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Everything posted by Tero

  1. By costard That is rather my point. The result has been more sinister than that, at least here in Finland. Due to that trade the consumer price of electricity has been inflated because the companies calculate their cost on the basis of coal (and not other sources) while AFAIK no coal-using powerplant has been fired up in the last 5 years (at least). That way they have traded most of their carbon quota AND charged the customers top Euro. WE can't afford them but the multi-national corporations can. Only to be rearranged as a privately run business. By that point they will start printing more money and/or selling public services to the private sector at an increased rate.
  2. Could it be that for the Americuns the "chipping away" threatens their way of life. Ie gas-gussling big cars AND price of 1,3$/per liter instead of gallon. In addition to the fact that they would be forced to take orders from others instead of being in the position to dictate them.
  3. Not according to http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=revolution&searchmode=none
  4. The "healthier" adult products taste like cardboard (or worse). At least my kinds will not toutch them unless they are laced with copious amount of sugar or other substances which give them taste.
  5. By ASL Veteran Wikipedia to the rescue. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consultative_Status Sounds to me these group are there for lobbying. How do you define "operate within the organization" ? Sinister or benevolent operation ?
  6. By dieseltaylor Luckily all that is being solved by transfering production to densly populated areas where environmental concers (along with workers human rights) take the backseat.
  7. By Elmar Bijlsma I would have thought the entire film was available on youtube. Anyhow, the wife went nuts when she learned regular toothpaste was out as it contains chemical byproducts from oil. Also, hauling food out of the stores was no picnic as most prepackaged food are in plastic containers (or containers containing plastics). To name but a few gripes. Well, since all production is being transferred out the populace is getting unemployed and simply can not afford to go or choose green. The intentions may be good and proper but it will get trampeled under consumers not being able to sustain the development due to lack of funds.
  8. Elmar Bijlsma That is not that simple. There was a documentary about a family trying to make do without any oil products for a year. http://video.google.com/videosearch?client=opera&rls=en&q=Katastrofin+aineksia&sourceid=opera&oe=utf-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=fv3jSrm5JpPS-Qab1YXJCQ&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CBEQqwQwAw# With all the production being moved to low-labour-cost countries there will be hell to pay before EVERYBODY gets their share of the winnings though.
  9. The reality of the change in the climate is obvious. IMO the real guestion is if the human activity triggered the global warming and can we really do anything to alter the course. Of course there is an agenda behind the whole debate. The wealthy want to get wealthier. Or at least retain their edge over the masses. As things stand the global economy is unsustainable in the long run. So is continuous economic growth. Social justice good and proper but as long as the global economy is the order of the day we should follow the money to see who gets the justice socially.
  10. By bitchen frizzy The non-secular west seduced the people with the opium for the masses. Which in this particular case was money and external wealth. IMO the most happy and stable societies are culturally homogenous (be it secular or religious). Ie. multi-cultural societies are more susceptible to tensions and conflicts which cause instability and unhappiness. Mind you stability and happiness are in turn relative and not necessarily measurable homogenously between different societies.
  11. How do you navigate between VM screens ? KB shortcuts or taskbar ? Which BTW both work under most Win systems
  12. By YankeeDog In other words if you do get problems you have to use professional help which way more expensive and in addition to that harder to come by than help for PC. Excluding having to use outside help to solve bigger problems. Not being a charity Apple has factored in these expenses in the cost of the machine. Mind you, the last truly user friendly MS OS was W2K, XP was a step towards Vista. And Vista sucks through a garden hose.
  13. We do, actually. http://www.ddg.com/LIS/InfoDesignF96/KScott/Larrey2.html
  14. Yes, getting stuff cheap from China is good for everybody.
  15. Winter combat footage with Germans using M3's and MG-42's could mean the footage was filmed in the Western Front during the Ardennes fighting. If the documentary in guestion is in the Why We Fight series it is available in Youtube so please direct us to the pertinent section for second opinions.
  16. by hcrof He did violate standing laws. And I think he did so knowingly. He knew the risks and got nicked. Mind you, what about the others who were castrated according to the same law ? Where is their apology ? I think this apology was brought on by the WWII anniversary. An obvious publicity stunt if I ever saw one. I wish that was truly the case. But I think you are mistaken when it comes to both tolerance and equal rights.
  17. Wasn't the norm those days that you either killed yourself, stayed in the closet or turned into a Soviet spy if you were gay ?
  18. So the safest bet is to blame the victims ? This is the kind of attitude which promotes the problems. What is the point in researching and criticising the food were are being fed if the rising problems are due to the afflicted people being lazy both physically and mentally, right ? Not so long ago obese people were invariably wealthy. Now obese people (in the West at least) are for the most part poor. For the price of 1kg oranges you can by anywhere up to 10 liters of orange juice. Processed food used to be expensive compared to basic foodstuffs. Yes, there are more people around to consume the food. But the current explosing of health problems is NOT due to fat people being lazy cretins, it is because the drive to maximise profit far exceeds the need for the people to have access to healthy food.
  19. From the evolutionary standpoint there glucose is infinitely beneficial. In olden times people would come autumn (litterally) fatten themselves with berries, fruits etc for the oncoming winter. Survival was preferable and in the few weeks glucose was available in nature it had to go straight into the waistline. Now with refigeration, global economy and year round, steady availability of nutrition (in the West at least) our bodies have not adabted. Mind you, evolution would explain the different results in studies between people of African and European descent.
  20. There is evidence that tobacco companies add(ed ?) substances which induce addiction. What are the odds the food industry does NOT use similar methods to boost sales ? And the fact that the liver processes fructose the same way it processes alcohol is not too widely known or publicised.
  21. By Affentitten It is not the calories that are bad. It is the "hidden" additives which do the most damage. Ie. it is always the one you can not see that gets you.
  22. Watched it. The lecture points out quite proficiently that ADDED FRUCTOSE in processed foods without fibers to go with it is bad for you. I still maintain that SUGAR alone is not bad for you. I was taken aback by the fact about how much salt is in a soda.
  23. Actually, sugar alone is not that bad. Combine it with excessive salt (from processed foods) and fats (trans and the regular kind) you get the combo which is the root cause of most of the modern problems.
  24. Or the game engine is leaning against vehicles with hull mounted guns in favour of turreted tanks. Which manifests itself also with the inability of the Stug to go hull down effectively without benefits for reduced hit probability (targeting based on crossection).
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