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Posts posted by patboivin

  1. I can't resist:

    All the judges of the Florida Supreme Court were appointed by Democratic governors... and CNN was acting as if they didn't know which way the judges would rule.

    Can anyone tell me who appointed the Federal Supreme Court judges, so I can predict who won the U.S. election?

    In Canada Supreme Court Judges are appointed by the Prime Minister and they are there for quite a while. I wouldn't be able to tell you if they are all Liberals, or if some of them are Conservatives from the Mulroney days.

    : )

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lordfluffers:

    You fool, your either double clicking on your HQ units or dragging a box around several units and issuing them the same orders. Mon Deau! (slaps hand against forehead).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    That's either "Mon Dieu!" (My God!)

    or "Mon doux" (watered down version of... My God!) Literally means... my smooth-to-the-touch. Not very emphatic. I think the latter is French Canadian.


  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    But the big one, which should be fixed, is the TacAI's incorrect logic that the Boccage is some sort of cover terrain like Woods. This caused units to "run for the boccage men!!", which didn't yield very positive results in terms of defensive manuevers smile.gif


    This explains what happened to me while playing Cheneux, thanks Charles.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

    Probably more. On my website is a picture from Lake Peipus, showing a pier for fodder full of hay. Anyway, as Chubbachops rightly points out, at the level of CM, it does not matter at all whether they were rocket-drawn or dependant on jet backpacks.


    ... unless you are looking for historical realism in a game...


    I am amazed at the vitriolic response, horses WERE there during WWII, possibly in greater numbers than trucks for some forces. My guess is that they are really difficult to model, hence they are not in the game. If they were boxy like Volvo's they would probably be in the game.

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The CM Borg:

    Challenge is irrelevant. Hunters are assimilated.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    And someone dared say that the CM Borg lacked variety in his choice of words... that he is prosaic.

    He is a master of the language!

    (p.s. I've already been assimilated, can you tell?)

    Where did his Borg smiley go, the one that seemed thoroughly anemic, don't tell me it has been lost in some battle...


  6. I noticed that often, we can aim (and be shot at!) across building corners, as if the buildings are actually smaller than the bitmaps would lead us to believe.

    Is this like saying that the trees in Woods, Scattered Trees, Tall Pines, are "abstracted" trees, and are not really there? Are we seeing "abstracted" buildings?


  7. Thanks Bill.

    Actually it's the scenario, not the operation.

    I had better luck with another try, I saved my game at turn 8, just before my first Tiger died, and tried something else.

    I left the reinforcement Tigers behind those houses by the road, and they just waited for the Allied units to crawl forward.

    One by one, the Allied tanks brewed up.

    I had problems with the first Tiger though, I tried to zig zag through the town to take out as many armour units as I could, but the Tiger turret is just too slow.

    I sqeezed the Tiger between some buildings and set an ambush for the middle of the road leading to the flag in the town. For some inexplicable reason (again?!) something shot at my Tiger, immobilizing it. I don't know how that could happen, because there is barely enough room between the buildings for the Tiger to squeeze through, and we are talking multi-level buildings on both sides. I stayed further back from the road, to make sure the AI wouldn't cut across the building corners like it usually does, but somehow it got me anyway.

    Anyway, I lost Wittman, but I ended up with a Total Axis Victory.

    I think I will try this scenario again, but with a Panther this time.


  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra:

    I've enjoyed both the scenario and the operation. They are tough from both sides.

    Ya gotta respect the power of the Tiger.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Not so sure, when a Stuart can pick off the Tiger without blinking, and the mighty Tiger is more interested in chasing vehicle crews than noticing the Allied tanks coming its way... It must be a green tank crew masquerading as a top quality unit.

    Seriously, I think the Allied guns are given a bonus in this game, in ASL things seemed more realistic, it seems to me. Good luck in ASL trying to pick off a Tiger using Shermans, let alone a Stuart! It was much harder to do in ASL than it is in CM.



  9. OK, maybe it didn't actually go through the turret, it went right past it, but the graphics engine showed it as passing through the turret.

    Sometimes my tank can see and fire at units even though I can't see them, because the corner of a building is in the way. It doesn't stop the game engine, though, from targeting and firing.

    Just a thought.

    But did you say that that round killed your tank, then caused a crater right behind it? That would be odd.

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stimpy:

    I started in 1993 with a 15", moved to a 17" in 1995 and finally a 21" in 1997. Since then there is no going back. I just wish they made them bigger...


    I worked in a lab a couple of years ago, and they have a 28" HP monitor on a couple of desktops.

    HP doesn't list them on their Web site, but they DO make them.

    They do exist.

    They are BIG, though, you can sit 3' away from the screen and it still looks big.

    It's funny to see the MS Office toolbar on those, it's tiny.


    I don't have any money to buy one of those, unfortunately. I'm stuck with a 15" monitor at home.

    And my PC at home is so bad that I have to play CM on my PentiumPro laptop.


  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AbnAirCav:

    1. <LI>Tiger I
      <LI>Pz 38(t)
      <LI>SdKfz 222


    The 38t? LOL, wasn't that the one that was bolted together?

    ASL had modifiers for that one, loose bolts had a way of wiping out the crew even when no real damage was done to the tank.

    Maybe that was the 35t...


  12. OK, we're getting into RPG here, but why not put a squad somewhere in the maze, and populate the thing with enemy half squads.

    Or, populate it with one big unit (e.g. German paratroop squad, or an MMG team) and make one side an exit zone.

    Wow, is this ever weird. It puts a whole new twist on CM!


  13. I've been on this board for months, and many of the bugs that were reported initially have been fixed. BTS released a patch the day the game was released (imagine that! You don't see that often), and they patched a couple more things since but nothing earth-shattering, they did a great job from the start.

    Then there is another big category of "bugs", those where the player doesn't like the fact that the AI does this or that, or that their troops don't do exactly what they tell them to, or that their troops aren't smart enough to disobey their commands sometimes.

    But those aren't bugs, in my book.

    CM is the most bug-free game I've ever seen.

    BTW I don't work for BTS, nor will I ever work for them, I like CM for what it is, a great computer game that reminds me of ASL, with some realism added.



    [This message has been edited by patboivin (edited 10-29-2000).]

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