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phil stanbridge

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Posts posted by phil stanbridge

  1. I'd disagree about the guns being a lot harder to knock out. In every scenario I've played now that involves AT guns they still get knocked out *almost* as quickly as in CMBB. They certainly seem improved over CMBB, but it might just be that the terrain and cover has seen more tweaks than the gun models.

  2. I've got a Tosh Satellite (2ghz mobile P4) with a Geforce Go 32mb card and 256mb ram, and it's fine in CMAK and some first person shooters, like H&DII. Obviously you have to run with the minimum settings unless you want a slide show but I like the fact that I can then run it at the highest settings on my desktop. I get the best of both worlds. I tend to run only the smaller scenarios in CMAK on the Tosh for obvious reasons, but it's not as slow as you would expect. A 500 pointer QB runs perfectly well with the settings maxed out at 1600x1200!

    But as Easytarget says, a laptop is no substitute for a desktop machine in any circumstances! A 1000 point QB takes 5 seconds to crunch on my desktop and up to 50 seconds on my laptop.

    [ December 27, 2003, 06:03 AM: Message edited by: phil stanbridge ]

  3. Once the calculations are done it's superb - no lag at all with the latest official dets - it's just comparing it with a like size battle in CMBB this takes longer to calculate.

    Thanks for the comments on my machine. I've just got my hands on a 22" CRT also, and running at 1600x1200 looks sweet, although it's blurred (in 2d) at the moment. I'm getting an ATi XT to test next week. I realise I will loose the fog, but the AF looks better with the Radeon than with the 5950.

  4. The 'crunching' bar - the dark blue one I think it is. I think it might have been the scenario I was playing, as it had 4500 (or so) points and lots and lots of calculations to make. I had to wait a good 30-40 seconds per turn - which might sound like a quick turn for the average rig, but I've built this machine purely so I can play larger battles quickly. It was certainly quicker for CMBB, but as you say, it might be because of the slight modification to the graphics et al. It's certainly noticeable in my eyes that this game is slower than CMBB.

  5. CMAK definitely *appears* to run slower than CMBB, like for like. Is there any specific reason for this? My specs are very high :-

    Pentium 4 (3.2C)

    Asus P4C800-E deluxe

    1024mb PC3500 DDR

    Nvidia 5950 Ultra (256mb)



    Windows XP SP1 with most of the hotixes applied

    I have to use modern display drivers because of the card, and my system is uptodate. It runs everything perfectly well, and CMBB and CMAK run well too, it's just CMAK takes longer to play. ie the blue bar seems slower to me, even if I disable the smoke effects.

  6. They are incredibly tough, but I knocked out three with infantry only at close range. The AP ammo they have is hopeless against them. I got them close enough and flanked them, split the squad to really confuse them, lobbed grenades like no tomorrow and immobilised them, the crew bailed and were cut to ribbons. Seems to be the only way to stop them, unless you get a lucky kill from a tank, but more often than not, a lucky hit immobilises or causes gun damage.

  7. I did actually notice this in a battle myself, (one in particular) I had at least a dozen smallish early war tanks targetting a couple of PZIV's. My tanks were definitely capable of ruining Fritz's day in force - but all of them decided to reverse out of harms way. Within a few turns four of my fellas were burning and the rest were equally useless deciding not to venture out into the firing line no matter what I asked them to do. I didn't honestly notice this in CMBB to the same degree. Its a tricky one, because you would of thought that 12 against 2 is good odds, and even if you were to get a few ricochets it *might* be enough for gun damage or crew disablement.

  8. Only last night the AI *attempted* to hit me with his arty only to have the rounds land a good 200m off his own flank. So what we are saying is if the LOS is obscured by smoke *before* the countdown has finished the rounds may land off target? I havent really used arty to a massive extent but I certainly remember one lot being on target (of sorts) but several more lots being very off target.

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