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Everything posted by SirReal

  1. Actually, that's "b0rk b0rk b0rk", but then, only a true Swede would know that. So there. What are you doing calling yourself Lurker? If anyone here could claim such a name, surely it would be me. You probably have more than one post per week. Bah. Newbie lurkers. /SirReal
  2. Good catch! Phoenix Command. Not something I've played a lot, but it did have some catchy lines in it. "Why are you ducking? They couldn't possibly hit us in the head from over there." - Humpbert NoDose, his last words /SirReal
  3. I didn't think there actually was one. Boy, was I wrong. The Team /SirReal
  4. I'd bow, scrape and chant "I'm not worthy", but since that's obvious to all, I'll simply refrain. Please inform me when I am worthy to clean to underside of your boots with a bodypart of your choosing, Oh Great One! Does this mean that I may add Serf of the CessPool to my sig? /SirReal
  5. Ohhh, a thrashing! Joy unto me! Expect it within a day or so. /SirReal
  6. You're right, of course. In fact, Nidan does seem like the perfect candidate to challenge. Consider: </font> He can't spell or construct a sentence. Given the fact that he edits his posts and still can't get it right, he's obviously unable to set up even a 100 pt battle against the AI.</font>The most grievious fault he can find in me (a SSN) is my nationality. Pathetic powers of observation leads to inability to react properly in a battle.</font>When confronted with his faults, he retreats into his childhood memories of TV-shows. How pathetic is that?</font>And finally, when challenged, he flaunts his Knighthood, hoping that the SSN will abide by the Peng rules and not challenge him.</font> Sorry Nidan, you seem like too good a mark to miss. Run for cover or stand and fight. /SirReal
  7. All talk and no play makes Nidan a dull boy. adj. dull·er, dull·est </font> 1. Intellectually weak or obtuse; stupid.</font>2. Lacking responsiveness or alertness; insensitive.</font>3. Dispirited; depressed.</font>4. Not brisk or rapid; sluggish: Business is dull.</font>5. Not having a sharp edge or point; blunt: a dull knife.</font>6. Not intensely or keenly felt: a dull ache.</font>7. Arousing no interest or curiosity; boring: a dull play.</font>8. Not bright or vivid. Used of a color: a dull brown.</font>9. Cloudy or overcast: a dull sky.</font>10. Not clear or resonant: a dull thud.</font> Do you still play the game, or perhaps you feel safer staying on the boards? No matter. I will eventually find someone brave enough to pick up the glove. /SirReal PS. Note to Joe Shaw: The term you're looking for is Lurker.
  8. Ah, but consider the original posting by Nidan1 in it's entirety before judging: So you see, he did end it correctly ("twit"), merely omitting the optional "you". My quote was taken out of context in the interest of brevity. Lars, as to my Cojones, I prefer not to refer to them (I think the Peng rules are very sensible on this point). But enlighten a newbie while he's busy sucking scum. How, exactly, do I issue a challenge? A brief search of previous Peng's reveal no obvious methodology or ruleset for the actual challenge. /SirReal
  9. I never had the privilege of viewing the Ding Dong School, but a quick search turned up an image that may bring back some dear memories for some. I really think this is getting a bit off-topic, isn't it? I thought this thread was about personal assaults and wargaming, not educating pre-school children. Is it too farfetched to hope that all this foreplay will eventually lead to some harcore PBEM action? /SirReal
  10. Good question. Perhaps some experimentation will provide an answer. Logically, rounds that can't penetrate should have no or very limited effect if a target in good cover is suppressed.
  11. Nidan1, since you're editing all of your posts anyway, here are some tips (italics inserted by me): And finally, his name was Johansson, not Johanssen. /SirReal
  12. That's hilarious! I'm not jewish though, and thus have not had to suffer genital mutilation. The reference to bleeding was, of course, from Monty Pythons' excellent "Search for the Holy Grail". I'm just mentioning it since you seem unaware. Don't worry, I'm not gone for good, but I really do have to work. And no, it's not making those cow dung flavored patties out of a meat-like substance that's the number one favorite food in some parts of the world. As to the presence or absence of an extra appendage (furry or not), I don't see that it's any of your concern, Nidan1. And I wouldn't allow you to caress it even if I had one, so don't bother to ask. /SirReal
  13. Oh no, I am undone. Woe unto me. Such a brutal and intelligent comeback has left me speechless and demotivated. Sodding off as per instructions, SIR! Besides, I have better things to do. Like watching my toenails grow. Or work. Tough choice, that one... /SirReal
  14. Sorry, due to tax reasons, production has been moved out of the country. As to loving your S-60. Be careful. I doubt the warranty covers it. /SirReal
  15. Excellent, a small-minded bigot. Just what I need for a warm-up. By the way, the spelling is "foreigner". Don't they teach you kids to spell? Oh, and I suppose you started out with 3800 posts for free, did you? The email address has been fixed, since you actually had a point there. /SirReal
  16. Bruce, it's so nice to see someone take up a fight against a troll! =) Especially since the troll, while profusely declaring it's historical knowledge, never actually provides the nice references you do. /SirReal
  17. Oooh, another few comments ... Why is it that being attacked several times in a single turn does not affect my ability to defend? Reasonably, those attacks occur simultaneously, and so I must divide my defenses. Since the game plays like it does, I suggest each unit defending more than once recieves some sort of penalty. Perhaps -1 for each attack after the first? Rockets, as implemented, have too much effect against troops (even at tech 5, hitting a city block should be difficult, never mind a tank or a ship). But they also have too little effect on resources. I suggest making rockets the strategic weapons they were used as -- good for hitting large, stationary targets (airfields, cities, etc), and not much more. /SirReal
  18. On the subject of realism changes, why is it that ships gain experience from doing shore bombardments? The research seems to erratic -- investing 2 pts from the start (and going up to 5 by '43) in Jet Aircraft yielding only 1 point by '44, and getting 5 pts in Rockets in '44 after setting one point there in '43 seems too strange. IMHO, at this strategic level, gains from research should be more predictable than that. /SirReal
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