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Posts posted by PawBroon

  1. If I may, Oh Dear Magnus.

    One has to consider that at the level of action simulated in CM, FFI and other such partisans are abstracted since their action (except in the Vercors mainly) was more of a strategical issue than a tactical one.

    Hence, blowing railroad and bridges may account for the germans not receiving some heavy reinforcement instead of having poor guys running their asses off with Sten gun and civilian clothe around Plomville and al.


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

    Wow. I'm headed to Europe for 2 weeks in October. Hope I can enjoy myself, even though I'm only a lowly Yank.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    If you find yourself in trouble, err, in Paris, give me a call and we'll drink and CM so that you'll find yourself less lowly and more integrated...



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  3. In France you got to pay an overcharge from the custom in order to have the actual delivery or it's locked in the airport waiting to be wasted.

    The limit is somewhat above 300 French Francs and the trick is to have divided delivery to avoid that limit.

    Just don't waste my copy punks!!



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bumrush:

    Why do they release such bad demo versions?? I was shocked...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Guy you almost bring tears to my eyes.

    I must say I'm starting to love your style.

    Keep the post coming.


    Wait for the game, patch and fix all there is to be fixed.

    And enjoy yourself...

    Ce petit gars je l'adore, laissez le s'exprimer en paix.


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin:

    Put your Canadian flags on your backpacks because Americans are not popular.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hi Pat,

    There so much truth in it.

    I'm French and leaved/worked in Czech Republic for some time.

    There were so many tourists that in summer, you had in fact MORE tourists in Prague than Czechs in the whole Republic.


    They despised Germans/Americans.

    Guess it comes from lack of money or showing of thereof.

    But they LOVED the Canadians and the French.

    One anecdote says it all.

    We were drinking beer sooo fast that the guys from the pub had to go BUY empty cokes to supply glasses ( biggrin.gif) and we were all pretty much zonked out.

    The americans wouldn't try some of that awfully strong liquor they got there in eastern Europe.

    We french and canadians were drinking anything with strudy handles on it...

    One guy from somewhere in Canada said: "The difference between us and those guys from the US it that at least we canadians are at least willing to try..."

    Don't want to do some stupid anti americanism (after all one had to free us once were dead drunk...) but as far as Europe is concerned I think that one is very typical.

    After all, you can't find a worst tourist than an arogant french so I guess I'm qualified.


    PS: Boy do I love Canadians (Now send me a copy of CM)


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pak40:


    Hell, I havn't even received it here in New Orleans and I pre-ordered back in October!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Don't expect it in New Orleans before it actually turns up in ACTUAL Orleans (1 hour drive south of Paris).

    And Jeff, let's strike a deal, I'll send you a bonafide copy from France so that we could play together the Aubagne scenario in Appui Feu.



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RMC:

    Minor gaffe in posting in German, but that's OK. Babelfish makes for interesting and comical translations. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Speaking of which.

    We should open a thread with CM posts in our respective Babelizing and have a kick out of it...

    I guess it will most certainly brighten the days of us "Non-receiving would be CM receivers".

    PS: This post was in French and had been processed by MarcelTranslator.


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by robertpat1:

    By the way patboivin I was referring to De Gaul when he spoke to a Quebec crowed on a state visit. His immortal words were, "Vive La Quebec, Vive La Quebec Libra". Hopefully I got the spelling right.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    That's where as a French I must step into that spelling contest.

    The guy you're refering to is our most REVERED Charles de Gaulle.

    He said: "Vive le Quebec libre!"

    In case you've studied the guy, he said things like that to that effect to French colonials in North Africa (Not about Quebec mind you biggrin.gif) and he sold them out.

    Beware of French Presidents looking for "Famous Last Quotes"...


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  9. If there's any God like logic in it, I will most certainly receive it FIRST.

    What with me having no social life at all and having cut previously one my sexual demands surgically to allow for some intense playing.

    How about that?

    A french bachelor in Paris/France.

    I deserve it.

    Come on...



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  10. Hi Ghost,

    Glad you received it and that you gave us a scout report.

    GLAD also you resist the urge to spill your guts.

    At least you'll be amongst the first receivers without being the first spoiler.

    If any of you guys from the US spoilt it for us Europeans or Aussies, you're in for a Hi-rise in that flaming ladder.



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Crap, nothing in the mail today. Didn't really expect there to be but hope springs eternal. Surely Somebody will get a copy today.



    You mean you hadn't received YOUR copy?


    Naaah, just kidding.

    Can't see how it could have been delivered in France before anywhere else...


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  12. Well, as a french it's a question which bugged me for some times.

    If you do a search under "Foreign Legion" you'll see that most of our elite troops, which incidentally were most in what was called "Army of Africa", were colonials and Legioneer.

    Those are NOT modelled. All of the different flavored of Free French are abstracted in a single Free French entity.

    So, be it FFI (french resistance) or troops which had been fighting since Narvik or Bir Hakeim it's all and the same.

    So much to my sorrow I'm waiting for a delivery where the poles would be commonwealth clad fighting like poles and the french would be sporting GI's clothes and chasing the women.

    Any clue whether I'm wrong and some of our units would be worth using?

    PS: If some of you are willing I'll post some things about or Foreign Legion during WWII ( biggrin.gif The VERY same who incorporated EN MASSE all the left overs from the SS and/or the Wermacht, got nice anecdotes about them).


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  13. I guess that some of us are still dreaming about Fields Of Glory.

    It was so bloody.

    Some scenarios were real slaughterhouses and the animations were good for that time.

    Loved it.

    I've tried Napoleon 1813 but it's not that...

    And if it's just a matter of scale and number of units, you could do some good sims with CM concerning the independance war.

    Small units, indians recon, mainly woods.

    Better suited than for a complete Napoleonian.


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by EScurlock:

    My 2 cents:

    1) No the M16 ammo doesn't have a ball in it. Why they call it ball ammunition I don't know, but that's the designation.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I guess that one appeared quite a few time I first came up with that one.

    I'm FRENCH, not in the US military and thus NOT refering to the M16.

    The ball at the tip of the bullet is (as far as I know) not implemented (not with our FAMAS with you must have heard of) but EXIST since it had been part of a design to make new weapons and/or new ammos.

    Pardon my english if you had the impression it was used in the M16.


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

    The ONLY thing I (might) know about this topic is that the Swiss military have spend a great deal of time money and energy researching the "IDEAL" infantry weapon. Can anyone hear remind me about what they actually determined to be the best weapon and round/bullet/projectile to take down enemy soldiers with? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    They clean the target to death.

    It's so daring...


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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