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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. I'm assured by the Developers that a broken link/graphics file question mark without any other sodding reference to what the graphic might have been will not be included in CMAK.
  2. Behold, all! Another miracle of the Church of Seanachai, noted in the chronicles in this year of the Assumption of Our Lady Emma the Fair! For unto them came a half-witty Marine, who did abuse the others of The Corps, and did make savage remonstrance with many another complete lackwit. Yes, indeed, er...'Aces'. You are proceeding well enough, but you must assumes stern expression forego these 'Thingy' references which discredit your wit and do damage to these hallowed halls. Well, not so much 'hallowed', as 'only pissed in by intelligent and humourous sorts, and that in a desperate attempt to rinse out the words of lesser beings'. So, forsake these lowly references to Tiny Todg...Think...Tankers almost surely merely metaphorical equipment, and think 'Cyrano'. turns head and pretends to cough while hiding smile Rune, unless he blows up big-time in the near future and proves a flash in the pan, I acknowledge and second your proposal of Serfdom. Another Marine. Just what we needed. As the Sheikh said to the Eunuch Harem Guard: Consider yourself lucky, my good man. The damn sand gets into everything. [ November 03, 2003, 10:15 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  3. You're one of the few that's getting one every other day or so, Caliban, and that's simply because I like you, so cease your calumny. Good job on the final version of my Temple. Looks a little Nouveau World for my taste, but at least it bespoke 'massive', 'impressive', 'stone', and 'grovel' to the viewer. Now, if you don't mind, the Church of Seanachai's resident god needs to set about producing various manifestations and portents to illuminate the ascension of Queen Emma. You know the sort of thing: comets, unnatural weather, miraculous births, MrSpkr showing a modicum of kindness to another human being, praise being offered up to me by just about anyone, etc. etc. etc.. Standard 'That Was the Year' package of Significant Occurrences to show that said Ascension was both pre-determined and divinely inspired. I have so far managed one Unnatural Occurrence (Berli smiled), and two Miraculous Births (well, one birth, one miraculous pregnancy). Noba's grandson will be the first ever Australian of Wit, Intelligence, and Perception (broke a right orgulous sweat pulling that one off, you can be sure), as well as bringing progeny to the marriage of my ex-Squire R Leete (Behold the Power of Liege!). I knocked up Leete's bride (metaphysically speaking) in the UK, which makes it as near a virgin conception as is possible under modern conditions. [ November 03, 2003, 09:37 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  4. You have to admire the Justicar. He even doffs and kneels in an upright, stiff-necked way. I imagine that should he ever turn his hand to toadying, the recipient would still be left in doubt as to what was being kissed, and why.
  5. It's not just about the Challenge, lad. It's about why you're here. But it remains all about Peng.
  6. Hmm... broods for a moment... I AM SPARTACUS!
  7. Congrats, and good luck to her, Noba! Here's to a bouncing baby human!
  8. Bugger. Noba's drunk again. 'Slothfull minion Gnome'? You damp spot in the desert. You vague memory of a recently evacuated bladder. You pair of half wet shoes. Your attempts to insult and annoy me would carry more weight if you weren't just another lackwit wandering home from having bogged the ute in a billabong somewhere. Speak not before the Olde Ones! Hail your Queen! Silence you clack about how you're a fecking idjit! [ November 02, 2003, 03:13 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  9. Doff, dogs, doff! Kneel, and doff! Do you think that we, the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread, are such that we do not know the coming of the Queen? Do you think, worms, maggots, sycophants, unworthy creatures that you are, that we do not hear the tolling of the great bell, that tells us that the time has come? When all Three Olde Ones smile, and rejoice at the rending of the slain, do you think that any of you might stand against our will? You are all unworthy piles of dung. Doff, bow, and acknowledge your Queen! Kings have failed us! But we don't get fooled again! Ah, I know what you're looking for now, you insects. You're looking for the Rules. These are the Rules. Go forth, and amaze us. Come forth, and amuse us. If Challenge be your lot, then challenge, and do so like a man or woman of value, and worth, and with a fine appreciation of wit and humour. If you're not here to challenge to a game, then make your post a Challenge just the same. If you post here, make it worth our while to read what you have posted. Make us laugh. Make it sing. Make it juggle ferrets, and laugh when they run up the trouser leg of Reality. Or feck off and die. Our Queen expects no less. [ November 02, 2003, 02:26 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  10. Apparently not on camera. What's the matter, lads? Contract disputes? And here I thought you two would be the next BoorferReal.
  11. We're not saying you're not a gent, Rune. Possibly, if the Universe implodes and is reestablished by a god resembling Timothy Leary, you'd even be considered cuddly. It's just Berli's and my way of showing our honest, manly affection for you. Well, except that Berli doesn't really like anyone. Except Charles Laughton. And Quasimodo. He gets a huge kick out of Quasimodo. Also King Richard. I think Berli finds hunchbacks kind of quietly amusing. Must be the 'evil' thing.
  12. Dear God! No more pictures of Scottish Boy Bands! I didn't even know there was such a thing as Scottish Boy Bands, and I could have gone my whole bloody life without acquiring that information and died a happy man. Although I did like the image of Emma's 'outfit'. Made me feel a bit disoriented. Had to go have a wee lie down.
  13. Careful, Noba. 'Jethro' is a killing insult in Ohio. It implies that the accused is actually from West Virginia. Hey, everyone has to have someone to look down on. Not sure who the West Virginians have to look down on. Possibly molluscs.
  14. What makes you think I can't type perfectly erudite and humorous posts while lying in a pool of vomit, you Aussie git? I'm after being famous for it. Anyone who can't turn a good post from a pool of vomit isn't really Quality, as far as I'm concerned.
  15. How right you are, Mace! From the bells of St Mary To the Count of Monte Cristo Nothing can stop Nothing can stop Nothing can stop The sins of Memphisto Sally used to play with her hula hoops Now she tells her problems to therapy groups Grampa's on the front lawn staring at a rake Wondering if his marriage was a terrible mistake I'm sitting on the front steps drinking orange crush Wondering if it's possible if I could still blush Uh huh Oh yeah A boy on a bike with courduroy slacks Sleeps in the river by the railroad tracks He waits for the whistle on the train to scream So he can close his eyes and begin to dream Uh huh Oh yeah From the bells of St Mary To the Count of Monte Cristo Nothing can stop Nothing can stop Nothing can stop The sins of Memphisto The hands on his watch spin slowly around With his mind on a bus that goes all over town Looking at the babies and the factories And listening to the music of Mister Squeeze As if by magic or remote control He finds a piece of a puzzle That he missed in his soul Uh huh Oh yeah From the bells of St Mary To the Count of Monte Cristo Nothing can stop Nothing can stop Nothing can stop The sins of Memphisto Adam and Eve and Lucy and Ricky Bit the big apple and got a little sticky Esmeralda and the Hunchback of Notre Dame They humped each other like they had no shame They paused as they posed for a Polaroid photo She whispered in his ear "Exactly Odo...Quasi Modo" "Sins of Memphisto" -John Prine [ October 31, 2003, 05:05 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  16. No, no, I like to see 'working boys' like Rune get somewhere in a bad economy. We aren't given the option of 'previewing' in Minnesota because we're not a fair sampling. BFC wants to get the take of the 'common man', as it were, and we are, as a State, so far beyond that that it skews the customer data. If you weigh things properly, then accepting impressions from a State with a surplus of intelligence, education, and knowledge will, by necessity, throw off the interpretation of whether your game appeals and works even to the lower 2/3s of the population. Minnesota isn't used for beta testing for the same but opposite reason that Texas isn't used. You have to ignore the 'high end', that is, Minnesota, where your games are totally understood and do well, and you don't look for realistic input from Texas, or the 'low end', where the fact that they can actually install the game onto their Hard drives is a sort of victory of the Human Spirit. This is why neither Minnesota nor Texas has hosted previews. We're simply too above the average, and Texas is too, too on the end of 'Lookee here, bubba, I got that damn game loaded' to count towards any realistic appraisal. So places like Illinois host a lot of previews. Everyone there is almost astonishingly 'average'. I imagine songs have been written about it. [ October 31, 2003, 04:43 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  17. Well, that's about it, isn't it? Rune's just another CM Madam, now isn't he? Take away all the flouncing, poncing, mugging for the camera's, and adjusting his belt while shouting 'Mr. Christian', and he's just another megalomaniac with an NDA in his hands welcoming them into his house of 'CMAK Previews', now isn't he?
  18. Abuse him? I would never abuse Rune. I mean, I'm the one you likens him to charles Laughton. And let's face it, charles Laughton is much better looking than Rune </font>
  19. Perhaps when the annoying clack of Aussie's asking stupit questions has died down, then, eh? You bloody wee awful pillock, Speedy.
  20. While we wait for Berli to abuse Rune some more, and while I contemplate the beauty of the Fair Emma (down, you pack of jackals! Whine and lick yerselvses as ye' please, but I will hae a sense of decency shown to a Lady o' the 'Pool), I post us a jolly sing-song. Here`s A Health Tae The Sauters In the village o' Saut Preston whaur the maister's auld Cadell For he owns five branders on the Forth and the coal to fire them as well My faither's ta'en his oancoast shin just to feed his bairn and wife Ay, and when that bloody deed was done, Ah was thirled for a' my life Here's a health tae the sauters and the white gowd they make Here's a health tae the sauters that drink in the Land o'Cakes Noo a' the sauters ken me for they cry me Puddock Wull Ah was boo-leggit when Ah was born and by God, Ah'm that way still Ay but Ah can swim like ony fish that sair com oot the sea Ay tae fetch the buckets the furthest oot there is nane as good as me Here's a health tae the sauters and the white gowd they make Here's a health tae the sauters that drink in the Land o'Cakes Ah've manned these brands these last ten years, Ah've worked as fast as Ah can For every box a sauter fills there's copper in his hand But the grieve he is a dowsie raif, he hates us every yin He wad make your level drop so ye maun dae anither rin Here's a health tae the sauters and the white gowd they make Here's a health tae the sauters that drink in the Land o'Cakes Here's luck tae the sautwork smugglers, ay an' keep them frae the gaugers' hands For they only tak' what they can spread tae the puir folk that hae nane For the tax the saut a'heavy, and it shouldnae be taxed at a' No it shouldnae be just for the rich, there's enough here for us a' Here's a health tae the sauters and the white gowd they make Here's a health tae the sauters that drink in the Land o'Cakes -Ceolbeg
  21. I guess we should be more kind than accusatory, given the fact that he's a puir, wee, daft useless Chicago Suburbs Napoleon. Except that his hand's tucked in a bit lower, ya' ken, than is typical for a depiction of Napoleon.
  22. Firstly, when did you ever consider one of your opinions? Secondly, how could you say such a thing about Quasimodo? </font>
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