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Posts posted by PawBroon

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

    But the only practical way to design it to tumble would be to destroy it's in-flight accuracy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    More hair splitting before the packing for a week end.


    The "tumbling" is NOT done in flight. You're absolutely right about the effect.

    The slug rotates on its axis for the VERY purpose of stability and accuracy.

    This tumbling is achieved by putting a different density metal inset ball somewhere in the tip of the slug.

    When the penetration occurs, the bullet then have a tendency to behave in a more "lethal" way.

    Which either: Twisting/tumbling/splitting/ricochetting off bones.

    And more generally causing hemorragy, choc and more often than not a sudden willingness to hit the dust.

    I'll have my in law who's a military doctor to either substantiate that post or whip me for not listening to his explanations.

    So, to sum up, I've never forgot the fact that even if based on real world facts, we're still discussing a GAME.

    My view was ALWAYS to explain why those MP38/40 were deadly at close quarter and the MP44 a "General Purpose Goody".


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  2. Arghhhhhhh.

    Posted a page long post and flushed it before it reaches the thread.

    OK, MarkIV, I'll do it all over again in a few hours from my home.

    For short it was a YES but I was speaking broadly in a matter of CM term.

    The Expanding/mushrooming/exploding/tumbling being all the same for game purpose.

    That is, stopping power at close quarter as opposed to more regular wounds reaching further.


    Be ready since by then I'll have a substantiated post done by a military doctor.



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  3. Mark IV

    The issue here is named the "neck".

    With soft bullets or hunting ammo, the length of the neck (the distance between the entry wound and the point where the bullet will either splinter or tumble on it's axis)is very short because they had been designed that way.

    It's to cause major STOPPING POWER.

    The regular steel metal jacket ammo is made so that (as you put it) it could go unhindered through multiple obstacles and still retain some of it lethality.

    Problem with those ammos are that the wounds they produce are more often than not called "transfixient".

    Meaning they go strait from entry point to exit wound.

    If they encounter no bones or else, they do a clean wound.

    That's why many soldiers tend to refuse to wear the flak jacket while being fired at because it would just stop small shrapnel and 9mm rounds and if they took a 5.56 slug the "neck" is there as soon as the bullet exit the jacket and hit you while tumbling out of it axis.

    In a game like the one we WORSHIP it's suppose to be modelled by a huge stopping power when fired on at close range by those MP and by an all out lethality for rifle slugs and MP44.

    Anyway, my two cents are on the fact that even if the MP44 and MG do transfixing, the multiple stitching WILL stop you.


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  4. Exactly.

    Us non continental will received the bloody game days after the well groomed hints and tips about ALL scenarios and operations.

    I'm considering taking a leave from the forum when the first HURRAH! post is there.

    For Europe/Pacific ream's sake, BTS please try to kick asses about spoilers to be.

    Then the pleasure will be for us to PBEM...


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  5. It's true than even if historically present, some of the things that DID happen can't be shown for the sake of accuracy.

    Some of that have to be abstracted and supposed to be modeled in the behavior of the game.

    IE: Wire in ambush -> Wire cutters -> Back to square one.

    Stands true for the Bocage, the tanks go through because the Bulldozer like ones are modelled in an abstracted way.

    That's precisely why Jeeps, trucks and recons vehicules don't.

    So, for sake of polygons count and for a more wide spreadspread use of the BMP accross scenarios, you can't have that as a standard display.

    Another one before I'm too long (if not already biggrin.gif).

    The ambush thing that was mentioned is good but is to be abstracted too.

    Otherwise some other tactics would have to be modelled too.

    One of my old time favorite is the rigging of a Screck on a tree facing down the probable path of US tanks.

    Trigerring is done either by a guy pulling at a long wire or by a tank tripping on it.

    How then would you model that?


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  6. Sniper,

    You say that because you are a ravening bright sider.

    Why would anyone want to stay here where not only the game is great but the discussion about which are so enlighting that they could surely teach some tricks to the most seasonned grognard?

    Or rather where you could see a post of a Sherman raming a Stug (I can picture some sites featuring some sort of raming though.

    And even worst, where you could find the actual BTS guys willing to listen and even tweak atfer some hints.

    Boy, that's way too overwhelming.

    Sniper, some of us are just not satisfied by that...



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  7. Concerning the priority of what you want to target, I think BTS adressed that in the upcomming patch.

    I've been asking for a TARGET ONLY ON command because it spoilt my fun to have Schreck who were happily missiling away on GI and were left with puny fists against the neighbouring Shermans.

    So, unless I got the answer wrong, it will be inculded.

    PS: Do a search on the SUGGESTION FOR TARGETING thread.


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rwcanuck:

    It seems every time my wife sees me playing Combat Mission she asks me why do I play this game?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I got a ready answer for that one:

    Because I spent a WEEK downloading it.

    How about that one?


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

    It has replayabiltiy, something that a lot of ... don't have.


    Boy! I was fearing for a moment that you would suggest that it's more replayability than most of our wives could claim for.

    Wouldn't it be grand?

    For me it's started with SP.

    She was always saying: "How, he is killing Russians or something"



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

    Boy, what can I do to have the game first and almost? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Arghhh did I say ALMOST?

    Foremost if my english classes were worth a penny (Not often the case here in France).

    BTW Max, I guess that the UBB has a nasty Freudian ring to some if they decide to give us the boot after a mere 3 posts.


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  11. Wouldn't dream to comment on the anal part.


    I can only testify about what I do and what I've witnessed so far.

    I think that long is a bit THOURROUGH.

    So, either you are a deadly planner or as a french I'm a No-**** latin guy with a fast forward addiction.

    Question is, are you better off with that long a planning or could you do it with a more breath taking pace?

    As it has been said in other posts concerning tactics and such: DO WHAT FEELS OK AND WORKS FOR YOU.

    And let the nay sayer piss in the wind.


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  12. Too bad someone would gladly pass on the occasion to feast on the wealth of information one can find there just because it's often ressembling Datamining.

    There is a newborn CM Ring around, wait till they can supply some info for you.

    But be aware that some of them DO host a forum much like this one...

    Steve, as always you are not only fathering a tremondous game but sporting a VERY long time fuse.

    Say, should I split with my wife (much like you in completely different biggrin.gif) would you date me?

    Boy, what can I do to have the game first and almost?



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  13. Haha,

    Got search the post and you'll see I've volunteered for a CM2&3 pre order for a quicker delivery of CM.

    Beat you by a heartbeat!!!

    But you're right, net result will be a vote of confidence and an increase in cash flow for future developpements.


    Let's find some VISA card ID on warez sites and charge them to death...



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hawk:

    [bYou lucky [beeeep] who get it first (that would be you americans I guess), be sure to add SPOILER warnings when you post about new scenarios!!!


    That's about right.

    All of them saying: Have you seen that Whirlwind gunning down the Brits behind the farm?


    Say Steve and Charles, can't you experience a shutdown of the kind you had when the HD broke down?



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  15. Playing along the 'Me not rich tune"

    I'd be more than willing to pay some rather than to have to stop reading the posts here where all those bloody lucky fews w'e'll discuss the game and manual and more generally spoilling my fun for self discovery.

    Say? what about closing all threads while us non continentals receive CM?

    biggrin.gif Just kidding...


    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

  16. Fact is that some of us europeans would gladly pay some bucks to have it delivered just about NOW.

    Come to think of it, I think there are more of us who WILL pay to have ANYBODY from the States who's spilling its guts on the forum about the game content ERASED.



    Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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