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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. You swine! How is it that you're receiving my posts before they arrive on the CM site?!
  2. Mostly screwed, but not unforgiven. Go away, read more, be quieter, post less stridently, bide your time, learn who people are, actually read what others say, rather than entering every discussion like a drunk vomiting on a bus, actually try to understand things others have posted before posting your opinion, learn. Unless you're an un-recoverable halfwit, this will help a lot. You keep wanting to plunge feet first into topics where you haven't a clue. This Board is so full of knowledgeable individuals that a true seeker of knowledge would do no more than read post after post, thread after thread. Fools want to make noise, be heard, and get noticed. The wise come, read, listen, and think. Post, here and there, after reading, and ask questions. Read some more. Think about what you've read. Think what else you might learn if you talked to the people who post here. Rely on common sense, and, after a long period of reading what others have to say, venture your opinion about something. You'll be amazed at how often your opinion will then receive answers, and spark some meaningful debate. Or you could just bugger off and constantly post your take on Religion, Politics, and Everyone Who Isn't You on the General Forum. Not that you'll learn much that way, but at least you'll be in the company of a massive number of idjits.
  3. Of course we haven't! We wouldn't want to infringe. We're extremely rude individually, but we're quite polite as a people when it comes to standing off and letting our betters lord it over all creation while we nod sympathetically and wonder about which member of the Royal Family you've slept with, and what undeclared, off-shore income you're hording that allows you to afford Internet access. Ta! Off to try and determine which portion of the British Experience of Empire produced the Teletubbies.
  4. What in God's name is 'Tanker'? As for that picture, the wound is of no account whatsoever. Scalp wounds always bleed a lot. Marlow, isn't it about time for another installment of your arrival at Schloss Peng?
  5. Bobby? Ohmigod, not Bobby?! He's a liar? Does this mean he can't really get me a date with Lara Croft?! Your smiley and ascii use is getting out of control, lad. Time for your meds.
  6. Has anyone noticed that See Em Player is a git no matter how you look at him?</font>
  7. Moon, for the record is Canada a West European country? What about Quebec? Can sale of CMBB be forbidden to New Jersey altogether?
  8. Sorry, Doug, but I just think you, Emrys, and Dorosh are all quite huggable. I wouldn't touch any of you with a marlinspike in person, but in this strange, mental landscape I've constructed of the Combat Mission Forum, you three are like Captain Kangaroo, Mr. Greenjeans, and Bun Rabbit. I'll leave it to the three of you to determine who's who. Just be glad you only get snippets of my mental landscape. My mantra as I pass through my day to day existence is the constantly repeated phrase 'Not Out Loud, Not Out Loud'. It works. Mostly.
  9. Athkatla! You are required to go to this thread: I Do Not Believe This! And there resolve your differences with Mr. Beman. I think you should apologize to him (you can do that, there, it isn't the MBT) for accusing him of dodging out on the game. Then it would probably be appropriate to hug him. After that, of course, you should insult and belittle him, and continue making the arrangements for your PBEM
  10. While sitting here at my temp job, staring into space in an addled stupor (they actually complained last week that I wasn't staring into space vacantly enough, and asked me to pump it up a bit, or I might be mistaken for a regular employee)I suddenly realized what I'd most likely done late Saturday night that made Open Transport quit working. The good news is, if I've correctly worked it through, turns will go back out this evening when I return to Casa UberGnome. The bad news, for you lot, at least, is that that means I'll be able to post at length from home again, rather than my furtive and tentative posts here from work. Hugs and kisses to Michael Emrys, Michael Dorosh, and Doug Beman for being such good sports about being targeted for execution. At least I assume they were good sports, as no local law enforcement officials have arrived yet with warrants or inquiries about making 'terroristic threats'.
  11. Academic. Hiram looks like a werewolf. And not a well-groomed one.
  12. Mace, fella, I wouldn't have it any other way! Depending on how this go at Emrys, Dorosh, and Beman goes, I'm thinking of posting another thread asking whether I, Joe Shaw, or 'some yet to be determined' Peng Threader should be put to death! AUSSIE, AUSSIE, AUSSIE, OI, OI, OI! Possibly Stuka. Wouldn't we all like to see Stuka put to death? Of course we would! I can just see the Australians lining up to console the widow...
  13. The very best thing about the Mother Beautiful Thread is, you never have to worry that people 'simply don't get it'. Or rather, tons of half-wits simply don't get it, but you don't have to worry about them. Nothing is more horrible than someone who 'simply doesn't get it', but you still have to worry about them. I blame all of you, of course. You're like a lot of infected Colobus monkeys, and association with you is bringing me down.
  14. Good God! Who would wish destruction on an Italian! Besides cooking like gods, those people produce some damn good wines! Now bugger off, lad, and let some Real Idjits in to speak their piece...
  15. Sigh. I hate a reasonable man. Gunnergoz, I posted this as a joke. I have no problem with any of these individuals, and, frankly, I can't imagine that anyone else would, either. Believe me, I could have chosen a different set of three names of constant posters and posed the same question, and sat back and watched the very unpleasant carnage (they all know who they are). I chose the names of three humourous, pleasant, constantly posting individuals who I actually liked, and sat down for a jolly laugh. I simply can't imagine anyone having anything like a serious axe to grind with the above named individuals. In a world filled with anger, stupidity, pride, and people wondering if everything they've ever expressed an annoying opinion about as regards WWII being properly modeled, I thought I could have a bit of a laugh with three innocent but likeable posters. I feel just awful, now, and make a heartfelt apology to Michael Dorosh, Michael Emrys, and Doug Beman. Gentleman: I prostrate myself at your feet. I would lick your boots, but I hesitate to extend my tongue, lest it be perceived as an abusive gesture. I would let any of you marry my seemingly innumerable sisters, were they not already married. I now perceive the error of my ways, and would ask you all... Sod that for a lark! Which one would you rather see put to death: Emrys, Dorosh, or Beman?! [ July 21, 2002, 12:20 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  16. Wow! That was magical. Given a choice of three individuals, you chose: "Neither of them". I'd give you a whole lot more crap, but I agree with your basic premise. Good luck in Boot Camp, Rommel22.
  17. Domestic ducks are probably a better choice for lawn mowing as long as you get enough water to wash the droppings away. There are "grazing" ducks (they get hit by grazing fire) that will wander around your yard and munch on the grass. They also fit better in a christmas roasting pan without having to fill up the freezer with lots of extra parts.</font>
  18. Objection noted. We've never really talked, have we? I feel bad about that. After me, which of the Big Three Actually Likeable Posters would you like to see done away with?
  19. While we all count our teeth with our tongues, and try and decide whether it's worth the effort of posting in another 'BFC fix, or do somefink' thread, I'd like to pose a new way of passing the time. Which near non-stop poster, Michael Emrys, Michael Dorosh, or Doug Beman, would you most like to see put to death, and why? As a cachet, describe how you'd like them done down. I propose this thread because each of the above named individuals is, actually, quite likeable. Given the unbelievable number of hateful individuals who post here (note myself), there must be something seriously wrong with these otherwise jolly individuals. Our job, actually, is to uncover the rot within the lollipop. So step on up, and cast your vote: Thumbs down on: Michael Emrys Doug Beman Michael Dorosh
  20. Oh for godssake, Madmatt, most of what went on above was pure Peng Challenge Thread leakage combined with a very real need to not see another 150 post thread on 'gun hits modeled improperly'. You never stop by anymore, you don't write, and when you do come by, you're always enforcing the rules. Don't you think we miss you? Don't you think we remember the times when you were just a good and decent member of the Forum doing your best, and you were attacked, vilified, and treated like ****e by a bunch of waterheads for no good reason at all? Don't you remember who welcomed your punch-drunk, battered self in, offered you a beer, and told you that you'd always be one of us? It was the Peng Challenge Thread! All we've ever asked in return is that you show up occasionally, and tell us all we're a useless waste of bandwidth. But do you come to dinner? Do you write? No! Your elevation to Moderator has made you proud, lad. You've forgotten the little people.
  21. How many Aggies does it take to eat an armadillo? Three. Two to watch for headlights, while the third has a go at the carcass. I find the concept of Texans being given a sneak preview of CMBB absolutely disgusting. Although I'm glad that even a naysayer of House Bard, like MrSpkr, has a chance to enter into the promised land. The biggest question for those of us in America has always been: How can we convince the Mexicans to accept Texas back, without agreeing to a repatriation of the current populace to the rest of America?
  22. I loved your use of exclamation points. I remember leaning over to Angelina Jolie and saying "Don't you think that's the finest use of exclamation points you've seen since the Mad Bald one began posting like some sort of psycho-killer of the English language?", and she responded "This lcm1947 intrigues me. Do you think he thinks I'm hot?", and I said "Of course he does, but what about me?", and she replied "You're a short, paunchy opinionated Gnome, but we'll always have Paris", and I replied "I've never been to Paris", and then she called her security people when she realized we'd been inadvertantly seated together at the Celebrity Rally For the Release of CMBB. Everyone was extremely courteous, of course, and after pressing charges for impersonating a member of BFC Angelina did, actually, recognize my screen name, and asked me if I could get her a date with Steve Grammont, and I lied shamelessly and said I could, and she told me that MrPeng was actually her favourite on the Peng Challenge Thread, and then she asked me to get her another wine cooler, and I realized that one could never fall in love with a woman who actually drank wine coolers, and then I began to wonder why I was telling all this to that useless little sod lcm1947 when I turned down several highly paid interviews with the tabloids who were absolutely begging for my story. And then I strolled back on over to the Peng Challenge Thread
  23. I remember 14 like it was yesterday. My breath and body contstantly stank of fetid cheese. My repulsive visage was an effective deterrant to the females. I spent most of my time in the library because books never turn you down. </font>
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