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Formerly Babra

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Posts posted by Formerly Babra

  1. Upgrading my drivers and directX version to 7.0a has only modestly improved my graphics in CM, but the game no longer runs as smoothly as it did with my outdated driver.

    Unfortunately, I no longer have the original driver disk for my video card, so I can't go back.

    My card is an S3 Savage 4 with 32 MB RAM. Computer is a PIII/500. Surely there is enough processing power there to smooth things out -- but I obviously need to optimize something somewhere. Any suggestions?

  2. Wouldn't dare contradict BTS, (Not while they still have my game smile.gif ), but I'll put the info from the US Army Handbook here, which comes from T/07-35T, 24 Feb, 1944:

    HQ Company:

    -----7 Officers, 165 men

    -----8 .30 cal MG

    -----4 81mm mortars

    -----9 Bazookas

    Rifle Company (x 3)

    -----8 Officers, 168 men

    ----------Rifle Platoon (x 3)

    ---------------HQ (2 Off., 5 men)

    ---------------2 LMG

    ---------------1 Bazooka

    ----------Rifle Squad (x3)

    ---------------12 men

    ---------------1 .30 cal LMG

    ---------------1 BAR

    ---------------2 .30 cal Carbines

    ---------------10 .30 cal Rifles M1

    ----------60mm Mortar Squad

    ---------------6 men

    ---------------1 60mm Mortar

    Glider Battalions were set up differently with more heavy weapons.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

    The original Kangaroos were 'defrocked Priests'. The Rams had been converted to open-topped 75mm SP arty carriers, called 'Priest' or 'Holy Rollers'<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    The Rams were taken out of the Canadian TO&E in 1943, just prior to HUSKY. Some were converted to Arty Observation tanks with extra radios in place of the main gun and saw service with Brits and Canadians in Normandy as OP and Command Tanks.

    Just prior to TOTALIZE, the Canadian AGRA units which were using M7 Priests on loan from the Americans re-equipped with Sextons. The 105mm guns on the Priests had already been removed and returned to the Americans, but the chassis remained. It was these chassis which Simonds drafted into use as the first Kangaroos. They proved so successful that the mothballed Rams in England were converted to APCs and shipped over after the M7 hulls were returned to the US forces.

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