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Everything posted by Tero

  1. By costard In the context of this debate that is redundant. What is the main natural resource in and export item from Afganistan ? AFAIK class A drugs. Your rebuttal is a bit myopic. Funnily enough children in the West seem to fairing rather poorly these days compared to past times when it comes to psychological matters. Could it be that increased material wealth has come at a cost when childrens educated mothers have for all intents and purposes abandoned their offspring to the care of professionals ? Lets not forget history is not absolute. When reading history it is good to be aware who has written it and for what purpose. Are you seriously thinking that the West is exporting wealth INTO Afganistan and Irak at the moment ?
  2. Lessons learned. Or not..... http://yle.fi/uutiset/news/2009/05/finnish-funded_prison_turns_brothel_724554.html
  3. By dieseltaylor http://www.media-awareness.ca/englis...a_violence.cfm Redirect: Drawing your attention to this section: How did the test subjects play before watching the shows ? How much had the test subjects been subjected to media violence before the test ? How representative was the subject group to draw widespread conclusions ? What was the demographics of the group (girls watched Hen, boys watched Woodpecker or mixed groups) ? How well aquainted were the subjects in the respective groups ?
  4. Where is the fun in playing cops and unruly kids. http://rawstory.com/2009/11/arkansas-cop-taser-10yearold-girl/ How clueless are parents these days when they can not get a 10-year old to take a shower without police assistance ? EDIT: the Finnish report did not specify the parents are separated.
  5. By Thomm I spot at least 5 security hazards or psychological sings in the list which nowadays would be grounds for you being taken into custody by the child/social services.
  6. By Elmar Bijlsma What basement playing games are they playing if they are playing violent video games all the time ? Seriously: when have boys ever played serenely, peacefully and unviolently without being sedated or otherwise medicated ?
  7. By Michael Emrys Violence is. There can not be interaction between people without it. In any and every form it exists. Is it good ? No. Does it make for healthier, happier people ? What does (would) total absence of it do to people ? Has anybody studied that, actually ? Sensory deprivation WILL drive one insane quite rapidly. I agree with the postulation that being exposed to violent imagery predisposes one to act a certain way. But only if there is no adjoining exposure to both the real effects of violence and respect for ones fellow mans right to exist. What do you mean: reduce it in frequency and intensity ? A child will not believe you when you say doing that will hurt you (let alone another person) unless a) the child does not know pain and the child recocknices you as an authority. Consequently hurting other people is easier if you do not know the real effects of violence and you have no concept of taking responsibility for your actions. I do not condone child abuse. By the same token I do not condone not disciplining a child. Ie you think buring your head in the sand is an appropriate response to this "problem" ? I let my eldest watch war movies with me and play PG (K-11 over here) games which are quite violent. But I also let him watch war documentaries with me. The effect is twofold: he learns about the weaponry and tactics and he sees what they actually do. My two eldest watched a rather gruesome documentary on Hiroshima victims by mistake one night. They found it interesting, especially the shadow burnt to the ground was very compelling to them. We spent an hour online after that seeking more information on the subject. IMO only if the concept of mercy and compassion are absent. That is true. What I meant actually was the female group dynamics and conflict solving differs from the male counterparts. Single moms can not make boys act like girls if they are wired differently. Single dads are notoriously inept when it comes to dealing with girls. What makes single moms better with boys ?
  8. By dieseltaylor Did not miss it. Just want to point out the (apparent) difference between exposure to real life violence as opposed to exposure to disjointed images of violence. IMO the link is more apparent to the prevalent "thou shalt not discipline your child" way of rearing our young. When children are not tought to respect fellow men starting with their elders but to regard their personal freedom and hedonistic must-have-all way of life to be supreme force in their life media violence is only an outlier and disjointed from the big picture. Then there is the total hypocritical denial of all things natural in the form of sex which warps the youth in their way of thinking. In short, how the hell do people think they can raise compassionate children if they do not teach them respect ? This focusing on violence is ignoring the bulk of the issue. I think the violence has always been there. Nowadays it is only way too graphic. It is a conspiracy I tell you.....
  9. By Michael Emrys And that differs how from real life violence (and other forms of hardships) people of all ages were exposed to prior to the introduction of TV (and to some extent the radio) ? IMO single parent (most often the parent being female) has more influence in this development.
  10. By gautrek Well, of course. How can I condemn the deed if I have not seen the evidence.
  11. By Sgt Joch Having pre-teen boys I have half a mind to start ordering Playboy while curtailing their access to the net. Just to expose them to the issue with some sort of control to weed out the truly discusting stuff floating not more than a few clicks away. A "gang" of 8-11 year old friends of our lads got busted for distributing URL's containing words pertaining to oversized human female bodyparts. Funnily enough it was the mothers who were outraged by this. I was outraged they had not taken the time to monitor what kind of sites their kids are surfing. Agreed. Besides, such controversy diverts attention from bigger issues. Always keep an eye out for the little headlines while these "controversial" issues are being blasted.
  12. And of course it was the ecofascist Linkola who I was referring to.
  13. You could also have them stand in a line and then pick them off at random to simulate battle casualties. EDIT: Pick them off from behind by toutching them in the shoulder using your hand/stick. NOT from in front of them using your gun. Eventhough that could also be demonstrated with a toy gun.
  14. By SSgt Viljuri Susi-Pullinen. He blurted out his remarks early IIRC last year.
  15. Not in the least. The scientist made scientific remarks. The fact he is affiliated with the Green Party has nothing to do with it. Even his own party denied they endorse his views.
  16. Everytime you have to include a ® © or ™ in the text it means somebody can charge you for it. I wonder when generic terms like hoover or allen wrench will become a thing of the past. (Mind you, this last bit is to my knowlegde only an English language thing, we Finns still use butter even if the stuff in the box is margarine )
  17. By ASL Veteran I should focus more on excrememt and gastric gasses. Bovine excrement and gastric gasses have been blamed for the green house effect. How long do you think the media will start to focus on human production of said byproducts ? After all, that will inevitably be the next logical step in that path.
  18. Eugenics is a science (of sorts). Hiding your head in the sand does not make it go away. In fact, same kind of views as brought forth here were voiced in Finland not long ago by a prominent controversial Green Party affiliated scientist. He got shouted down but not before he had had his say in main stream media.
  19. By dieseltaylor Would that superiority be qualitative or quantitative ?
  20. By dieseltaylor Would it be safe to assume this debate is a penultimate attritionist vs manouverist debate ?
  21. Does the museum have copyright to those items when they publicly advertise their exhibit ? Case in point the Tiger I in Bovington. Who owns the copyright to that particular vehicle ? In the scale model industry things have gotten ridiculous. Tamiya is producing a "3ton 4x2 Cargo Truck" aka Opel Blitz. AFAIK they have foregone the use of the actual name and grill ornament so as not to have to pay exorbitant compensation to Opel (ie GM).
  22. By jtcm What is not true-to-life in the game is the targeting accuracy bonus platoons get over individual vehicles for aiming/shooting at the same target.
  23. The copyright issue has gone so far that museums (even here in Finland) are now prohibiting taking pictures of artefacts in their collection because they (apparently) own the copyright to the items and by proxy to any pictures taken of them. I do not know how extensive the term protective value of "fair use" is in this respect but it will be interesting to see how things develop.
  24. By JasonC How do you determine what is realistic ? What is the difference between hulldown tanks and ATG with their barrel and top of the shield just above the crest line ? Logically I would think compared to hulldown tanks "hulldown" ATG's would be exponentially harder to hit directly. Even a near miss would not be as dangerous as the hill crest would shield the gun from debris. Coming from you I find this statement incredible. Riddle me this: if you are aiming at a bulls eye are you more likely score a hit if the bulls eye is just visible just above a crest or if it is in full view ? What is truly a bug is the cross section targeting calculation which disregards hull mounted guns when determining hull down position. How many successful armour attacks without any infantry support do you know of ?
  25. By JasonC IMO it is realistic, given the fact the AT guns rarely get first shot hits in the game. And how realistic is that ? The M4's have "partially on" stabilizers, Borg-spotting bonus (not to mention HQ Command and Control advantage if bought as a unit instead of single vehicles) to mention but a few of the more "gamey" game features. http://www.winterwar.com/Tactics/FINatTactics.htm#results And that is relevant in what way ? The CM game design handling is flawed from the bottom up starting from Borg-spotting. http://www.winterwar.com/Tactics/FINatTactics.htm That is totally dependent on timeframe and frontage. There are incidences where a single sniper has stopped entire infantry battalions.
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