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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. My personal experience is that PIATs kill enemy AFV's once they hit but are quite a bit more inaccurate at range (say above 70 metres) than the Bazookas. Unfortunatley, I've lost count of the number of times a bazooka round, when it actually hits its target, results in the message "no effect". Then you're left with one very exposed Bazooka team (due to its rocket trail) hoping like hell it hits with the next shot AND actually penetrates to good effect before it dies a very sudden death. My thoughts on the subject. Regards Jim R. ------------------ After many years of trying to find steady work, I finally got a job as a historian, until I realized there was no future in it. [This message has been edited by Kanonier Reichmann (edited 03-26-2001).]
  2. I personally think this is important enough to warrant a BOOT! Regards Jim R.
  3. Thanks to everyone that posted. I now have a veritable smorgasboard to choose from now! Regards Jim R.
  4. Hmmm... didn't mean to get your back up. I personally don't have a problem whatsoever with so called "grognards" and I completely agree that if it wasn't for these nefarious people the game would be alot worse for it. I simply posted that facecious comment about you being a grog because it kinda suits my perhaps warped sense of humour, but it was always meant as a joke and not meant to be derisive in any way. Perhaps I should use smilies in future but I believe Peng goers are not huge fans of these cartoonettes. Regards Jim R. ------------------ After many years of trying to find steady work, I finally got a job as a historian, until I realized there was no future in it.
  5. I have started to look at books which cover the Eastern Front in order to "bone up" for the upcoming CM 2 game and I was wondering if the above book by Alan Clark is considered by the grog community to be one of the better ones? Has it aged well (since it was first written in the mid 60's) or is it considered that Clarks conclusions fall short with the advent of new information regarding this particular theatre. I just didn't want to invest the time in reading this opus if it's considered fatally flawed for whatever reason. Any opinions from those who have read it would be appreciated. Regards Jim R.
  6. I know this is going to sound like I have some sort of personal grudge against Germanboy (which I don't) and I DO like your idea of the e-mail list but your above quote regarding the Peng Thread makes it sound very elitist and only available to those that have proven themselves worthy by some sort of arcane initiation rite or possibly by some birthrite. That's just my take on it & you can obviously agree or disagree as you see fit but I think it's important to have the thread seen as being accessable (& "postable") to all with the only warning being that you'd better have a bloody thick skin! Regards Jim R.
  7. I understand your point bigmac, but the problem the other guys are espousing is that most players want to be confidant they are playing on a level playing field & if the current flawed QB autopick system doesn't allow that confidence, then that's where the problem lies. I personally would LOVE to play alot of autopick QB's but when your playing in a ladder system when, let's face it, everyone has an ego & wants to do well, you simply don't want to take the risk of your own ranking being screwed up because of an opponent not being able to resist the temptation of cheating under the current system. If there was just one further change to Combat Mission by way of a final patch I would love to see the Quickbattle system changed to avoid this possibility. And I feel I'm probably not the only one with this view either. Regards Jim R.
  8. I think we can define Germanboy as a grog... would everyone agree? Regards Jim R.
  9. No, no.... it's Fear, surprise and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.... or am I getting confused with something else? Regards Jim R.
  10. Trucks! Hah. "LOOKSURY!" Back in my day etc. etc. And when you tell the kids of today they just doon't believe you... Regards Jim R.
  11. His name wasn't "Swede" was it? And did he say things like "I aint got time to bleed" Just wondering... Regards Jim R.
  12. Hopefully not with the same ending as happenned to Atomic though. Regards Jim R.
  13. Hey, what mods are you using for that? I gotta get me those uniform mods... Regards Jim R.
  14. Hey, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's seen this with ver. 1.12. It's happenned to me twice in the one game where one Armoured Car charged forward to a point roughly 20 metres away from the enemy squad it was firing at across the path of a known AT gun less than 60 metres away. It died! No orders to move or do anything other than fire at the enemy squad in the foxhole were given and it wasn't under fire from arty. The 2nd Armoured Car had a specific order to reverse AWAY from the general area of known enemy squads (too close) to a hull down position some 30 metres away. It carried out this order initially then immediately decided to charge right back to where it had been and promptly got shot up by a hiding 50 cal MG. Admittedly there was arty falling down in the general area but to charge right back TOWARDS the enemy when under artillery fire makes absolutely no sense to me. If anything it should move further away from known enemy positions rather than towards them thereby subjecting it to even more likelihood of being destroyed. Anybody else seen this problem desribed by Devil Dog and myself under ver. 1.12? Regards Jim R.
  15. Funny how they were at least consistant in the way they handled Commonwealth troops. Regards Jim R.
  16. Geez Manx. If you keep this up we'll have to put you in the same league as BTS in terms of their responsiveness to clients requests. The only difference is, you don't get paid a red cent! Regards Jim R.
  17. The problems I was having Manx was with the page where all the various mods that are out there are listed. When you scroll down and click on the Sug/StuH area and say want to download Tigers mods for this vehicle you get the message site down, or moved etc. The same with virtually ant of Tigers mods and a few others as well. I assume perhaps the links to the sites where thay are located may need updating due to the original sites having changed recently? (as seems to be the fashion at the moment e.g. CMHQ). BTW, I stil think your site is truly excellent and a great resource for CM players generally. Regards Jim R.
  18. OK, thanks guys for all your responses, especially lcm 1947 [or whatever the number ]. I've found the low res dark grey mod files for the Stug/StuH series. Much appreciated. Regards Jim R.
  19. Thanks for the link but I had already tried Manx'x site hoping to be able to download Tiger's grey tone Stug/Stuh's but whenever you click on the link to the relevant site it is always down or busted. If anyone knows of any low-res mods (in particular), that would be great. Regards Jim R.
  20. Does anybody know where I can get hold of decent Stug/StuH mods from the vast array of mod makers out there. I've tried sites such as Tom's German site & Scipio's site but the links there to all the listed mods seem to be broken. If anybody can point me in the right direction, especially for the German Assault Gun mod variety I would be eternally grateful. Thanks in advance Jim R.
  21. Hopefully the Ghurkas will be modelled in the CM3- Western Desert incarnation. Imagine one of those platoons against their equivalent Italian counterpaart... or even 3 of their Italian equivalent counterpart. The mouth waters at the thought. Regards Jim R.
  22. Jeez... all this nitpicking! Same number of letters in the name (almost). Anyone would swear I was dealing with grogs here. BTW, I take it all back Jason, the award should have gone to aka tom for his posting in "To gamey or not to gamey" thread. Makes Leo Tolstoy look like a bed-time story novelist. Regards Jim R.
  23. Yeh, what he said... (I assume it's complimentary?) Jim R.
  24. Fair enough response to my facecious comments... and remarkably brief as well! To be honest I generally agree with Vanir in his congratulations of your postings but I still feel a hard nosed editor with a nasty disposition looking over your shoulder may encourage more people to take the time to read your posts rather than perhaps give up on them for being too long. Just my thoughts. Regards Jim R.
  25. OK, I can see it possibly happenning in the dark but I'm playing in the middle of the day with clear skies. Oh, and it's not a TCP/IP game but a PBEM so I'm still very confused, especially since no movement orders of any kind were given for that turn so an explanation that it simply changed its movement orders midstream doesn't apply. What the TacAi did do is create it's own new set of movement orders along the lines of ...CHARGE! then ...STOP and then DO NOTHING. Regards Jim R.
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