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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. And Mr. Tittles is the name of a neutered tomcat. Curl up here at my feet, you little devil! What have you been doing tonight? Using your tongue to groom the memory of yesteryears? What a sweet little moggy! Don't mind him, he's an old softy, really! A bit of baby-talk and he'll roll right over and show you...well, just his belly, these days! Come and tell old Granny Seanachai all about your latest exploits! My, you're getting fat, aren't you? Too much cream and security, the poor dear.
  2. No, no, Ohioans make good thugs, too. They're just a bit overly friendly, is all. Still, imagine how disorienting it is to have a large, vicious, amoral bastard breaking your ribs while smiling and talking about the Ohio State game, and offering you donuts and Stroh's. I mean, that last bit is more disturbing than any number of broken limbs.
  3. This thread is so over. Emrys, you watch yourself around a Lady of the 'Pool. You're a bit on the edge with me, lad. Mr Tittles, work out your post-neutering angst somewhere else. We would feel your pain if...no, wait, we wouldn't. I wish I had a wide-screen, Collector's Edition DVD of your pain. I'd watch it every Friday night, with refreshments to not exceed $4 for any given bottle and hotwings. Kitty...oh, well, do what you will. You will anyways. Moderators, please put a bullet in this bugger. The actual topic has already moved on.
  4. Shouldn't you be shutting up and knitting booties, or somefink? </font>
  5. Yes indeed. But unlike yours, mine can be put on and taken off.
  6. No. I want you to experience the shame of being French a while longer. Kitty </font>
  7. Yes, you're not worthy of Mask of Shame Number 15...For Men. *removes it from your head* This one suits you better. The "I am Ashamed to be French Mask of Shame" *places the new mask on your head* There. Kitty </font>
  8. Actually, Lars looks disturbingly like Gary Shandling...
  9. I see your point. But, I ask you, have I not earned a Mask of Shame? Consider the length of my average post. Consider my abusiveness. Consider that I called someone a...well, consider that we are perhaps, in a strange way, kindred spirits. Now, as to whether I may ask for Number 15, the Mask of Shame...For Men. Consider that I have always stood by 'Roo. Consider that, forsaking all others, I chose Australia as my Most Hated Enemy. One doesn't do that lightly. Taking a Most Hated Enemy...that's like marriage. You're together until death do you part. Although, mind you, I'm not carrying Mace or any of that lot over the threshold. I don't know where they've been.
  10. I wish for no contest of wills between you and I, Kitty. I will wear Number 15, Mask of Shame...For Men. I know that you, your arm clad in the finest, shimmering samite, will offer it to me. Oh, and as regards the whole 'should one issue orders in 60 seconds for a 60 second turn' thing: Are you whacked? The average individual takes 60 seconds to decide what to do in the next 60 seconds. Do you really think that the actions of 100s of individuals and 10s of vehicles should be arrived at in one minute? This isn't the American Government deciding foreign policy, you know. Some thought should go into directing the course of so many lives.
  11. Kitty, I require Number 15, the Mask of Shame...For Men! Have I not likened you unto a summer day, with whips? (well, not here, but privately, to be sure). Have I not always made you welcome? Have not I, in conjunction with the other Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread, always allowed that your various rather disturbing whims should be given the nod? Now all I ask is that I be allowed Number 15, the Mask of Shame...For Men. Something about it simply speaks to me. I hear it whisper: Seanachai, this is the Mask of Shame you've been destined for all your life. This is you, lad! As an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread to a Lady of the 'Pool, I ask of you this one mark of favour: Grant that I might wear Number 15, the Mask of Shame...For Men.
  12. Begone, Vixen, and bring me Number 15, the Mask of Shame...For Men! I want to do some serious Shame Prancing! Anyone have a cigar?
  13. Sod that for a lark. I want Number 15, The Mask of Shame...For Men. Sounds like a new aftershave. Plus, I could do a mean Groucho Marx in that mask!
  14. NOT MY FAULT!!!!! How was I suposed to know that Best Buy sold porn movies? </font>
  15. You should talk, you Vampyre Porn watching degenerate.
  16. I'm surprised that, as drunk as I normally picture you being, you're actually able to absorb enough of any given turn to work out orders, let alone issue them in 30 minutes.
  17. KITTY! STOP THAT! If you keep this sort of behaviour up, we'll have all sorts of new pillocks in here hungering after the same treatment. Don't feed into their perversions. Bloody hell, there's people who pay big money for that sort of thing in LA.
  18. Perhaps it was just 'suicidal'? Even in Kansas they speak English, don't they? And your fecking computer has been dying/dead/being reincarnated as an alien anal probe device for what, 3 bloody months now? I think you're a sodding homeless person who posts here from a free terminal at the local public library (while you're there, check out the dictionaries). Time to cut the Lavacol with 12 parts water and go sit drooling on the plaza until security runs you off, isn't it?
  19. The Brothers Grimm are teetering on the brink of obscurity, eclipsed by a new talent, lurching like Quasimodo out of the Great White North.
  20. They were, but they have the attention span of mayflies. They usually start, get about a third of the way through, and then skip to the end.
  21. Mind you, rabbit with tarragon is better. But much can be done with the right cat. Sit Down, Mace!
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