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Posts posted by Bertram

  1. This might be a version 1.00 => version 1.01 issue, but....

    I had a 81 mm mortar observer targetted a AT pillbox with smoke. Then we updated from 1.00 to 1.01.

    Of course the arty started falling at the start of a turn, and of course it was 200 mtrs of. So my arty observer just spend half his load (150 shells, 70 spend) smoking soome of board position. From the discussion on this board I understand this is normal, and as it should be (though I think a spotting round would be nice, but who am I).

    Now I tried to cancel this pointless waste of shells. No use. The arty observer has no "cancel target" option, and trying to get an other spot selected gives a "ping" sound and little else.

    Any thoughts? But you have to be fast, I already send my NKVD officer to shoot the useless SOB.


    Nb.: yes I know, the obvious solution is to change the target of your arty around each turn, so that it always falls just before the end of your turn. I just forgot last turn, and it pisses me of mightly that a mission that could have been accomplished with 6 shells now takes all 150 of this observer, and then still makes only a smoke screen of board.

  2. This might be discussed before, as it ties in with the infantry behaviour, but I could not find it.

    I noticed that my (green but fit) troops changed from advancing and tired to exhausted and sneaking. This happpened a few seconds after they got out of command range. This tied in with earlier strange behaviour from my troops, when I noticed that several troops were sneaking (and had of course become exhausted), while I could not detect any shots fired upon them.

    Now I know that green troops cant advance, when out of command.

    What was the case here? Did they drop down to sneak, at the moment they got out of command range because were not longer able to advance, and did they becme exhausted because of that? Or did they become exhausted and droppped to sneak because of that and was the los of command incidental?

    If the first, it is very dangerous to let green troops advance, as you can then never let them advance out of command, because if this happens halfway the turn, they will drop to sneak and exhausted. This means practically that you never can let them advance, period, because you never know the extend of the command range, especially as this might be influenced by the terrain etc.


    Hm, this changed with the patch obviously. After patching my troops were advancing again (that is what it said in the plotting anyway, it is a PBEM, awaiting the return). But they where still down with their noses in the snow. I have given them a move command, instead of the advance, so no more info forthcoming (testing is nice, but there is a war to be won).

    I'll keep on eye out for this behaviour in other situations.

    (edited once for the patch, edited twice for the spelling)

    [ November 21, 2002, 04:00 PM: Message edited by: Bertram ]

  3. As mentioned the 88 fired one charge. The height of the explosion for AA purposes was set by a time fuse. This was also used to devastating effect in direct fire, giving air burts without the need to hit anything (like the VT fuse, but with a bit more math needed for the setting).

    I was not suggesting that an 88 (nor any other arty piece) would fire indirectly at targets at 100 mtrs by using a high trajectory, I was using the straight up trajectory as extreme case to argue that the sound of indirect fire could, even with supersonic shells, arrive before the shell, depending on the traject.


  4. I could not find the other tread.

    Could it be an effect of the delivery system? If I remember correct the Germans used Nebelwerfers with each weapon having 6 tubes, 4 pieces to a unit. If the Russians use Kathushas (sp?) they might have as much as 20 rails on weapon, depending on what they put the system on (trucks, HT's, or even tanks). Their unit also consisted of more systems (6-8???). Their loading time was much longer though.

    So the Germans delivered less rockets a minute, but can reload (in CM scope), while the Russians essentially shoot their whole load in one go.


    [ November 13, 2002, 03:29 PM: Message edited by: Bertram ]

  5. On the contrary, the issue with a "detour" of the shell is highest if you want to do indirect fire at a short distance, with a high trajectory. Extreme case: firing straight up. The sound will be there instantly (distance is 0), the shell will arrive after gravity and drag stopped it, and it travelled the same distance down again (bit more time in the second half of the journey due to drag).

    Disregarding drag, and if I got my physics right: V = V0 + AT, with A = -10 (-9.8, but lets keep it simple). So the shell would stop after 100 sec, and be back in 200 sec. (Distance travelled would be 1/2 A(T square)+ V0 T = 50.000 mtrs, or 50 km up and the same down. This is obviously to high, and a result of ignoring drag).

    (al numbers metric)

    With a gun that has such a high muzzle velocity you need to use a high level trajectory at short distances. When using low level trajectories the shell either wont clear the blocking terrain, or wont drop enough after clearing this terrain to hit the target behind it. This is of course why only DF and AA guns had such a high muzzle velocity.


  6. Adding to the above: real snipers didn't operate in the environment of the CM scenario. An CM scenario is usually a decisive battle. A sniper would work in the quite periods between those battles, between the lines or even behind enemy lines. If a sniper found himself between two platoons (or more)of infantry slugging it out he (or possible she if Russian)would be out of there real fast. Besides, a sniper would generally do real long over setting up a shot, and quit his positon after one shot. Not in the scope of the game.


  7. As to fortifications you can add canals, canal bridges, and the better roads as places to eexpect them. Many where build even before the war, as standard fortifications (though only in Germany they would point the right way, in France, Belgium and the Netherlands they would, and for some part still do, generally point eastward to Germany). Even now you come across many square concrete buildings in the fields in the Netherlands. Many are rather thin walled, more reinforced observation posts, but some have bunker walls. Most of them have their covering earth lost long ago, and are used for storage or as sheepshed.


  8. Fetches,

    My games shop (Dimension Plus) knew what I was talking about. And in Groningen no less. Of course all they could tell me was that it should have been release the 4th, but it is delayed a week. Seems they get the english version, so when the Germans ship it to England, it makes a 180 turn there and comes right back to us.

    (Modern logistics: an American game is going to be translated in German, wich is translated in English, burned Germany, then shipped to England, repackaged and shipped to the Netherlands and sold there, after which I am going to rip the manual to parts, send a cover to America and get the original manual send from America to the Netherlands. And this all takes just a month, really amazing. Unnecesairy, but amazing).

    [ October 07, 2002, 03:52 AM: Message edited by: Bertram ]

  9. Sitzkrieg,

    most (dormant) virus scan programms scan when you read from disk. This includes CD-Rom disks. As the copy protection program does not only try to verify the disk at start, but keeps verifying it during play (and some copy-right protecton programs do this) your virus scanner will keep intercepting and scanning.


  10. Does CM:BO make changes to the register? I have a new comp, and I can do a reinstal, or copy all files to my new comp (that saves a lot of time with all the mods, not to mention that I don't really know what mods I am using).


    (edit: In windows XP that is)

    [ September 02, 2002, 01:31 PM: Message edited by: Bertram ]

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