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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. As I understand it, this bug will only appear if all these conditions apply: 1)The scenario contains one of these aircraft 2)The aircraft has already dropped it's ordanance 3)The pbem game is saved, then reloaded Given all that, how many times do you think this bug will appear? The first condition makes it rare, the second (given AA defenses, weather and other parameters) makes it rarer still, and the third, if you are unfortunate enough to play someone who is willing to cheat, makes it so rare that it's almost impossible to quantify. I've been playing CM since '99, and have encountered aircraft maybe 2-3 dozen times (give or take). Out of all those games I may have saved and reloaded once, and it was only during a patch upgrade (which, BTW, there won't be anymore of in CMAK).
  2. OK, I've been away from CM for a little while, but this is a bot surprising to me... I was not aware that CMAK could do Western Front stuff like Wacht am Rein. Am I incorrect? </font>
  3. This is open to debate, since the US gave as good as it got in the Solomons without the services of these ships. It would make an interesting what-if to have these ships included in the allied OOB. What affect would they have had in the battle for Savo, or the November battles of Guadacanal?
  4. poppys, The problem with your post is the title. You could have said "American lives were saved because the Pacific fleet was caught at Pearl, rather than out in the open ocean".
  5. The "sneak off the map edge and come back in behind the enemy" trick really drives me nuts!
  6. Troops will not disembark from a vehicle that has an active movement order.
  7. I copied the text onto MS Word, and have e-mailed it to you. Thanks very much for the help.
  8. I need someone to translate a page and a half of text from an online site that describes the battle for Brest. Here is the site. Move the cursor over the English flag, then click on 'Middleton's report'. It is a 6 page AAR, of which the first 4 1/2 are in English, but for some reason the final 1 1/2 pages are still in French.
  9. Some of the Brit gear was equal if not better than the equivilent axis hardware. The Lee-Endfield was better than the Kar98, the 3" mortar was better than the German 81mm. The Matilda II, while slow and lacking HE ammo, was impervious to almost every axis AT gun in the desert during the early years. The 25pdr was a decent field piece, equal to the German 105mm.
  10. The port capacity on Sardinia is suitable for the support of a multi-divisional invasion force. Keep in mind that the Americans 7th army in Sicily didn't have access to a large port until the capture of Palermo, yet were still able to field 5+ divisions. Also note that Naples wasn't captured until almost a month after the Salerno landings, and required extensive rebuilding due to German demolitions of harbor facilities.
  11. The defect itself is not modeled, but crews will panic if their tanks takes repeated hits, even if none penetrate.
  12. Another advantage to invading southern France is that it would allow the allied armies to turn east and threaten German LOCs in Italy.
  13. It does if, on the one hand, it complicates your opponent's situation while easing your own. By ocupying these two islands you force the Germans to defend the entire western coast of Italy as well as southern France. That is a huge manpower drain on German reserves, at almost no cost to the allied side. At the same time the allies would enjoy greater flexibility in choosing where to land on the European continent. The two islands could be converted to huge springboards for the upcoming invasion, complete with multiple airbases to support the landings.
  14. I think I see what Fred is trying to say. As I understand it, planes in CM are coded to use their primary weapons first, then follow up with strafing. Fred's test scenario confirms that the ME109 made one bomb pass, then strafed. But when he resaved and reloaded it was equipped with a second bomb.
  15. Imagine the reception FDR and Churchill would have received at Yalta if they told Stalin in '43 "Screw you, we will open up a second front when we damn well please"
  16. A 3 division invasion force, in conjunction with airborne forces dropped to secure the routes out of Cagliara, would have secured the city inside of 72 hours, far faster than the capture of Naples. The close proximity to bases in NA would have allowed for rapid reinforcements (not that they would have been needed). The Italian garrison would have already surrendered, and with almost no naval assets to speak of the Germans would have been hard pressed to evacuate their own troops from the islands.
  17. David, Distance from either Palermo or Messina to Salerno is roughly 350 miles as the crow flies. Distance from Bizerta to Cagliara (southern tip of Sardinia) is roughly 200 miles. Distance from Cagliara to the nearest point in Italy (Rome area) is close to 400 miles.
  18. IIRC, the only sizeable German force on either island at the time of the Salerno landings was the 90th PG div in Sardinia. I'm not familiar with the Italian garrisons, but by this time they were of questionable value (and maybe even a threat to the Germans). The only unit I can think of that could have reinforced the 90th was the 2nd FJ near Rome, much like 1st FJ did in Sicily, but doing so would have cut by half the forces available to cover Rome and the supply / withdrawal routes to the south.
  19. Are you sure about that.? What about Eben Emael. </font>
  20. Yes, another what if. Assume that instead of invading Italy outright, the allies instead went after both Sardinia and Corsica in seperate operations. Both are relatively large islands, capable of holding several divisions, and are fairly close to not only central and northern Italy, but southern France as well. Now assume that these were captured and converted into large staging areas for the invasion of southern Europe. What effect would such a move have on possible allied plans? Would they even bother with landings at Salerno, Taranto and Calabria? Would they instead be planning a possible direct seaborne attack on Rome? Or maybe even farther north in the Pisa / Genoa area? Southern France? What about the axis? How would such a move affect their overall defensive strategy for southern Europe?
  21. Clive Burt, My e-mails to you keep bouncing back. I've tried twice now. Is there any other address I can send to? If so, e-mail it to me.
  22. Yes, and I quickly drown it out with alcohol and pain killers. Seriously, signups for ROW V will begin sometime around the first week of
  23. Must be the broken link in my sig. Try this
  24. Admiral, Thank you for the repsonse, and no apologies necessary. I know all too well how crazy real life can be. I'll send you the zipped pack later on tonight. Jeff, Expect a zipped pack as well.
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