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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. It is difficult for me to respond at length here at work, as they keep requiring me to do things (not very significant or time-consuming, but it does tend to limit my responses to a few sentences). I imagine I will respond to you at greater length when I can get home, put on some rousing Scottish music, and really put some thought into it. I've started to notice a pattern in your approach to questions of life and literature, though. I'll bet when you've seen Cyrano performed, you've sat there with lip aquiver and a sob clutching at your throat, totatlly focused on the by-play of tragedy and romance revolving around his love for Roxanne, haven't you, and the heroic, 'standing alone against the world' aspects of it slide right by you, don't they?
  2. Oh, well, might as well bump this. Poor sod should get something for not actually being me...
  3. sniff Andreas is name-dropping again, doing his 'AFVs I've had a pint with' routine...
  4. What's that, Tanktop? The 88s trapped in the old mine, and needs insulin?!
  5. Well, I'm not mentally damaged enough to actually play anything by AussieJeff. Berli's seem alright, except that so much of the landscape seems to be on fire... Did you ever play that one in CMBO, I think he might have done it in collaboration with Rune, which featured Mace's sheep ranch, and the St. Berli church? You were fighting for a pair of bridges over a river. Very nice map. In any case, has anyone else noticed that AussieJeff seems to be vying with Panzer Leader to wrest from him the title of 'most annoying idjit', lately? The whole 'cricket' thing was particularly gratuitous. PL's stock is actually rising by comparison. I might even give him a biscuit and a pat on the head. I will slap together some QB atrocity tonight, Old Foul Joe. Scenarios are so 'previous game version', and third party builds take so long. I suppose I could take that map I made for Agua and PL and we could just use the editor to populate it with troops. I'll check into it when I get home. [ November 13, 2002, 12:46 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  6. In all fairness, Joe, he didn't actually fall off the boat until he'd gotten us all safely back to the dock and was heading home alone. I believe I do owe you a setup. I believe you prefer smaller QBs, do you not? Any preference as to a side?
  7. His cousins seem to be people that live...'colorful' lives. There also seem to be quite a few of them. Unless, of course, Lars' endless references to the drunken/violent/criminal/bizarre/deviant/incredibly lackwitted behaviour of his various cousins is merely his way of avoiding having to constantly say "There was this one time I..."
  8. His member number is 159. I've emailed you his email address as it appears in his profile. I'm assuming you mean Elvis of the Peng Challenge.
  9. It is, however, legal in Minnesota to hunt Lars' cousins. In fact, there are a number of law enforcement agencies willing to hand out sums of the ready if you can come up with one of them.
  10. An Ohioan is just a West Virginian who can't remember where he left his filthy bill cap... Oh, and forgot to add: But doesn't panic about the fact and can continue to function until he finds it. [ November 13, 2002, 11:37 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  11. Helping people?! Did you see how he was directing people to the Peng Challenge Thread? Might as well just shoot the poor sods.
  12. Mike was Stalin's Organ? What a very odd career choice. Still, Kiwis are all daft, and I imagine being a Russian dictator's dangly bits is still more interesting than being a faux-Australian.
  13. Good God, Lars, if you want to kill deer, just drive around the outer-ring suburbs in an expensive car. The buggers lunge out of every bit of cover possible to run in front of you. Ah, yes. I'm healthy again, no more respiratory infection, turns all out, everything done up proper. I'll be winding down just a couple more CMBO games, and then I shall probably devote myself to organizing my CMBB games with an eye to resuming my sacred crusade to 'Crush All Australians', especially as it looks like Stuka will be available for a good crushing. Where's that Pack Kuma lad? Wasn't he around here a bit ago? Finally, it is indeed true that JDMorse, by means of some sort of law guild commissioned scenario, did indeed hand me an extremely niggly Minor Defeat. Frankly, I did no more than history required of me, and to avoid gamey, ahistorical play, I allowed my Americans to be overrun in Lawyer's oddly unsatisfying 'Baugnitz'. If I had won, of course, JD would have had no oppportunity to take my surviving troops to a field on the edge of town, line them up, and then allow Lawyer and some Dutchman to scurry on to the field to battle mightily over whether they were to be massacred, or merely shot in a sort of confused way in a disagreement over what constitutes sidling off 'too far' in the pursuit of a quiet place to have a slash. However, I feel that as long as I avoid any more scenarios designed by the profession who's motto is: "Sharks? They're just simple-minded predators who'd devour you because they've correctly worked out their place in the food chain. We lawyers are much more like an internal parasite that battens off the host, but without any proper mechanism to regulate our interaction, resulting ultimately in the destruction of the very system that supports us. No comparison, really", I will be just fine, and will not only return to not being defeated by Morse, but will in fact achieve ultimate victory over him. JD, you really cannot possibly believe that your, er, 'victory' really resolves the 'There Can Be Only One' contest. Right now, lad, it's a bit like 'There Can Be Only One Half'. [ November 13, 2002, 01:29 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  14. *retch* *cough* *gag* Seanachai, I will personally kill you for this latest abomination</font>
  15. You useless little Canadian bugger, I'm more than happy to spend all the time necessary to bury you. Send me a setup.
  16. This is quite an interesting prospect. Pack Kuma, I salute your effort. Doomed, of course. But noble, never the less. Your future, lad, lies in the Peng Challenge Thread. Are you daft enough to imagine we're not trying to bring up the tone of the place? Inside jokes? One could wish. At present, most of the jokes are just above the level of 'mine's big, yours is small, and he got his cut off'. Think, ultimately, Edmund Rostand, Alexander Dumas (Pere, please, and almost never Fils), and a true delight in the game. Still, it's a great thing to watch the new folk come up, and do their part for the Game. I wish you all the best. Until, of course, you end up with Us. Then I'll see you buggered by winos, lad. Gods know we've enough of them to serve.
  17. I'll give you 'mushy' you bloody sod! When was the last time you posted in the MBT?! Don't make me come back there, Foobar...
  18. Shut up, you silly Aussie cane toad.... [ November 11, 2002, 01:16 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  19. Dear Lorak: Of course you should, lad! As one puts down a good wine to mellow, and sets aside a good cheese to age, and a bit of killed game to hang until it falls off the hook with rotting, so one should let all good hatred and taunting ripen before bringing it forth unto the people for whom it's intended. Ask yourself this, lad. Would you rather fling a dead raccoon at your enemies when it's freshly killed, and will do naught more than 'thud' as it impacts them, or would you like to see that same, large, well-fed and long dead raccoon that's lain rotting for a number of days strike your enemies as a sort of technicolor, Disney nightmare, splashy 'bioware bomb'? Ah, the glory! Believe me, dear Lorak, their hideous screams, when hit with the rotting corpse are a music to rival everything except, of course, O'Carolan. Be smart, though, and never grasp the carcass by the tail as you whirl it over your head. The tail's always one of the first things to give when you do the 'rotting corpse toss'. Grasp it firmly by the hind feet. But, in any case, lad, hurry on over to the posting place of your enemies, and toss off your barbed remarks soonest. Frankly, most of the 'immediate response' stuff from the current lot of lackwits is rather shoddy. A bit of pondering, a bit of thought, a bit of reflection wouldn't hurt any of the stupid bastards. [ November 11, 2002, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  20. I've noticed an unsettling trend here on the Thread of threads. Divisive. Partisan. With overtones of mob violence. I'm talking about the recent series of posts concerning caffeinated beverages. I shall put an end to this, now, before it goes beyond the raised pinky stage. Gentlemen, I give you: WHISKEY! There is nothing wrong with either coffee or tea that the proper application of some form of whiskey cannot amend. Now, I've noticed that Persephone has been in here with the sniffles, embittered when she discovered that Gnomes are Scum. Really, it's hard to believe this comes as a surprise, but there you have it. Some people will insist that, just because I'm 'the nice one', that that somehow precludes the fact that I am also a roight bastard. I mean, really. I'm primarily 'the nice one' on the Peng Challenge Thread bell curve, where most cluster up in the center as 'stupid, vicious bastards that wouldn't eat your children simply because they've never bothered to learn how to cook'. Now, all will rejoice to know that I am, in fact, starting to feel much better after my most recent bout of lung corruption. Mostly why I'm up so late, in fact. Well, that and the residual coughing, which I like to take into the main room of the apartment in order to share it with the largest number of the inhabitants of the building. That does not, of course, mean that any of you got turns tonight. Oh, no. It might mean that you will get turns tomorrow. Perhaps. Now, while I'm quite happy to see Bauhaus back (that doesn't sound natural, does it?), and glad to see he's been properly shamed into ordering the game, I still think a penance is in order. Bauhaus, I, as an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread, and quite certain to be unanimously supported by the other sods, demand that you perform the following penance: You shall write and post here in the Thread a 200 word paean to Berli, ennumerating all his special and most wonderful qualities, what you like most about him, and not failing to describe at least four (4) things about Berli that you find positively 'cuddly'. Death, where is thy sting, eh, lad?
  21. Ahem. Not done, lad. Not done at all. Now, if the Outer Boarders want to start up a nonsensical thread about the Peng Challenge Thread, then, like inviting a vampire in, we're free to enter in and indulge in an absolute orgy of foolishness. However, we do not go about starting up said inane threads. Well, only occasionally, and then we disguise them. So, desist. You are one of ours (shudder), and you will abide by the rules. Maestro, the Lock, please. [ November 09, 2002, 01:14 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  22. Dear Simple-minded Hobgoblin: Something is wrong, lad. Everyone feels that way at one point or another, and anyone who's stumbled into the General Forum feels that way most of the time (certainly after they fight their way back out), but there is no one that never feels that way. Well, except Bill Gates. But then, anyone who just happens to find himself carrying a garbage can back to the garage when a sudden, short, inexplicable rain of gold coins occurs, and decides from this event that he's both a genius and a great businessman, can't help but feel that the world is his oyster, and damn the months with an 'r' in them. But various nations have called this 'feeling' you have by a variety of names. The Germans, of course, call it 'angst'. As a philosophical concept, they meant, of course, a sense of brooding anxiety. Of course, the roots of the word are in the word 'fear', and no one knows more about that then the Germans, having inspired so much of it in the peoples around them for so long. Indeed, philosophers with a grasp of history have often stated that when German philosophers talked about Der Angst, they were simply picking up the reflected emotions of all the nations on their borders (up to two removes, in fact). Now, the French were more likely to call this feeling 'ennui'. It was their version of 'something is wrong', and the word has it's roots in their language in the concepts of boredom, annoyance, hate. Again, it's just like a mirror, isn't it? Now, here in America we have developed the same, specialized language of philosophy in our term 'the world's giving me the red-ass'. Unlike those Europeans, we are not so parsimonious with language, and we like to get right to the seat of the problem. And, once again, the anxiety we feel about the world is pretty much what we give.. Of course you are too energetic to be a nihilist, Meeks! That is why you are destined to be an Anarchist. It's like a Nihilist with a positive mental attitude and a go-getter, self-starter approach to the Angst, Ennui, and Red-Ass of the world. Now, run along and kill Archduke Ferdinand. There's a good lad. [ November 09, 2002, 01:06 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  23. Dear Flossie: First off, lad, you need to get over your feeling of being 'unique'. Every country has the people you've described, and they all indulge in the same behaviour. Now, there is an old story, you were probably told it as a child, of an Emperor who was tricked by a clever con man into believing that he'd been sold a suit of fabulous, regal robes while he instead stood quite, quite naked. A little child, too sodding stu– er, innocent to know not to blow the pitch pointed out his nakedness, and all of the people laughed. Well, lad over the years the various Emperors in the various nations have given that story a right good going over, and they learned quite a bit from it. First, they learned to stand in front of the crowd of common people and, despite the fact that they are wearing $800 Gucci suits, they proclaim over and over that they are quite, quite naked. And the common people nod their heads and sigh, and say 'indeed, our poor King George and Queen Cheney (to name but two of this crowd of modern day Emperors).' And the second trick they picked up from this simple child's tale (told to simple children), is to stand in front of the people and assure them over and over that if the people will only support them, they will soon be giving them flowing robes fit to dress an Emperor. In America this promise comes in the form of promised 'tax cuts'. In Australia I'm sure it takes the form of promising you two marsupials in every pot and a ute in every garage. Or, more likely, that every citizen will have as much beer as they can drink. Now, anyone familiar with Australia would no doubt question the gullibility of anyone who would believe that there is even that much beer in the world. But whatever form it takes, it leaves many citizens quite, quite naked, while others examine their tawdry finery, and say 'look! The Emperor has clothed me in regal robes!' But you and I, dear fan, are the like the little lad in the story, standing there and saying "Here, I'm freezing me bum off! Where's them regal robes you promised us?! Not that shoddy lot of cheap knock offs from Taiwan, I hope, that you've got the middle class convinced represent prosperity, you bloody weasel, I want some bloody ermine trimmed velvet robes of state now, as I was promised, or I'm shouting out that the Emperor has all the clothes!" The result, of course, is that folks like you and I are immediately dragged off by officers for creating a disturbance of the peace of mind, and locked in a cell were we are forced to fight off the attentions of very drunk and deeply disturbed winos. Now, as amusing as it would be to step into governing Australia (I've stepped into worse), and even though it might seem like I've spent my whole life training for exactly that job (I can drink a great deal of beer, so you can tell that I'm college educated), I must decline. Not only would this leave both the 'Dear Seanachai' column bereft of my guidance, but would doubtless cause undo rejoicing in the Peng Challenge Thread. Also, you have to understand that as a young man (which puts it back a bit), I very carefully examined my own soul, and took a vow never to go into politics. You see, I would simply have been too good at it. It would have...well, not 'destroyed me', as I would undoubtedly be much richer and more powerful than I am today. No, rather it would have corrupted me, totally and absolutely. So I turned my back on politics, and chose the cleaner, less morally dirtying path of drunkeness and serious drug use. So, the next time you're at an Aussie political rally of any ilk, make sure you get up in the very front, and when the promises are being made, bellow out at the top of your lungs "Here, we're bloody naked out here, and my sodding house didn't cost as much as what you're wearing!" [ November 09, 2002, 12:25 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  24. No hoax, my little lad, but rather a Combat Mission tradition right on a par with Gibraltar's barbary apes (a more fitting comparison would be hard to find). As long as the apes are there, Gibraltar will always be British (remember, these are actual apes, not football hooligans), and as long as the Peng Challenge Thread exists (and mind, these are both actual apes and football hooligans), there will always be a Combat Mission. Of course, Combat Mission will not always be British, nor will it ever be found at the tip of Spain, although from time to time it will undoubtedly leer at North Africa in a suggestive way. And if it doesn't, then by God, the Peng Challenge Thread stands ready to leer for it! Now, who's for several rousing choruses of "God Save the Cesspool"? [ November 08, 2002, 11:48 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
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