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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. Yeah I wonder if AndrewTF will make an appearance and produce some luverly new textures.
  2. I finished mission 4, as realistically as I could. I lost 1 man KIA but I got to the right hand side with the rest of my force in good order. I've played it a few times so I know how annoying it can be. Those ATGM's are terrible things. If you select the right side, you get the really difficult and challenging Defense of Pooh which is a whole lot of fun. I've just had the enemy surrender to me in that, and I am on to mission 6 which is the Milk Run. I've only played this once before, so it will be interesting! One thing that really bugs me is the way artillery support seems to randomly diminish as you progress. In mission 6 I now have access to 2 x 81mm mortars both of which are empty, and a few rounds of 155mm. Not a lot of use! I don't understand the prerequisites here. The only way you seem to get a full complement of artillery throughout is if you don't use it!!
  3. Interesting to see - the TOW collection is now available on Steam. Does this mean all BFC products will make an appearance?
  4. That wall looks like a road, hence the soldiers trying to 'cross' it.
  5. Ah that's very interesting then. So in all likelyhood there may be shadows and AAA assets may get to shoot them out of the sky - but you will have very limited control over them. I guess that's a reasonably realistic representation! Personally, if it's realistic then I'm happy regardless of the outcome. I think Artillery will play a much more important role and I'm hoping there will be a significant list of different types. I can just imagine the list - 81mm off map mortars, 105mm, 150, rockets, really heavy stuff - naval artillery support perhaps. Much more choice than in SF obviously. If that's handled in a similar fashion, that will be interesting to see. Select your FO, choose the type of artillery from a longish list perhaps, choose a reasonably accurate target location, fire... One thing I hope NOT to see all the time - air support friendly fire! If I recall it was a real pain in the backside in CMBO/CMBB/CMAK.
  6. This is all speculation though - let's not forget, the Axis forces should feature Flakwagons etc - and maybe, just maybe you will see them utilised in their primary role rather than at ground based targets. I don't see why not.
  7. ..Movement whilst in combat - that's a good one too. CMSF is impossibly difficult in this respect. I do hope it feels more 'second world war' - but BFC have been pretty good at this in the past ;-)
  8. For me, I think once I have played through the single missions/campaign I am looking forward to the freedom of creating specific or random quick battles ala CMBO/CMBB/CMAK. I presume the QB generator will make it in? (or if not initially then as an extra feature). I'd love to be able to create totally unbalanced QB's based on player superiority - I'd give myself points for Naval artillery and the largest guns and not forgetting air support, and watch as my artillery devastates the map. There was something really cool about being able to do that in previous games even if it is totally unrealistic.
  9. I'd like to know how this will work too. Also whilst on the subject of air support, I wonder if artillery support will be handled in a similar fashion also - ie, a FO and plenty of ordnance to choose from
  10. I tend not to use it 'that' much because I find it too slow. I tend to use small bursts of FAST or QUICK generally especially when there are ATGM's on the map - as it tends to spread my men out more. I only use hunt if I know there are enemy threats nearby. I don't know how you can use hunt most of the time! It would drive me mad.
  11. I would suggest that it's actually more a cpu bottleneck causing the problems than a VGA or ram issue you are experiencing. Your ram should suffice, and your VGA should too, even with its age. Obviously you should only run the game on the recommended graphical settings and keep all the ambience off etc to help speed things up. Is the cpu overclocked? That might help it somewhat. I believe the latest patch does help performance, it certainly appears to have resolved the problems I was having, but at the end of the day unless you can increase the performance from your cpu, there isn't much you can do.
  12. I've just taken a look at the CC Arnhem AAR they have released. Certainly takes me back! I've owned every CC game too. Apart from the strategic layer they haven't changed a bit by the looks of things which is kind of weird - the combat seems to be played out in slow motion! Not sure how well that will go down this day and age. To compare CC with CM is like comparing apples to oranges. Apart from the fact they are both trying to 'simulate' a battlefield they don't have much alike - I realise this doesn't answer your question I don't know the first thing about AI or how it works, but I will probably be investing, just out of curiosities' sake - thanks for letting me know! Edit:- It looks like a right laugh actually, if you look at some of these features. Best bit about it for me though was those sound effects. I loved the screaming guys! lol.. http://wargamer.com/article/2905/close-combat-last-stand-arnhem
  13. Good god man those are excellent!! Well done. Now I just need to remember my repository password - doh!
  14. I am disappointed in one way that the release of Normandy has obviously slipped passed the Xmas 2009 release date that I was expecting, but in another way it suggests they are adding new features or fixing bugs. Surely this is a good thing. BFC would not be idle on such a massive project. However, although communication on any level is good, I think BFC find themselves in a very awkward position - they have produced the ultimate battlefield simulation and demand for something even better must be at the top of their agenda. As soon as they say anything it is taken as gospel. So I can also understand why they stay tight lipped about it. Look at the mess that was Campaigns after all.
  15. Any chance of a link to that info please? It's just I remember a reply to a 'much' older post of mine I'm sure, and Battlefront were speculating then that Normandy was likely to be first because it was 'nearly ready', and that must have been some months ago now. At the time I was surprised by this. I'm quite pleased NATO is due out before Normandy - I much prefer the WWII theatre myself, but I like the continuity between modules and theatres.
  16. Just wondering if this is still the case. Looking forward to both.
  17. TOW2 does offer some improvements over the first. I bought both games together and played one after the other. TOW2 is definitely better but the differences and added features are subtle in my opinion. That said, it's still a worthy successor. AI has been improved with the latest patch, but you may still find it lacking.
  18. Oh man that's such a shame!! I know that it is dated now but god it is still excellent. It even fixed a number of problems that were in CMBB and added new features obviously. Looking forward to CMN very much!
  19. Italian campaign was featured in 'Combat Mission Africa Korps' and you could design your own scenarios and quick battles based around Italian OOB. But I tend to agree with you Redjac, would make an interesting TOW.
  20. Hmm interesting. I can't imagine how they would do a 'Nam game with all jungle and such like - but I can see the potential in 50's Korea. I was expecting a winter war Eastern front WWII campaign or something more along those lines, or Stalingrad, which would lend itself quite well to the existing engine providing they could manage several storey buildings of course. But maybe that isn't unique enough.
  21. Anyone care to speculate where TOW will go next? Will it be an update to the existing TOW2 or is it likely to be TOW3 with many new features? Having purchased both TOW2 and the Kursk campaign at the same time I can see where the improvements have been made in-between 'modules' as such, and they're pretty good. There appears to be quite a lot of scope. But the realism/authenticity aspect needs to be addressed in my honest opinion for future titles more than anything else.
  22. Thanks Knokke I'll try your strategy. Also, you can remove them from the missions if you feel like cheating.
  23. On a positive note, they appear to now use the proper ordnance on their targets which could also be why we are seeing more devastation.
  24. Curious. I have definitely been able to spot AT guns, although perhaps it's not as good as it should be. Maybe it depends on a number of different factors. However, as a possible cheat, just use indirect fire on mortar/gun pits prior to exposing your positions. Or get infantry up close - both work for me. Job done!
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