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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Damn, this really hoses the old calculations! Wait...let me recalculate...additional score...divide by two...carry the one... John Kettler is the new winner for the ROW IV tournament!!!
  2. I have redesigned Wild Bill's 'Team Desorby' in CMAK. You can get it either at Boots and Tracks or e-mailing me. Note that it is not a scenario, but a 6 battle Op.
  3. El Bumpo I will soon submit this to the depot, but having not received a reply from the Admiral I am unsure of how to submit it as a pack, so it may be broken up. All the scenarios will have a 'SSP' prefix added, along with a number to designate chronological order.
  4. Thanks to J2D's idea, I believe I now have a workable scenario, albeit a tad different than what I first thought up. These changes are outlined in the briefings. If anyone else if interested in testing it let me know via e-mail. The new version does not require a constant exchange of e-mails between the player and myself. Basically it is a stand alone scenario to be played against the AI.
  5. He probably has both in the same location, but only the flag would show up in the game.
  6. You can increase the map from any side. Check with the manual, there is a way. I believe it requires you to hold down either the 'Ctrl' or 'Shift' key, then clicking on the height (to add more map to the bottom edge) or width (for the left side). Run a test on a blank map to confirm, then edit your scenario.
  7. Looks like the two buildings may be a factor, although I don't think it should. Move the buildings a tile away from the road and see what happens -or- you can extend the map edge to the left.
  8. I'll send you a copy of the scenario when I get home tonight. Thanks for the help
  9. J2D, McCauliffe found this site on Belgian army uniforms. Scroll down to the one titled "L'après 1960". You can also check out the photos in the Dragon Operations link. Uniform mods would be a cool addition.
  10. As long as the image is already on a server then the procedure is the same as quoting. Simply copy the URL of the image, click on 'Full Reply Form' to get the image button, paste URL into the image box, then hit ok.
  11. This is an interesting idea, and worth trying out. It does require me to rethink the overall concept, but at this point a little compromise on my part wouldn't hurt. Much abliged for all the suggestions. I appreciate the help.
  12. Once you set the game to hotseat you can't go back to playing against the AI.
  13. AFAIK, you can't set arcs in the editor. The problem I am having is the ratio of surrendered units to those that refuse. Currently it is 2-3 out of 10, leaving the other 7 visible to the player once the game starts. To get a decent number of hostages hidden I would have to flood the map with units. I'll give it a try later on tonight, but it looks that this work only for QBs, not scenarios.
  14. British doctrine in the early part of the war called for soft targets to be engaged with MGs, while the main guns were reserved for enemy armor. They did have a few CS tanks armed with the low velocity 3" howitzers, but only a few, and they carried very limited HE ammo (mostly smoke rounds). It wasn't until the Grants showed up that the Brits finally had a decent HE chucker.
  15. Although I have not given up, I am slowly running out of ideas on how to get this to work. So far I've run close to 2 dozen test, and none have come close to what I need to happen. In addition to the tweaks I mentioned earlier I have tried the following: placing the hostages in open terrain and surrounded by hostiles. No luck. placing them on the upper floors, again with hostiles all around, and one directly below to cut off all escape routes. No go again. I even placed a hostile unit directly atop the hostage. Still no go. Some surrender, some get cut down, but most just sit in place without reverting to the AI's control.
  16. ****SPOILER**** * * * * * * * * * Try HSG-3AD SS Slugfest. I'm not sure if it is at the depot, but you should be able to get it from the Proving Grounds.
  17. Update: True to their nature, the Poles refuse to surrender, even when defenseless and surrounded by hostile forces. This has forced me to edit the scenario, and I am still tweaking it. To further encourage them, I have removed the Paracommandos from the initial setup, and instead brought them in as reinforcements. This results in the allied global morale dropping in the first few turns. Still, the Poles are stubborn. Further tweaking is underway, so I ask that you bear with me until I get this right. I cannot release it to the testers until all the poles have surrendered, otherwise the whole effort is wasted.
  18. In early August 1964, several thousand Simba rebels under the command of Nicholas Olenga stormed the defenses of Stanleyville, a city of 300,000 deep in the heart of the newly independent Republic of the Congo. The victorious rebels promptly took more than 1,600 European residents hostage and announced that any attempt by the Congolese government to recapture the city would precipitate the killing of the Europeans. So began the drama that culminated in the first-and in many ways, the most complex-multinational hostage rescue operation of the cold war. One hundred and eleven days after Olenga's capture of Stanleyville, in the dawn hours of 24 November 1964 following a strike by CIA-piloted B-26s against Stanleyville Airport, 5 U.S. Air Force C­130s bearing 340 troops of the 1st Battalion, Belgian Paracommando Regiment, staged a combat assault to seize the airport. The airborne assault was planned to coincide with the arrival in Stanleyville of a ground force composed of Belgian and U.S. Army officers, a small CIA element, and a contingent of the Congolese Army. Excerpt copied from: Dragon Operations: Hostage Rescues in the Congo, 1964-1965 Dragon Rouge is a CMAK scenario depicting the hostage rescue at Stanleyville by the 1st Bn, Belgian Paracommando regiment. The scenario is designed to be played against the AI, but unlike other scenarios this one does not require you to capture flags or eliminate enemy units. Instead, following the airborne assault and consolidation, you must penetrate into the city and rescue as many hostages as possible in the time allotted (120 turns). The map is 3600 meters by 1760 meters, and is as close to historically accurate as the game engine allows. Your initial force consists of 2 companies of Belgian paracommandos (American Glider units) plus support elements. These units have just dropped on the tarmac of Stanleyville airport. Your first assignment is to secure the airfield and adjacent territory, so that the second wave can arrive via USAF C-130s. This force is orbiting overhead, so you must move quickly. Furthermore, no doubt your arrival has been noticed by the Simbas, and if you do not get into the city as soon as possible they may begin executing the hostages. In addition to the Paracommados another force is approaching the city from the south. This force, dubbed "L'Ommengang", consists of Belgian and US Army officers, a small CIA element (British recon assault platoon), and a contingent of the Congolese army (2 companies of French motorized infantry). However, they have encountered several ambushes on their approach, so they will be delayed. For now, you are on your own. As you progress into the scenario you will begin sending in reports, via e-mail to me, of your progress and tactical situation. These reports will trigger updates from me, which will contain all sorts of information. Everything from possible hostage locations, to the progress of L'Ommengang, to sightings of Simba troop movements or defensive deployments. These reports may be timely, or completely out of touch with the tactical situation on the ground. You must separate the wheat from the chaff. What kind of opposition might you encounter? Unknown. The latest intelligence report indicates that there may be as many as 10,000 rebels (Italian blackshirt) in the city, with over 2,000 being well armed. Although the majority are equipped with small arms, there have been sightings of heavier weapons in the area. All the more reason to secure the airfield quickly before the second wave arrives. And what of the hostages? These are represented by conscript Polish infantry units, stripped of ammo, and with their morale and physical state lowered to the worst setting. These are then scattered all over the city, outside of command range, and surrounded by Simba units. The purpose being to get them to surrender right away. Otherwise, if they resists the Simbas will execute them. One way or another you will find out. So, can I get some help testing this beast? I need 5 testers who are willing to take this one for a spin. Keep in mind that it is 120 turns long, but is also against the AI, so it should play quickly. Note: the scenario will begin after turn 1, and will be sent to you as a saved game file. The reason for this is to allow enough time for the Polish units to surrender to the AI, and thus remain hidden from the players, thereby forcing them to search the city for the hostages. The first 5 to post here will get to test version 1. You’ll need to also e-mail me. My address is in my profile.
  19. You are correct. It was that report that inspired me to do a scenario on Dragon Rouge. I have the map of Stanleyville already done, and just need a basic idea of the Para's squad structure to finish it.
  20. Specifically the squad level TO&E for the 1st Paracommando regiment circa 1964.
  21. By the way, is it easy for engineer/pionner troops to destroy a bridge ? What are the required conditions to do that ? :confused: </font>
  22. A project 9 months in the making, the Staffordshire scenario pack is now (finally!) available. This 5 battle pack covers the major battles of the British 59th (Staffordshire) division, from its debut in Operation Charnwood, to the bitter fighting for Noyers-Bocage, to the bridgehead battles near Grimbosq and Thury-Harcourt. -Background- The British 59th (Staffordshire) division was formed in the summer of 1939 as a duplicate of the 55th (West Lancashire) division. For the first 3 years the division was assigned various guard and invasion defense duties in England, Scotland and Ireland. On July 31, 1943 the division was transferred to the SE coast of England near Kent, and along with the 43rd (Wessex) and 53rd (Welsh) division, became part of the newly formed British XII Corp, itself designated as the follow-up Corp for the upcoming invasion of France. On June 26th, 1944 the division came ashore at Juno Beach, giving it the distinction of the only duplicate division in the British army to fight overseas. After a week spent assembling in the Bayeux area it was transferred south to join the British I Corp for Operation Charnwood. After Charnwood the division spent a week resting and recuperating, then was transferred to XXX Corp for Operation Pomergrante. Kicking off on July 16th, the division launched a series of attacks aimed at capturing Noyers-Bocage. The next major action for the division was the battles near Grimbosq and Thury-Harcourt. Ordered to establish bridgeheads across the Orne river near these two towns, the division succeeded in forcing a crossing near Grimbosq on August 6th. Two days of heavy combat followed, including counterattacks by the German 12th SS Panzer division. The successful defense of Grimbosq opened the way for the advance on Thury-Harcourt, and for that the independent British 56th brigade was temporarily attached to the division. After a sharp fight the town fell on August 14th. Sadly, the end of the division came just four days later. Due to shortage of replacement troops the division was ordered to disband, and its men transferred to other formations. -The battles- The scenarios / ops are arranged in Chronological order, and should be played that way. The first scenario in the pack is 'La Bijude', and depicts the 7th Battalion, Royal Norfolk's attack on July 8th in Operation Charwood. La Bijude is a small town located roughly midway between Cambes-En-Plaine and Epron. Opposing the British are the fanatical defenders of the German 12th SS Panzer division. Roughly 3000 points per side / 60 turns. Next on the list is 'Noyers-Bocage'. This scenario has the 177th Brigade, with strong armored and artillery support, battling the German 277th infantry division and attached units in Operation Pomergranate. The map is 2km x 2km. Force size is 5300 German / 6800 British. 60 turns long. The following two battles are operations, each depicting a separate phase of the battles near Grimbosq and Le Brieux. Both use the same 4km x 3km map. The first, 'Grimbosq - the crossing', deals with the British 176th Brigade's crossing of the Orne on August 6th, and the subsequent battles to expand the bridgehead. Defending units are from the German 271st infantry division. 6 battles, each 25 turns long, with the first occurring at night. 7800 allied / 5500 German. The next Op, 'Grimbosq - the counterattack', depicts the German response to the now established British bridgehead on August 8th. The reinforced 176th Brigade attempts to defend against the determined attacks by Kampfgruppe Wunsche. Same number of battles and turns as it's predecessor. 10,000 allied / 9500 axis. The final battle is the scenario titled 'Thury-Harcourt' and it covers the 2nd Bn. Gloucestershire / 56th Brigade's attacks on August 12th. 3600 allies / 2400 German, 60 turns long. Special thanks to the following for their help with research and testing: Scott B Makjager Andreas Redwolf JonS Philippe Koen Triaxe TigerIvan Bogdan Tar And a couple of others whose names escape me at the moment. Also, thanks to Robert Morss, webmaster to the excellent 59th (Staffordshire) Division website. For the moment I can e-mail the entire pack (or seperate scenarios) to anyone who is interested. I do plan on submitting it to the scenario depot, but am awaiting a response from the admiral. Contact me if you are interested. My address is in my profile. [ November 25, 2004, 11:07 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  23. 'Der Manstein Kommit' from the Stalingrad Pack. It is a CMBB Op designed by Franko
  24. JonS, Yes, I am very interested. BTW, would your book also have any pics, maps, etc on Noyers Bocage?
  25. Its not a mac issue, as I have a PC and I see the same thing.
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