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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by patboivin

  1. Maximus,

    Was it you I gave all that computer advice to the other day?

    ha ha, yesterday my computer was out of commission due to a virus my Windows-based virus checker didn't see: Chance.R, which activates only on John Lennon's assassination anniversary.

    At 00:07 today, my computer went back to normal, I ran the DOS version of F-Prot, and disinfected my machine. The Windows version of F-Prot didn't see the virus...

    So people be careful.

    Now I have to check every single diskette I own because of this blasted DOS virus that must be at least three or four years old...


  2. It may have already been said, but that operation is wicked when playing the Germans.

    Very different from the scenario.

    The first battle is OK; in the second battle I am taking a pounding (so are the Allies) but losses are, again, phenomenal. (memories of Cheneux...)

    Great fun, thanks to the Wild Bill team.

    For the third battle, I wonder if I will only have a handful of tank crews left !


  3. Maximus,

    If you don't have an up-to-date virus checking software on your computer I strongly recommend you go get a (free) copy of F-Prot off the 'net, install it on your drive D:, and run it from the DOS prompt. Check for a virus before you do anything else. If you have a commercial virus checker all the more power to you, make sure your virus checker data files are up to date (.dat files for McAffee).

    Whenever you get bizarre behaviour like this, odds are very good that it is due to a virus and not hardware failure, unless you play basketball, soccer or water polo with your computer. Or if you use it as a door stop.

    Once you are absolutely certain that you DO NOT have a virus, you can explore other options. Do your research though and don't rush into things. You don't want to lose your data. You have time, if there's anything you have it's time. So don't rush, you probably won't be able to "undo" changes that you make.

    IF the situation is really bad consider purchasing something like Norton Utilities that will diagnose your system and help you fix problems. I think that some utilities try to repair systems.

    My 2 cents' worth. I am an Oracle Database Administrator on UNIX and NT, and am backup system administrator for a handful of NT servers at work. If you have any questions you can post them or e-mail me directly.


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mord:

    I finally got why you said that. LOL! I was under the impression that you could discuss non CM topics as long as they pertained to WWII. Can we or are we not supposed too? Well anyway thanks for the non Chrysler parts. smile.gif



    Yes, I had to ask just to see if was still a link there... but no one answered so I guess Chrysler is a new company (post WWII), and so the humourous parallel doesn't hold. Too bad, irony makes life more interesting to watch.

    I see that the Volkswagen bug was recently re-introduced, Chrysler has a PT cruiser, who knows what car manufacturers will offer next. Put me down for an 8-wheeled SUV.


  5. I think the question is more than a little fanciful, for example I read somewhere that Hitler had planned to send "improved" V2 rockets to New York by the 1980s, but it never happened of course.

    IF they had won, and both regimes were left, I suspect they would have been friendly for a while, but like two beasts sleeping next to each other, one or the other would have ended up turning on the other.

    Realize though that this is just impossible, Germany for example controlled way too much territory, no country could handle it all for a prolonged period of time, especially since the territory was conquered and not due to a friendly alliance.

    I agree too that if the war had continued, after 1945 the German population would have been quite tired of it all. At some point rousing rhetoric just doesn't work anymore.

    Again though I think this question is rather silly.

    Did Chrysler exist during WWII? Did they build any vehicles we see in CM? Just wondering, since Daimler recently fired the American executives in charge of Chrysler, that's a takeover if I have ever seen one. Whatever happened to Lee Iacocca? (spelling?). But it looks like the outright purchase of Chrysler by Daimler (ooops sorry in the U.S. they officially announced it as a "merger") was too hard on Daimler, the total value of Daimler-Chrysler is now less than Daimler's value before the takeover!


  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME::

    Maybe its white phos?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    That would surprise me, I remember BTS saying something to the effect that WP wouldn't be used in a historically accurate way if we had it at our disposal.

    I saw more smoke than usualy while playing the Villers-Bocage operation, my Tigers lost track of their targets because smoke appeared everywhere. I thought it was the Allies doing this, but I noticed one Tiger had a grey line pointing at a target, I just canceled it and move on without giving it a second thought.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Olle Petersson:

    After reading this post more thoroughly:

    What's a Cylon?

    The first time I read this thread I just thought it was a misspelling of Cyclops, one-eyed men, but it seems not.



    A Cylon is a bronze-plated tin can of a soldier (a robot) that shoots without aiming and gets picked off easily during Battlestar Galactica reruns on TV.


    This URL is better, but it's one BIG JPEG file: http://www.gate.net/~starbuck/cyloncomp1.jpg


    [This message has been edited by patboivin (edited 11-30-2000).]

  8. I kind of like the quarter-mile long O.G.R.E. tank that came in those little pocket games in the early 80's.

    You know, the one with 32 nuclear missiles in it.

    The game had other interesting units though, hover tanks and heavy armoured infantry.

    When they do CM7 CyberWar: The Future Is Here, they will have to put in an armour factor for infantry units.


    [This message has been edited by patboivin (edited 11-30-2000).]

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Alexander:

    I've been reading with interest the various posts on the new TCP/IP upgrade. I haven't tried it myself, but the emerging consensus seems to be that beyond 1000pts, or so, it becomes unmanageable- at least with the timer.

    Maybe the ultimate application will be the for the eventual multi-multiplayer edition; 10,000 point regiimental matches with a major and a half dozen lieutenants per side. Sign me up for that battle. cool.gif.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    And when we will be able to string the movie files together, we will be able to sit back and watch the 3 hour motion picture...

    I am waiting for Kursk in CM2, that will be a total mess. heh heh biggrin.gif

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MikeT:

    MadMatt, I do wish BTS would reconsider making the modeling feature open to gamers. The Interplay game StarFleet Command does make modeling available for gamers and that has open up the game to so many new ships that it is staggering.

    I believe that this would open up the game and greatly enhance the number of types of units, both inf and vehicle. Now this would possibly create problems in email gaming since a gamer might create a vehicle that cannot be destroyed. This might be solveable by a bit of code that prevents such gamer models from being used in any other than single player games.

    Imagine having avaiable a MAUS for games or a gamer creating early war AFVs. BTS would still have to write code for new features such as special terrain or command/control ability. But the vehicles could easily be done by us gamers.


    I have been fooling around with Cylons, but I'm not sure it's such a great idea.

    If I could model my own vehicles... the Maus would be modeled really quickly I suspect (great bunker for intersections), the Tiger E.100, new Allied tanks, and other prototypes.

    The game would be out of control!

    How could I resist trying to model an Ogre, as in the G.E.V. pocket games, hovertanks, you name it.

    One of the great facets of this game is that it is historically accurate (as far as I can tell). I can complain about minor things all I like, but I know that the rules and the unit specs won't change.

    What if players start playing with the specs? It would never end, and eventually people would get turned off I think.

    It wasn't a computer game, but Star Fleet Battles suffered from this -- at first the races had very distinct technologies, but lo and behold within five years every race had access to other races' technologies, and eventually all the fleets resembled each other. Task Force Games kept publishing SSD manuals, but eventually it got a little boring. Everything was the same! Yawn...

    I am waiting for CM2, I want to play Kursk (I like tank battles). I imagine Wild Bill will have fun designing that one. An operation perhaps? Start with some tanks; ok. Now you get more tanks. Good. Ok, more tanks. Oh, you can't maneuver anymore, too many wrecks on the field? Doesn't that make the game more interesting???

    As for Sci-Fi, and opening modeling, maybe that could be released as a separate product eventually. I strongly suspect though that since CM is so popular, copy cats will appear within two or three years and one of them is bound to open the modeling engine to players.

    Here I go making predictions again... bad habit.


    If people disagree please post, the more discussion the merrier.


    Oh I forgot to mention: I left the Cylon BMP's in my game, and forgot about them. I was playing Villers-Bocage operation, and I noticed that some of the tank commanders had Cylon faces! I'll have to change that back -- Cylons in Tiger E tanks; they would never use such inferior technology, ha! What a joke. Better to polish up the armour to be shiny and walk in straight lines, in plain view... How stupid can machines be.

    [This message has been edited by patboivin (edited 11-28-2000).]

  11. I tried doing a silly mod of some infantry, but found that the game engine stretches and re-shapes everything to give people a human profile.

    I guess there is no way of overcoming that.

    For example I wanted to model some Cylons, but their helmets aren't shaped like caps or the usual WW-II helmets.

    Also their face is not human, they look kind of funny when the bitmap is forced in the shape of a human face.

    I replaced two rifles with new bitmaps, but one of them shows up in the game with the pink background -- do I have to do something special with the outline of the gun to make it show up properly? I compared the two I made, and couldn't find anything that I did differently.

    Is there a bitmap for the actual shells and bullets we see flying across the screen?

    I wish there was a way we could set our own paremeters for the various units, that would open the game up quite a bit -- e.g. what would stop us then from re-modeling some terrain as sand, or other desert features, create desert mods for the units and go to it. Better yet, some of us could start creating modern mods for CM, with all that entails.

    I guess though that if there was too much flexibility, the game would no longer have standards. At least now when we face say a Stuart, we know it's a Stuart and what its capabilities are.

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gaffertape:

    Interesting that there are lots of Urban Ops players here (myself included).

    There is only one other game that I regularly play: The orignal 'X-COM: Ufo Defence'. An oldie (1994?) but one hell of a goody. Not really comparable to CM except for its ability to make you truly connect with your soldiers and scream along with them as they die horribly.


    I agree with that sentiment.

    I have the newer XCOM here, I played it once I think. It isn't as engaging as the oldie.

    In the old game, I finished with a bang: I sent a missile down a corridor, up a level, did a 180 degree turn and sent it right in the middle of the room. There was a huge explosion, and the game ended.


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