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Everything posted by Lawyer

  1. Your attempt at an insult is as boring as your gameplan. Why not go back to reading "Supply Depot Management in WWII" if you can't be civil.
  2. I believe one of those games was our last one, where I gave you a pep talk mid-way through when it looked like I might win. My reward was to fall victim to your methodical destruction of a fine town. QED that I follow my own dictum of all out war. BTW, I still think there is a Magua building mod bug in CM though, cuz CM does not accurately model the strengh of the way the buildings on my screen look. They blow up way too easily. Jeff Heidmann or someone on this thread ought to look into it. Your setup will hopefully be finished tonight. Great art takes time, especially now that I know I'm playing against the whole damned Caltech computer system. I'll place my units proximate to the map edge for easy escape. Hehehe.... ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  3. Listen up, Emrys! Read the above posts again, but pay attention this time. There's a reason Hollywood made a great movie called "Patton" instead of "Hodges". Get it? ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  4. We can agree that you will never be my opponent. Why waste my precious time playing with someone like you who thinks that annoying the opponent rather than engaging in combat is the goal of CM? If you don't want to fight, why show up at all? ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  5. Do you play PBEM to win the match or to have a good fight with whatever units you have left on the map? Sure, we all want to win the whole match, and we all want to control whatever points we can at the last turn. But is winning the final point total more important to you than fighting to the last dead pixel with whatever units you have left on the map? I had a recent experience with a PBEM opponent that got me to thinking about why I play CM PBEM, and how I go about it. The issue involved was voluntary withdrawal of your own units to prevent your opponent from taking them. You can read the arguments pro and con at: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/017157.html Personally, I'm willing to risk losing a PBEM game in order to duke it out with any units I have left that are capable of hurting my opponent's forces, even if I can't win the overall game. I'll try to take back a flag or kill a tank or something. These mini-engagements can yield small victories that I enjoy as much as winning the whole game. I guess my sum enjoyment or distress over these small victories and losses yields my final feelings about how I fared in a PBEM match, no matter what the end score. In fact, the final score is often an anti-climax after an engrossing game. I've also found that, like all competitive games, the points scored at the end are usually more exciting than the points scored up front. As the forces dwindle, the stakes get higher. The victory is all the sweeter if you can pull it off, and the loss can be accepted by knowing that you at least tried everything you could do to hurt the enemy. My question about winning is directed at your attitude in playing the game. But when a 30-turn PBEM takes more than a month to setup and play, it also has a practical impact on your gameplaying time. It can be very disappointing to see your opponent give up on a game after you have spent two or three weeks just getting down to the bone in having a good fight. What is your attitude in playing PBEM? Fight to the last pixel, or go for the overall points to win the game? ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  6. Amen. Until losing a PBEM costs me real money in real life, I'll play whatever squads or teams I have left in mini-engagements until they win or lose. I want very much to win the whole game, but I'm willing to risk that to have a good fight wherever I can find one on the map. One of my best game moments came when my lone Sherman and a zook team took out two Panthers in one turn after much cat and mouse chasing around wooded terrain. My opponent won a total victory overall, but I won that little engagement. Those are the small treasures that keep me excited about playing. ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  7. First, you are correct that I want opponents to seek combat engagement within CM, and then stay around as long as possible to duke it out. That may not be historical, but much of CM is not historical. The game is simply a setup to simulate actual combat and tactics for people who want to engage in them. A truly historical sim would be boring to watch. Who wants to look at guys freezing their butts off in a foxhole? Or maybe we could watch the 9 out of 10 US troops who supported the war by typing, unloading ships, or cooking. BTS made CM to simulate the action parts of WWII because that's what we want to play. Second, you make a very good point about my inaccurate use of the word "gamey". My gripe is directed at players who are NOT playing CM as a combat game (anti-gamey??), even though their actions may be historically smart in real battle. You are right that I am really arguing for gamey players. My apologies. The rest of your tome is focused on complaints of "gamey" in general. I agree with you on most points. My issue is more focused on whether someone's attitude in playing is to fight or not. The effects of gaminess on CM mechanics is a different subject to me. BTW, I won the match in question (although I've lost others), so my gamey charge is not generated by losing. I just want the friggin' opponent to stay in the ring and fight for the fun of it. ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  8. This statement is simply not true. With at least 3 map edges normally available on a medium map, most enemy units can escape most anytime if they want to. Please give us your technique for trapping enemy units on the map, if you have one. I would love to use it. The hard challenge is staying alive on the map, not leaving it. It isn't "gameplay" if you are not on the map taking turns to kill your opponent. It may be "gaming" to take yourself out of the match, but it is not gameplay. Undoubtedly true, unless he had orders to hold at all costs (which many apparently did, from my reading). However, CM is a GAME where we actively SEEK combat, not real life history where any sane person would avoid it. We can afford to exercise our bloodlust because only the pixels die. If you only play CM when the other guy's pixels die, then you are missing most of what the game is about, IMO. Very few games are over that early. Most of mine are in balance until close to the end, and then you play to make the most of it if you are behind. Beyond that, however, you may find small victories in taking a flag or destroying a tank, etc. even if the whole game is beyond reach. It keeps it interesting, and like any competitive sport, the points scored at the end are typically more interesting than the ones scored early. Overall, I guess it is just a matter of your attitude in playing the game, which is why it's good to find opponents who share your goals in playing CM. Personally, I don't share the goals of early evacuees. To each his own. ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  9. Running units off the map is not a "feint" to fool the enemy. It is, in fact, running away from the whole battle in the hopes of getting a better score from the AI. In an operation with several battles, it may make sense to withdraw in a single engagement to preserve forces for later use. But in a single QB, with no ongoing life for units, it is an admission that you are foregoing gameplay to seek a score advantage before the game ends naturally. That is indeed gamey to people who play CM to fight till the end. Furthermore, it is a waste of time for players wanting to engage their units in battle (the whole purpose of the game). Considering that a 1500 pt QB takes more than a month to play, that is a lot of wasted time. If you plan to bug out as soon as things don't look good for you, tell your opponent up front. Save everybody else a lot of time, so you can play your half-games with those who share your views of CM victory. ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  10. Lorak, Wake up! Lawyer starts the slow crawl from bottom feeder to pondscum. Enter thusly: Lawyer -- Major Victory (73) Babra -- Evacuated, but Lost Anyway (27) More Lawyer victories soon to follow. Keep your hands on your wallets, Lads. Pray earnestly, for the Lawyer (like athlete's foot and painful death), cometh to all in due course.... ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  11. Double post due to server stuff... [This message has been edited by Lawyer (edited 03-09-2001).]
  12. Actually, I don't see it as an argument so much as a different philosophical approach to playing CM. I don't share Babra's view that his opponent should fight an encirclement battle to keep him on the map. Unlike real war, we choose to be on the map fighting each other for the sole purpose of using tactics and blowing things up. We do it for fun. If you don't want to do that, why play CM at all? I play to fight until the bitter end, never knowing what will happen, and experiencing some very creative ways of fighting as the forces diminish. Some of the most intense gameplay happens near the end when winning the game depends upon making the most out of very little. Usually, your opponent is in the same position. Fighting with pistols and knives can heighten the experience and make the victory sweeter. If you lose, you can at least know that you tried your damnedest to win. I think I will start a new thread to see how much people play CM for the main purpose of winning, as opposed to playing the game in all facets, good and bad. ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  13. I'm interested in trying some maps, but I don't know how to use them. Do they have setup zones? How do you select and put units on the map? Also, the der Kessel maps seem quite large. Are smaller ones available with bridges and other interesting things? BTW, KiwiPete is close to final death at the hands of the Lawyer. Do you want to put your sig up for grabs? How about "I fought the law and the Lawyer won"? ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  14. One of my QB opponents has voluntarily moved his remaining troops and an HT off the map to escape destruction. How does this affect the single QB scoring by the AI when the game is over? I always fight till the last pixel dies, so I have not encountered this approach before. Thanks, Jake ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  15. 53, that's why I have more wisdom than jd. No wrinkles, but my age finally fits my body condition, so I don't need to make excuses anymore. See, kids, there are some benefits. I think Mannheim Tanker may be one of my illegitimate children. ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  16. The Vulture quietly appears on the horizon, flying slowly in circles and eyeing its prey carefully, all the while lusting to dine upon the soft white underbelly of the deadman (formerly known as mensch)... "Mrs. Mensch, I think you can do a whole lot better than that in your settlement." sez the evil beast. hehehehe..... ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  17. Okay, Moonboy, you're an asstronut. And computers don't play sides. Take yer whine-fest to BTS. But I must laugh at your "my position became untenable, so I was forced to evacuate" claptrap. You had about 10 turns to move your troops back to defend against the main attack. It was happening under that big smoke cloud, in case you missed it. Here's a tip... You can move troops after the game begins to better positions. You sure knew how to make them run rather than fight at the end. Hey, dying at the Hands of the Law is certainly better than dying at the mitts of a damned court reporter. Enjoy the honor! You'll get your turn when I get home. ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  18. Question: What is Babra fighting for? Answer: To save his ass and blame somebody else for his own stupidity. Jeez, I send BA-BA-WA-WA-Whiner a computer generated setup to avoid the inevitable gamey charge, which he now has embraced with zeal as the last haven of a sore loser. Wonder if we would see such accusations if he was winning? Hmmm.... Poor Babs chose to defend an open field with all his troops, which was about six miles from the village and victory flags, where he left all his armor unprotected. Then Babby squeals with glee on the forum when he massacres my scout company out in the field with all his infantry (far, far away from the real victory objectives). He bored us again with another girlish squeal when he (get this!!) disabled a damaged HT, and acted like he won WWII. Very sad and pathetic. Meanwhile, the Honest Lawyer leads a classic successful combined arms attack upon Babby's village, knocks out his two AT guns, 75mm pillbox, MarkIV, Puma, and HT's (yeah I see the other one, Bab-Poo). Babby's bold counterstrike to my attack is to high-tail all his remaining infantry off the other edge of the map. Wow, what imagination! What guts and glory! As I told him, he could have saved us a few weeks by doing it on turn one if that's all the fight he has in him. He must be one of those froggy canucks who avoids real fighting. So I will mop up what is left. And yes, I will send him the AAR cuz I have nothing to hide. His stupid strategy yields predictable results, and now he comes here whining. Have none of it, Lads! Now please return to your normal dingleberry picking rituals. ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  19. I wondered what had happened when I got an error trying to load your site yesterday. It's on my bookmark, so keep up the good work. Thanks ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  20. KiwiPNZ, you pathetic loser. You don't even know how to start a Peng thread. Check with mensch to see how it's done. I'm going back to Croda. ------------------ You're never alone with a schizophrenic.
  21. Actually, the answer to this mystery is quite clear, jd. The large tank force that he used to exterminate you was deftly moved over into my game with Mr. Kiss Ass Kander. Not to worry, though. I quickly demolished his several Shermans, a few Stuarts, and a Greyhound or two. You can check out this huge collection of junk steel in my AAR when I complete the demolition of Ike's remaining forces, which shall be as soon as he crawls humbly back to his old Kentucky farm. The poor lad was so devasted that he left home to go to Columbus, Ohio. There's no greater punishment that you can possibly inflict on him, jd. ------------------ If you can read this, you are too smart to be in the Cesspool.
  22. These are beautiful, beautiful mods. Many thanks to Marco and the other guys.
  23. I'm watching you, jd , ya gamey bastard with yer cheap taunts. If I wasn't so busy with other gamey bastards, I'd cut off your Viagra prescription. ------------------ If you can read this, you are too smart to be in the Cesspool. [This message has been edited by Lawyer (edited 02-25-2001).]
  24. What is all this artsy fartsy crap being tossed around by Seanachai, chrisl, waterboy, and even jd??? This ain't no Shakespeare club, you twits. If you're proud of buying classical literature books and actually reading them, you have no business posting in the Cesspool. If you didn't read it in a Sgt. Rock comic book, Penthouse Forum, or Hustler, keep the pseudo-intellectual garbage to yourself. Better yet, go find a pantywaist debate thread where you can show off. You are collectively a threat to cheap pop culture and Peng-style thought (non-sequitur) as we know and love it. Put it all where the sun don't shine, ya bunch of show-off geeks. We don't care about it here. ------------------ If you can read this, you are too smart to be in the Cesspool.
  25. Hey Elvis! Did you get the six beers I bought for you?? ------------------ Men were shot down for the sake of fun, Or just to hear the noise of their .44 guns... -- Marshall Tucker Band
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