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Posts posted by patboivin

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    You gibbering little Canadian git, do you wish for Squire status, or not? If you're only showing up here to make mock, and be a bloody tourist, then fine. Someday I'll come to the Maritime and throw really ugly, cheap, and unappealing American beer cans all over your landscape, with little stencils on them reading: "this ugly sodding litter courtesy of Patboivin, look for me as a useless casual poster on the Peng Challenge Thread" with the battlefront URL in the lower right hand corner. Now, either type out in clear English, eh? or nasalized French, (the sound that should follow here, indicating a raised eyebrow and deprecating acquiescence, cannot actually be reproduced by a non-French), the statement: I am a resident of the North, the far North, North, which is perhaps the only compass point where true, real, and significant Men and Women call home, and I wish to become a Squire here in this, the Cesspool, and after suffering all manner of unseemly slights and abuse, assume my true place as a Knight of the Order of the Cesspool (with decoder ring, cool decals, International Taunting Rights, and T-Shirt that reads: "Seanachai Lost to Peng, and All I Have To Do Is Where This F'ing T-Shirt"). Now, Patboivin, WHY ARE YOU HERE?


    Ah, senile Senachai is at it again. He keeps asking questions, when he wouldn't understand the answers. At least your inverterbrate's brain can remember who I am from one week to the next. That's a start.

    I am only visiting for now, because I will be away again all next week, and I wanted to verify that there wasn't anything intelligent being posted on this thread.

    My curiosity has been satisfied.

    In one week two days, little inhabitant of Plutonia that you are (that would be the planet after Pluto and Charon for those who haven't kept up-to-date on their place in the universe), I will provide you with an opportunity of a lifetime, you will have a chance to be pulverized by my troops in an engagements. That could mean a total change perspectivefor you, little gnat, because I am sure your delusional self believes that you are better than the other droppings on this thread.

    You will have a chance to meet your maker. Don't die of anticipation before the week is up, though...

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

    Chutes and Ladders or Candyland.


    LOL! I play those often with my 4 year old.

    Know what? ... he CHEATS! The bugger.

    I ask him "Hey, why did you do that?!"

    His answer is simple "I want to be over there." (the finish line).

    I can't believe my 4-year old cheats.

    At Snakes and Ladders! (he goes in the wrong direction when it suits him and I'm not looking). Or at Candyland, he "skips" colour tiles when he wants to go faster.

  3. Anyone experience one of those? I was completely wiped out by the AI within 8 seconds of TURN 1 !! eek.gif

    I played a quick battle against the AI, for once I decided: No cover, no trees. Moderate hills, village. The AI gave me five PzIVH, plenty of HMGs one sharpshooter and a couple of halftracks.

    I set up five of my tanks on hilltops, thinking: If I got PzIVs, the Allies can't have any really good tanks.

    Turn 1 started -- one Sherman II, and FIVE Churchill VIIIs in plain sight of my tanks! My tanks blew up the Sherman II within two seconds, but within 8 seconds I had lost ALL FIVE of my tanks! I was left with just

    HMGs, a sharpshooter, and two half tracks. I did a quick Alt-A, with 19 out of 20 turns left to go... I have never seen anything like this before.

    Beaten by the AI. What else could happen to me, this was the lowest point of my CM career.

    FYI I wasn't playing against Seanachai, that was just the AI the AI is much better than he ever will be.


  4. I agree with this, but this kind of thing has been discussed before.

    A lot of other things could be done from one phase of an operation to the next:

    ammo dumps

    capturing AFVs and equipment

    re-combining infantry into new teams or squads

    re-entering abandoned vehicles

    digging in

    setting booby traps in buildings

    cleaning up mine fields

    a bit of recon

    setting up new artillery reference points

    dig tunnels

    On and on.

    The problem exists because CM is intended to be about tactical engagements, and operations are stretching that line, we are beginning to get into resupply and redeployment.

    I agree with you, it would be great if we could do all those things.

    It would be neat too if the time between phases of an operation could be longer, e.g. from a few minutes to a few hours, to up to a couple of days. Each side could re-deploy, dig in again, resupply, etc. and then the battle would continue.

    We cannot also negotiate cease fires for prisoner exchanges, always a good opportunity to do all the things I listed above.


  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    On that note, I wanted to sponsor that patboivin character, both because they're a long time poster to the general board, and because they're Canadian, but I've been frustrated in my desire because Pat-the-Bunny (there, the first bloody time I've ever descended to the name-twisting thing, and only because of my frustration), has been so hopelessly unwilling to do some actual taunting. C'mon, Patboivin, insult someone, for the love of the gods.


    Well, I do love the Gods, and since you dared invoke them without even knowing what their names are, ignorant little t**d that you are, I have to stand on their behalf and defend them from such useless, half-sentient slugs as you.

    To begin with, if anyone knows anything about bunnies, they are far superior to any other life form on this planet. I would be proud to be called bunny, if you are comparing me to the Killer Bunny in the Monty Python movie, aptly analyzed and presented in the Rolemaster Creatures and Treasures compendium. Faster than a Cheetah, more deadly than a rabid wolverine, the Killer Bunny surely is the pinnacle of evolution. Even the hosts of Chtulhu would be proud to have bunnies on their side. Unfortunately for them, they do not, and so they remain silent beyond the boundaries of time and space. There is also a legend that as long as six killer bunnies remain on this planet, it is safe from invasion. Unfortunately the bunnies don't have time to eradicate idiots, and so we have comments such as those blurted out by such creatures as Senachai, who move with their bellies dragging against the ground.

    Seanachai, I though chrisl had already sponsored me, how many sponsors do I need to have. I only need one, I don't want to be pestered by everyone who wants to be associated with me. I do have a life.

    At least I will give you credit for this: You recognized that I am so formidable that you should refer to us in the plural. I don't have to refer to myself in the plural, my mind is present enough to grasp the implications of my being, but for lowly creatures the plural will do.

    I guess I have to add, since everything has to be spelled out, Senachai since you insulted the Gods and showed a weakness towards Canadians (why I don't know they burned down the White House during the war of 1812 no one else has managed that great feat of prowess), I challenge you to put on your combat gear and fight.

    [This message has been edited by patboivin (edited 10-16-2000).]

  6. Uh, I have a question:

    If we can't even watch a whole game as a movie, how on Earth will we ever be able to watch the whole war?

    When I try to follow a unit around at level 1 or 2 with full foliage, often LOS is every limited, and the movie is a little boring. I prefer watching most battles from level 3 or 4. Only when a tank or a unit has a particularly good turn do I bother to watch at 1 or 2.

    In CM it seems to me we rarely see most units survive until the end of a battle anyway. (OK, in case some people might get confused here, please note that I am only talking about my opponents' troops now).

    If 40% of enemy troops survive one battle, and 40% of them survive the next battle, and yet another 40% of the remainder of the second battle survive the third battle...

    Say your opponent starts with 100 units. They lose 40% of them. They now have 60. These 60 fight another battle, only 40% of them survive. 24 people left. OK, they go through another battle. 40% of 24 people is... and on and on.

    Of course the formations were replenished with more conscripts and green troops, and the more experienced soldiers probably had a slightly higher survival rate than the newcomers. But a proportion of the elder soldiers would still be taken out during battles, even if the percentage is lower.

    You get my meaning? I think the life expectancy for units in WW2 was pretty short.

    In most cases the full-war movies would be more like 2-weeks of a unit plodding forward, until they step on a landmine or get picked off by a stray bullet or in an ambush.

    You would think officers might live longer, because they are behind the front lines, but we aren't playing those people often in CM. We are playing the soldiers who fought, many of whom did not come home.

    What was the life expectancy of the different nationality soldiers, would anyone know on this list?

    It is a good question, no doubt about that, but in my opinion it wouldn't really work, because for me at least CM is a strategy game, it is not an RPG-type game.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

    Johnno said:

    Johnno, I too was at a loss when I noticed the fascination some of these people had with particular rodents.

    The fact of the matter is...we have some sick, sick people in here.


    Now that hurt my sensibilities. I think you hit home, there are some REALLY sick people on this thread, people who have nothing against rodents!

    Death to all rodents. They are a plague, and a furry one too.

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

    Yeah, but he's tainted like a jar of undercooked tomatoes. Filled with a nasty toxin generated by his vile flesh being devoured by an army of Clostridia.


    Oh sorry! I think I made a mistake. That's what I ate for breakfast this morning! I hope I won't offend your sensibilities ChrisL.

    I put it on my toast with multicolored pickled rodent bits and head cheese.

    Tomorrow I have leprosy pustules on the menu. Hmm, hmm!

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

    And just because he's fool enough to lose to you doesn't mean anyone else should have to deal with his odiferousness. Being tainted, he ought to smell pretty nasty, like something your dog might enjoy rolling in, but I'd worry that even the files he emails would be too vile to put on my machine.


    Huh, OGSF does the word Cheneux bring any memories to the fore? That was fun, there is something about playing a scenario just to watch your opponents' troops disappear before your very eyes, because they suddenly developed an urge to be at one with the muck they originally came from. tongue.gif

    As I said, so far I won about 50% of my games, a not unsignificant number of which were played against OGSF. We are evenly matched, I believe, subject to the vagaries of the quick battle designer.

    Don't believe everything you hear on this thread, ChrisL. If you believe the feeble claims of every beggar for attention on this thread, and you can't tell reality from fiction, how can you ever expect to win any games? confused.gif

    Are you all evenly matched here on this thread? Maybe I should move on and find worthy opponents, someone who might, who just might, be able to provide a challenge to such a novice and haphazard player as I. So far I haven't encountered major challenges that proved to be outside what you would expect from "normal" (read: "ho, hum, yawn") players. Nothing fell outside of predictable statistical variability.

    I need a real challenge people!

    And I need to play against someone who won't just give up or surrender only two-thirds through a battle, that is really disappointing. It almost makes me want to give up on the human race, sometimes humans are so hopeless at reaching anything resembling their real potential. Now who would want to waste time on people like that?!


  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

    Hey Pat, don't go!! Stick around, find someone to sponsor you as a squire. Then our game can be listed in the Cesspool (see Lorak's post's for URL)! :^)




    OGSF, I don't know if anyone will ever want to sponsor me, because I was assimilated many months ago by the CM Borg!

    I am tainted now.

    No one wants to play with me.


    So far I've won about half the games I played, so if anyone wants to take me on your odds are 50/50. Better than the lottery!


  10. Hey, Hamster, wasn't Angband better than Barad-Dur? confused.gif

    I shamelessly use smileys in this post:


    Is there a way to import a thread into another, I wonder. Maybe we should investigate and try.

    I don't know much about HTML, is it possible?

    How could they decide to impose limits to threads? It just doesn't make sense. It makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

    We have to join the two Peng threads! It must be possible. There must be a way to resuscitate it. The old thread cannot be dead.

    Oh noooooo (sob)

    [Pat leaves because he has nothing (intelligent) to say... he lost his composure...]



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