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Posts posted by PawBroon

  1. Tuesday, June 27, 2000

    Combat Mission Sells Out In Record Time

    Reported by Joe Osborne at 2:08AM EDT

    The good news from Battlefront.com is that demand for the company's new 3-D squad-level tactical simulation, Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord, has been tremendous. The bad news is that demand has outstripped supply and Battlefront.com is temporarily sold out of Combat Mission!

    "Gamers have rushed on board at five times the rate we expected," says Stephen Grammont, President of the company. "We made what we thought were modestly optimistic projections and planned to have enough inventory for the better part of two months, but it lasted barely more than a week. Combat Mission has had much more crossover appeal than we figured it would."

    Just days after Combat Mission's public launch over the Internet, it was clear to Battlefront's planners that orders were coming in much faster than anticipated, and a shortage was already looming. So a new print run - double the size of the original - was set into motion almost immediately. But despite putting the new run on the fast track, Battlefront's warehouse will be empty of Combat Mission for at least several days, perhaps as long as one week.

    "We're a little embarrassed at having underestimated demand by so much," said Charles Moylan, Combat Mission's lead programmer. "But if something has to go wrong, this is the kind of problem we like to have. We'll have new stock in shortly, and it will be the new version 1.02 as well."

    All existing orders have already been honored and shipped out, and Battlefront will continue to take orders for Combat Mission through the interim period. "We just wanted people to know what's going on," says Grammont, "so they can make an informed decision."

    Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord is sold exclusively over the Internet at Battlefront.com

    Maybe that should help you in your choice.


    (Clipped from TGN)


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  2. I love you guys.

    In some posts we are all whinning about the reality and LOS and all of that.

    And here it's the Twilight Zone.

    I guess (and I'll be please) that a TOTALLY OUT OF YOUR BONKERS option for scenario could be fun once in a while indeed.

    Might prove relaxing and catarthic.

    Imagine, a dry scenario, you shell the lake, then it's raining for 6 turns.

    Boy, what a bunch of loonies we are.

    And the kids are thinking I'm working on my comp...



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  3. That's the kind of situation where you can't help loving the game and the weird situations which are happening.

    Reminds me of that funny post where a Stug was rammed out of the way by a blinded Sherman in CE behind the church.

    Eridian, I'll PBEM you any time, just buy Bren Carrier and I'll buy Puppchen.

    We'll be gamey all over the map.


    Nice thinking and good tactic in any case (it worked after all)...


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  4. Hi Mirage,

    You sure sound like an Harpoon buff to me.

    With CM it's my main source of pleasure (NO COMMENT PLEASE biggrin.gif).

    Hold on till Harpoon4 and let's PBEM.

    BTW Pillar, if you want to historically pinpoint the where and when it began check ISRAEL.

    The MAIN difference is stand off weapons.

    Isreal had its Eilat destroyer ****ed by a mere row boat but sporting a Styx.

    That baby could wreck much of what was floating by then.

    And as far as ground forces are concerned, Israel was QUITE surprised by all those nice Sagger screaming from far away positions and ripping through AFVs.

    Most historians seemed to agree with that.

    What with the Korean and Indochina wars being mostly WWII re enacted for materials and tactical purposes.

    Every other subsequent development had been a reaction to that as it had been said before.

    Reactive armor to stand off weapon etc...


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  5. There's an 8 years old here who's not showing proper respect and his playing quite well against his elder.

    It's obvious the kid need some kickin'.


    That game is GREAT.

    There's a little of everything for everyone.

    Eventhough some might object that it's lacking in the sex/booze Dpt...


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

    Man, it's dissapointing to see so many people saying pirating is OK so long as Colin releases his mods.


    That people here think it's AOK for him to do that says a lot about them IMO.



    You're right.

    But most of us who said that we were willing to see those MODS finished hadn't been promoting hacking.

    If it's what it looks like, then I want to say that I STRONGLY object software piracy.

    More even, I RESENT that.

    Because I want BTS to succeed far more than I'm waiting for ANYONE's MODS...

    I've always viewed piracy as a paradigm of the scorpio and frog variety.

    It kills the frog and in the long run won't help BTS ability to deliver quality product.

    BUT, I love even less lynch mobs.

    That's all.

    Fionn, since you're playing as Free French in one of your game you can't be all bad biggrin.gif.

    I guess we love that game soooo much (even those of us who haven't EITHER received it OR Warezed it) that we are over protective and ready to claw at anyone not showing proper respect.

    It's a community, let's try not to be over offensive.

    Some guy is a racist, ignore him.

    Some other is a stupid "Look at me" kid, ignore him.

    Some one is a cybercriminal?

    Ignore him, ignore his posts.

    And a last one is French and has opinions on everything, IGNORE ME...


    Boy I hate it when threads are going down in the dump like that.


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  7. Due to the very size of the shell, the rate of fire will be pretty much irrelevent.

    I mean, where ever it falls, there won't be much left to fire upon a second time.

    Here's where a Dual Display Matrox is useful.

    When your first screen falls of your desktop you could still play 10 or 15 turns till the next Wrath of God.



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mfred:

    So, tell me how the warez site got the game so early in the first place????????<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    My point entirely.

    See my above post...

    So prick uploaded a crack version of his pre ordered game.

    It's weird he should have more fidelity to his Warez buddies (hence supplying CM) than to this much deserving CM community.

    Seeing as there may be less of those who had the game than there were still waiting for it, one should consider giving CoolColJ a break about it all...

    In any case, EVERY single piece of software is hacked, cracked and downloadable.

    CM being ripped this early is a tribute to the game quality and unless the would be downloaders head on there and post stupid questions, there's no way they'll enjoy the game fully without a knowledgeable manuel and the support of a willing community.

    PS: Colin, considering you beat us during the rugby world cup final, I think I will stop coming to your rescue... biggrin.gif


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  9. If I may add my two cents.

    Living down under is the surest way to receive your game after they saved the Pvt Ryan.


    The guy had BOUGHT the game, he is WORKING for the community (and MOST of us will benefit from is work) and BTS is not bashing Colin for that.

    So, YES, there are moral issues.

    But I'd rather have an impatient Aussie who is actually doing is SHARE in enlightment than a mere **** who downloaded the game and be done (No pre-order, no post, no MODS).

    For what its worth.

    On my behalf Colin, sorry for the way you've been treated here.

    I'm not promoting those Warez sites.

    It was bad and stupid of you to do it and to ADVERTIZE it.

    But if you take Fionn's post backward you have to ask the TRUE question and find the true object of your legitimate anger:

    a/Colin is in Australia and can't have received the game

    b/Colin hadn't been a beta tester

    c/Therefore Colin hasn't UPLOAD CM to Warez sites.

    If you want to be sick over someone, find the prick who posted the game AS SOON AS he received it thus denying BTS of some much deserved sales.

    I'll finish with a quote from a fellow French, "I do not agree with what you have to say (Or did here biggrin.gif) but I'll fight so that you could say it..."

    OK Colin, NOW be good and post your MODS in warez sites.



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

    [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 06-26-2000).]

  10. Looks gorgeous!

    Won't comment on the Cherry since you told me it was the one who did the Bismark in.


    Just one thing, how come are you wasting your time posting here and not working on ALL the vehicule?

    Say, what is MadMatt point of view concerning your work? Are you two trying to outdo the other?

    Boy I don't have the game and I already have loads of things to download.



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rudee:

    "I MIGHT ADSL it and delete it when the bonafide copy is there

    Then you are becoming part of the problem not part of the solution! Think about it..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    You're right.

    I was illustrating the view new comers and would be pirates would most certainly take.

    I didn't do it nor do I encourage it.

    This is precisely why a/I'm waiting for the game to show up in Europe and b/do NOT encourage that kind of post...

    Thanks for your concern.



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

    Well, I'm Irish and prefer not to play as the British, especially the Parachute Regiment.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I get it...

    Here's a good one for you biggrin.gif play as the Brit and have them airborne dudes run like hell in front of HMG positions.

    Guess you'll be killing more of them than by merely playing the German.

    Just don't expect me to do that in a PBEM with you though...


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by G4A:

    One thing you can do is to stop posting this information on the forum. Right now, the first thing a new user will see here are a couple of threads on how to get pirated copies of CM!

    If you want to tell someone, tell BTS by e-mail.


    That's true.

    Take for exemple sake my case.

    I've bought the game.

    I DO love it.

    And I will most surely order additional copies for friends' birthday to have more PBEM going.

    But SINCE I do paid for it and that the delivery isn't that speedy in our part of the world, I MIGHT ADSL it and delete it when the bonafide copy is there.


    What if I'm a non-buyer? I got warez, post and read thread to learn the game and Shazaam!

    So, stop posting those posts and keep BTS informed directly.

    PS: And NO URLs PLEASE!!


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

    [This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 06-24-2000).]

  14. Hi Fionn,

    No sign of CM here in Paris but once here I'd be MORE than willing to PBEM you.

    My honnor in fact.


    A question, unless it was a private joke about something I've missed, how come you're not willing to do Brits in those games?

    Since I'm stuck with the Gold Demo I couldn't try for myself what sort of adverse effect it would have for you.



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  15. No kidding but I thinking poor Tom is heading for a second closed thread in a row.

    Anyway, seeing as we people are a bunch of different nationalities and that few of you have the chance to be french ( biggrin.gif Don't shoot it was difficult to resist it) we should stay away from those political/cultural chats.

    It's like insulting the Gods while in a storm on top of a hill and wearing a copper armor (Thanks Terry Pratchett...).

    Brings bad luck and closed thread.

    Marcel the dirty, arrogant and selfish french contributor.


    PS: Every Smiley in this post had been screened for anti-early-CM-deliverism.


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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