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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Stuka

  1. I would like to have a go at this, my one PBEM game to date was, shall we say, less than successful Please consider me as a punishment sponge, as I will soak up whatever you can dish out and still happily ask for more.....
  2. Kangaroos?, Kangaroos? You want to know about Kangaroos? Well here's the drum on kangaroos. They are great big hairy buggers ranging in colour from brown to red. This system of camoflage was of benefit in North Africa, especially during the fighting around Tobruk, however the lack of albino kangaroos rendered them next to useless on the eastern front where several captured specimens (2 males and 1 female I believe) were pressed into service by the desperate Von Manstein in his attempts to relieve Stalingrad. I would not expect them to be modelled in CM 2. The best service they were able to provide was mobile ammunition carriers due to the storage capacity of their forward pouch, which was not to be confused with the rear pouch as many ANZAC's were to discover while mistakenly trying to store their grenades in the wrong pouch. As combat units the short arms of the Kangaroo prevented them from handling rifles and in cases of guard duty it was reported that the kangaroo would often leave it's weapon leaning against a tree while it's attention was occupied by the scratching of fleas, a design fault inherent from the first prototype model. As design faults go the revolutionary suspension system of the kangaroo left a lot to be desired as movement was made in a series of giant leaps which played hell with gun optics and required the kangaroo to remain stationary in order to acquire its target. However stationary roo's often found themselves as the targets of old pick ups equipped with spot-lights and drunken yobbo's shouldering semi-automatics. Production of Kangaroos has continued unabated since WW2 as Australia has around 20 million of them. I hope this has been of help to you babra. P.S. Stuart Kangaroo? I've never met him
  3. OK, I've downloaded the richochet alley scenario and i've got it in the scenarios folder but i can't seem to access it from the game itself. No doubt a simple answer but a search didn't help me on the process to play a downloaded scenario. Any help guys?
  4. i just got to tell all you kiwis that the game is fantastic and I could'nt imagine life without it. Whats that? You have'nt got it yet?
  5. Was browsing through Cnet downloads one fine day (as you do) and saw this demo with 5 stars or some such. The rest is history. By the way I got my copy of the game today. I waited at the P.O. at 6am this morning for the earliest possible delivery!
  6. Don't worry Hunter, still nothing for me in brisbane today either
  7. hehehe, youv'e done it now Mr pillar. Oh peng where are you peng?
  8. I'm just so bloody happy for you cubes I could puke When did you order and when was your card charged by the way?
  9. I'm relying on the word of mouth routine. so far i've got 2 friends to download the demo. Not many I know but wargaming is a refined taste....
  10. 5.35 pm friday Nope still no good Wasted a good bit of fuel too in the mighty HQ getting home in a hurry. Might take the bike on monday so I can shave valuable seconds off the race home........
  11. I hope there are no radars on the way home tonight. I might have to break a few land speed records seeing as there's a good chance the game might have arrived....
  12. My condolences pacestick (GibsonM, I hate you (unless of course my game turns up today in which case welcome aboard brother!)
  13. Thanks for that pace stick, fingers crossed for your postie coming down your side of the street with THE game too!!
  14. Does anyone know if the PO is open saturday? because if the postie can't fit the bag/box in my letter box all I'm gonna get is one of those "collect parcel" notes. I could'nt cope knowing the game had been to my front gate but gone away again for the weekend.....
  15. Its gotta get to brisbane today its just gotta!!
  16. Attention all new zealanders... This is mohammed el fayed Mcbean of the Australian Combat Mission liberation front, we have taken over the aircraft carrying your western imperialist devil-game. Do not attempt any form of rescue mission as we are wild and crazy guys. Do not expect any form of ransom note as we have no interest in your capitalist kiwi-dollar. Be thankful that Allah has smiled upon our martyrs in the performance of their duties and that your corrupt and evil games are now reaching enlightenment in the hands of our gentle followers.... I want my game too!! WAAA,WAAA Mummy!!! (kicking cat and holding breath)
  17. 6.00pm thurs 6th in brizzy..still no game Bloody uni starts again on monday and I was silly enough to think I might have had the game for the holidays. Still got to work during the day but at least my nights are free...
  18. Amphibious landing craft are located as we speak in australian east coast ports... Tonight we board and tomorrow at 0600 we will storm the 'fortress new zealand' and claim what is rightfully ours.. =============
  19. I'm wondering if Australia may be going to suffer the same fate as the Canadians by having unrealistically long delays. My card was charged 16th june from memory which will be 3 weeks tomorrow.. A deep sea racing mullet would get here quicker!
  20. It's not really anyone's business how many copies are sold. I just hope its enough to ensure CM2,3,4,5 etc Selling the whole first batch inside a week should provide a clue, to which the answer is "plenty"
  21. I don't suppose anyone can give a quick walk through on the process to do this for the more computer illiterate among us please? I've downloaded and installed Qres OK but now I have a long, skinny desk top and while frigging around with settings I've managed to end up with a totally black screen. I've re-started etc and I can see the Win 98 opening screen but from there the screen is black. (I'm posting this from work in case your'e wondering ) HELP!
  22. The pilot was VERY lucky I'd say, the AA fire of a wirble/ostwind was not to be sneezed at. But 10 of them?, that pilot should be off home to buy a lottery ticket with his kind of luck!
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