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Papa Khann

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Everything posted by Papa Khann

  1. I've played ASL on and off for awhile, and was playing quite regularly (4-5 times each month) before the full version of CM arrived. As a rules set for a board game, ASL stands in a class all it's own. It's truly an amazing achievement. Now, my ASL time has taken a serious hit. Things that have been realized in CM just won't ever be available in a board game (like full FOW, tracking trajectory of rounds thru a 3D environment, etc.). I do miss the face-to-face banter of ASL, but plan to remedy that with a little LAN action once TCP/IP becomes available for CM. Papa
  2. I will play TCP/IP games when it is made available. I will also continue to play some PBEMs, as these are great when you don't have a large block of time available for one "sitting".
  3. I started with Wooden Ships and Iron Men, from AH. We used to play that thing over and over again. Loads of fun if you like fighting age of sail. From there I went on to several miniatures games, ASL, and lots of computer games. Papa
  4. I played quite a bit of CM on a lowly P166 with a Voodoo 3 2000 (16M video RAM), and it ran very smooth, except for scenarios with really large maps. The key is your video card. It seems that pretty much any Pentium based processor will do. Papa
  5. <hr> Offwhite wrote: As I grew up playing games on a C64 with the 1541 drive, I fail to see a reason for all the fuss with opening/inserting/closing one's CD tray... patience is a virtue; anyone else remember when a three-minute load time was short? <hr> Yes, I remember those drives too. The NOISE they used to make while churning away for minutes, just to load what were (by today's standards) tiny little bits of data... Papa
  6. pops, I have a 16 meg 3dfx Voodoo 3 2000, and I had the exact same problem until I downloaded the up-to-date driver. Now it all looks great, smoke included. Papa
  7. SS Peiper wrote: I'm on Vacation and the little woman is at work . Now thats what I call a holiday <hr> You lucky #$@!%$$! Just kidding. I am a bit envious, though. Does it show? Papa Khann
  8. Did you attempt to unzip it? I don't mind swapping unzipped turn files at all, because they are pretty small. I'll resend the setup unzipped. Generally I don't like to swap unzipped movie files, since they are a bit larger. Do you have a zip utility? Papa
  9. Carentan, Are we still on in our game? I e-mailed you the setup file a few nights ago, followed that up with another e-mail asking you if you got the file o.k. a couple nights ago. No responses. ? Papa
  10. Trooper, After the initial setup, it's actually 3 file swaps to complete one turn, not 4. So while it does take one extra file swap when compared to standard I go/U go games, at least it doesn't "double" the number of swaps. More like a 50% increase. And the CM PBEM system will help prevent cheating, which, depending upon your level of familiarity/trust with your opponent, may or may not seem worthwhile to you. Personally, I don't mind the file swapping system used by CM. When it comes time to play in Ladders, Tournaments, and Net Campaigns, BTS would take a lot more heat for not having some sort of "anti-cheat" security built into the engine. Just my two cents. Papa
  11. Lots of good suggestions here, the 2nd best one probably being from Charles himself; to simply tweak the parameters he has already constructed. The best suggestion of all, however, is from Soliloquy... <hr> quote: originally posted by Soliloquy... (snip)Until we clone Charles... (more snippage) <hr> Papa
  12. There's no need to wait for the cable modem. Scenario and Operation files are very small. Takes less than a minute at 28.8. Papa
  13. Smack, I've played the vast majority of WWII computer games out there (not to mention miniatures games, ASL, and even the Crusade in Europe CCG!). To make a long story short, I used to think that some of them were good. Combat Mission is the one. Papa
  14. 49.8 % I guess that makes me worth .2% I've always wondered what my real worth actually was.... Papa
  15. Congratulations BTS! I'm really glad to hear that CM is selling so well. Excellent. .... geez, I haven't even gotten my ASL buds to buy the game yet (I think at least some of them are close, though). Hope that next shipment of CDs arrives quick. Papa
  16. I also have a P166. With a 16MB Voodoo 3 2000, it actually does quite an acceptable job of running Combat Mission, even with all the "goodies" pumped up (full tree coverage, transparent buildings and smoke, weather effects, etc.). Papa
  17. If two players are involved in a 1.01 PBEM when 1.03 becomes available, as long as they both upgrade to 1.03, will they be able to continue the game using 1.03 and the saved game files from version 1.01? Papa
  18. I don't usually, but when I do, it's got to be a Corona with a lime. Papa
  19. Personally, I find Defense to be a bit more challenging in general than Offense. But it really depends on the scenario more than anything else. Papa
  20. I've not played Shogun myself yet, but a good friend of mine has it and says it's really, really good. I don't doubt his word, since he's been routinely e-mailing that news to me at 3 or 4 in the morning, and I know for a fact that he has to be to the office by 9 a.m. ..... Papa P.S. Yes, he is already into CM too. We're currently playing the Aachen scenario. So I'm not shirking my duty to get every one of my gaming friends to check out CM.
  21. I prefer the Germans, but will also play as the Allies. Amongst the various Allied nations, I really don't have a favorite, though I would have to say that the Free French interest my the least. Don't know why, they just do. Papa
  22. This issue is the very reason why I prefer to let the computer choose the forces when I play Quick Battle games. IMHO, it's much more realistic. Just like a commander in the real world, you have to try to make the most of what you're given, rather than choosing exactly what you want. It also avoids the unfortunate instances where some players choose a highly unlikely/unrealistic TO&E. Just my two cents. Papa
  23. I think Kraut is asking about the size of the UNITS, not the size of the map. If you have the units boosted up in size, that might account for the problem in certain situations. Papa
  24. Unfortunately, I can verify that the friendly fire feature during night missions is working just fine. Those blasted green infantry. Papa
  25. I always use Full fog of war, and appreciate the "partial and gradual" manner in which the AI reveals enemy troop info. Mannheim Tanker, if you want to see a really cool looking night battlefield, try a night battle in heavy fog. Papa
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