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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by chrisl

  1. I think they had an editorial a while ago that said they weren't going to write about anything except OSX based software. This was probably around the time that apple said they would make machines that could boot into 9 anymore. I don't recall them saying much about CMBO, either, but I might not have been a subscriber then.
  2. And he's been on the lam ever since...no...wait..that's Mace...Seanachai has been running from the Canadian Association of 5th Grade Teachers Against Non-Rhyming Poetry.
  3. why are you wasting your time in here with this lot? Insulting Aussies is not very difficult, nothing to see here. [/QB]</font>
  4. Look on the bright side. At least you didn't have to play Event Horizon. I was afraid to even look at that one, let alone open it up to play. Peng and Sir Bubble Tea were going to come out here and do unspeakable things as revenge for making them play it. Fortunately they got so drunk in Minneapolis that they forgot who they were and had an existential crisis. They spent a year sitting in coffee houses in the Twin Cities wearing all black, with little berets and goatees, smoking clove cigarettes and going to open mike nights to read drivel that was even worse than what Sir Bubble Tea posts here. They only snapped out of it when Lars managed to take them out ice fishing (in a daring ruse, involving pickled herring, tweed, and a jar of candied mushrooms, illegally imported from Russia) and dunk them in ice water for a while to search for his snowmobile.
  5. It's where Australians go to reproduce. They are all various forms of bacteria, and reproduce by mitosis. They try to keep it a secret, but since they're all actually single celled, they aren't that bright (except for the luminscent ones, who still aren't that bright), and they went and named their "nursery" region the "Great Dividing Range". Their bacterial nature is why so many of them tend to accumulate in the cesspool. Either that, or they tend to divide by zero a lot when they learn to do math, so they need a range where they can go and have functions blow up safely.
  6. It's got a certain appeal to it, now doesn't it. I could even add some reinforcements a la Event Horizon... In order for it to be a proper challenge, you ponyboys ought to select the parameters, with someone independent actually creating the scenarios. I would be happy to volunteer to create a set of scenarios for you (or you could get four volunteers), since I hate you all equally (though I hate some of you more than the others).
  7. This video card will probably work: ATI 7500 It's pretty similar to what's in the Titanium Powerbook that I bought just after they started putting the ATI 9000 in them. People started reporting that they couldn't play CMBB on machines with the 9000, so I got a closeout G4/800 with the 7500. The card is available at macwarehouse for US$58.89, not including shipping. [ August 31, 2003, 08:28 PM: Message edited by: chrisl ]
  8. In CMBO I played Bucholz Station (a port of an old Squad Leader scenario) against the AI. I think the AI was germans. I lost a truck to bogging in the mud (it was unarmed so it was abandoned). I think there was only one, or maybe two, very minor exchanges of gunfire. I don't recall many, if any casualties.
  9. I actually headed north (only about 3 miles). I took a look, and the only uncompleted game I could find was with my worthless squire, harpooner, who disappeared when I blew up all his tanks. I have some vague recollection of surrendering, because I have some strange memory of marveling at how many vehicles I actually lost in that one.
  10. I thought we finished that one with a surrender or something. IIRC, I had about 300 vehicles destroyed, and a few thousand casualties. I'll go look to see if I still have the game on my old machine. Then again, maybe I won't bother.
  11. Making a cameo appearance in the thread that unquestionably confirms that the pool has jumped the shark, I get to report that Leeo has suffered a terrible beating at my hands. He charged his fleet of halftracks into my waiting flamethrowers in the first few turns, and it went downhill from there. I won't mention the game I have going with Pondscum. The only thing I have left going for me is I've been returning moves really slowly, and he might forget which direction he's supposed to be attacking.
  12. I don't have any trouble on an 800 MHz / 1 GB RAM / 60 GB disk TiBook. It uses the 32MB Radeon Mobility 7000 graphics card (AGP). Haven't had any display problems running 9.2.2. It will also run CMBO in Classic, but only with software rendering when Classic is booted with Classic RAVE disabled. CMBB will not run in Classic (claims to require a minimum of 800x600 -- can this be fixed in a patch?). Trying CMBB without disabling Classic RAVE gets as far as the "Loading 3D Graphics..." screen, but the letters are replaced by rectangles, and it then hangs. I forget what CMBO does, but it doesn't work. </font>
  13. I'm back from yet another trip to Detroit and thought I would post to annoy you all. It's good to see the Meeks is back, but it's also good to see that he's already gotten bored with the thread and is cutting back on his posting. I flipped through the past couple incarnations, and there were a few pages that were almost sounding like there was some action. Unfortunately it's already gone back to drivel that I flip through as quickly as possible to avoid damaging my eyes. Leeo is being grilled on a spit in some scenario or other designed by Andreas "Brandstifter" Germanboy. My Russians at setup consisted of about 30 flamethrowers and a couple of platoon hqs. Later on I got some reinforcements that were carrying all sorts of bricks and sacks of concrete and have to walk a hundred miles to get to the action. Leeo has been very accomodating though-- he drove most of his halftracks right up next to the flamethrowers and parked them there so I could burn them. Maybe he got confused and thought I was just going to strip the paint so he could apply some mods or somefink. He did manage to brew up a building, but not before the little flamethrower guy burned up one of his tracks. Pondscum is MIA in our Italians vs. Russians scenario. He's probably not really MIA-- he's probably just freezing his naughty bits off with Miss Mankato. It was pretty chilly in Detroit this past weekend, which means that it was even colder in Mankato, and Pondscum is most likely frozen over and we can skate on him. And Meeks-- your cousin still owes me a file from a CMBO game. Why don't you go find him and bash him with a brick or something.
  14. Peng is playing you? Now we know why he's about to be hospitalized with anti-biotic resistant pneumonia again.</font>
  15. You'll have to send me one-- I'm in the midst of packing for my impending trip to the land of pondscum and Gates early tomorrow morning and am too lazy to reboot into OS9 to humor your desire for revenge. Pick some exciting parameters and send me the file, or better yet, pick a scenario--I've only gotten around to playing CMBB about twice so far, so I've only played a couple of the scenarios.
  16. What's got you all peeved? Are you originally from Mankato or something?
  17. How long have you been on this side of the pond? All of about 6 months? And instead of taking advantage of the novelty of being a brit on the west coast, you have to hook up with someone in Mankato?!? Did you sign up for the Sons of Norway* Internet Dating Service or somefink? Mankato ?! You're a fully employed Gates-slut, at a time when software geeks are mostly unemployed and sitting in Starbucks drinking lattes. So instead of hanging out at the local Yoga Hut and hooking up with someone local, you're flying to Mankato, MN most likely in the middle of winter, to meet someone who you probably won't actually see because she'll be completely wrapped up in 6 layers of winter clothing the whole time. It takes so long to put the stuff on and take it off that people there just put it on in the late fall, add layers as it gets colder, and remove it in the late spring (June or so) when it starts to warm up. Saves on heating bills too. I'll be arriving in Seattle tomorrow afternoon, and will probably have some free time to play some CM and beat some sense into you. *I actually saw the band Beat Happening, from Olympia, WA at the Sons of Norway hall in Minneapolis some time in the early 90's. It was quite the contrast-- seeing an early pre-grunge band in a room with a bunch of pictures of old vikings on the wall.
  18. Spoken like a true midwesterner-- you probably always have a trunk full of plastic and a big knife so you can take your roadkill home for dinner. I hope you're ok Steve-- deer are starting to be like killer rats.
  19. This is a little frightening-- first you make regular forays into the outerboards to make fun of them, which was often deserved and generally entertaining, but now you're venturing out and actually posting statements that start to make you sound like a grog. Back in the pool with you, and no more grogliness. The only other explanation is that you had company and left yourself logged into the board...
  20. I've successfully run CMBO in software rendering at resolutions up to 1024x768 on my old G3 laptop by using SwitchRes to force resolution selection. I've done it in OS8.6, OS9 and OSX. You lose transparency effects, and some speed, but it works. I'm pretty sure the beta demo of CMBO ran in software mode on my G3-- it was in 1024x768 all the time, and I was surprised when the release version bounced me down to 640x480. I've tried it with CMBB, but with no success. In some cases it seems to come pretty close to working-- it will draw the screen and then cover everything in white up to the menu bar (leaving the menu bar showing the background terrain). If I switch into and out of CMBB (with the escape key) then sometimes on the redraw I can see the map be drawn properly and then covered over with the white blank. It's much easier to see on my old 300 MHz G3 (sloooow) than with the new 800 MHz G4. Other times it just crashes out of CMBB when it's loading 3D textures. edit: I just did a few experiments- If I use switchres X and remove Classic Rave when I launch Classic, I can sometimes get it to not reset the screen to 640x480, but I get mostly garbage textures once it's in the game (graphics are fine until it loads 3d stuff) If I leave Classic rave in the system folder, then it loads 3d graphics, displays the screen, and then colors over it in white. I suspect the optimal solution would be if apple implemented the correct version of RAVE in Classic Rave... [ December 10, 2002, 02:01 AM: Message edited by: chrisl ]
  21. I was going to post a comment on the first part of this, but every time I form the image in my mind the horror just takes over and I see visions of PL, Martha, Dorosh's mannequin, stuffed cabbage, and I start to scream. Thank you PL, I'm going to have nightmares for weeks. The other thing wrong with your post is the parchment paper-- Silpats are so much better that you don't even need to keep the stuff around.
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