens" but the penetration power of those long 75's is pretty awesome, especially at the range of less than 300 metres and I'm wondering what the richocet would be modelling. Poor shell structure?, particularly well made Cromwell hull?.. otherwise I would have thought it would be like a case of knife through butter. RANT OFF Regards Jim R.
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeremy Sadler: Being an Aussie, I'd love to see/hear an Aussie mod. I'd love to hear Aussie drawl voices though: "Cop that, ya bastard!" "Strewth!" "Run for it mate!" "Watch that tank mate!" "Bloody hell!" "Right lads, let's take 'em!" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How about... "Stick that where the sun don't shine" "F**k me dead" "That's toast" and "What the f**k was that?" Regards Jim R.
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