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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Give us a kiss! We're not crippled after all, at all. You mancky buggers.
  2. Oh, sorry, forgot about the whole Grog Dorosh thing. Well, who doesn't hate Grog Dorsoh? I will continue to hate Grog Dorosh until my death. Is there someone out there who doesn't hate Grog Dorosh? Really, I'd like to hear from you. Your life must be so lonely.
  3. Hello, read 'lameducks' demands, and they fecking reeked. Awful. Simply awful. I'd be ashamed if I'd posted a set of demands like that. Complete ****e, with no apologies to the original poster. I've begun, on the other hand, to notice that the Bouncer Fella keeps pitching people out on their arses when they discuss CM-Whatever-Song-That-You-Sing. Perhaps, we could have a gentle song acknowledging all the things that you think really, really work in the current CMs? Something less strident than complete fecking idjits working through their orientation problems, and demanding to be 'the Ride of the Valkyries'?
  4. Feck this! Where is my large, brutish, barely sentient thug with a sense of humour, Boo? I demand my brutish thug!
  5. Well, alright. But you owe me a lot of great Scotch. Whatever you don’t follow that shot, she rang those words out with all she got With a baby and the laundry in the chevrolet, well he thought about following anyway But he drove ’em to the strip mall laundromat, In his three day beard and his red man hat Trudy washed their bell bottom jeans, while that baby just sat there lookin’ mean Trudy and Dalem They’re out of their minds Trudy and Dalem They’re out of their minds Well Dalem put a match to a lucky strike And the smoke curled up ’round his head how he liked, It made him feel a little mysterious ’til Trudy said Dalem honey, what about us? So he thought about them and those shots ringing out And other things he shouldn’t be thinking about Like how it wasn’t them at all, just life that was mean And how a twenty dollar pistol made him feel so clean Trudy and Dalem They’re out of their minds Trudy and Dalem They’re out of their minds Didn’t mean to do it baby, but I did it for love The same shot his daddy heard before him A shot that can really blow you away And when it is fired his mama told him Dalem, you’ll follow it to your grave Well Trudy and Dalem, those crazy kids Had a baby of their own and you heard what they did In the middle of a strip mall shots rang out Shots heard all over the world no doubt ’cause it was there in the paper the very next day ’bout a couple and a baby and a chevrolet Who shot up an automatic teller machine Took the money for the laundry and drove away clean Trudy and Dalem They’re out of their minds Trudy and Dalem They’re out of their minds
  6. You so, so seriously need to be kicked in the fork. Repeatedly. Where's my setup, you unbelievably annoying bastard? As for the original, rather pointless question, it's pronounced: C M A K What's to pronounce? Couldn't your school afford to teach you the fecking alphabet, you halfwit bugger?
  7. Why must you project your own quivering desires onto your betters? Knowledge, lad, and understanding, is more than simple empathy. It is a form of power. And power and knowledge result in a form of understanding that result in empathy. I understand you, Mr. Tittles. I forgive you your sins. Now, be a good chap and fetch me an ale, you useless sack of ****e.
  8. Are you trying to say something about Mace here? Kitty </font>
  9. Hmm. I've been gone. I'm back, now. Glad to see you haven't all fallen into a despond without me. I haven't completely gotten caught up on the Thread, so I'm not sure what some of the various references are about. I did notice this bit about 'lesbians'. Frankly, I figure 80% of you bastards as lesbians. I believe that most of you prefer to have sex with women, hate men, and go out of your way to act manly despite your obvious deficiencies in that department. The other 20% are either gay, female, or Hiram. And Kitty: The first time I ever had sex with a woman, I, too, was drunk. Don't let it worry you. It led me to a sort of epiphany. I realized that having sex with women was really, really great, and that sobriety was vastly overrated. Frankly, if I was a woman, I'd be a lesbian. Men are disgusting, nasty beasts with all the appeal of farm animals. And for most men, that's not interesting farm animals. Dull farm animals. With a flatulence problem. Thank God for the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread. We attract a better sort of Reality.
  10. I hope you are very patient indeed, because I boldly predict that by that point BFC will be thoroughly sick of making tactical wargames. I expect them to snap up the Leisure Suit Larry franchise as well as the Las Vegas Poker series. Pinball Wizard 2 should be in release by about this time. There will be rumors about them picking up The Sims 14: a Visit to the Doctor. Michael </font>
  11. No, it'll cover cutlass and saber fights between Peter Pan, the Lost Boys, and Captain Hook's Pirates. Bloody Aussie-Scots git... My personal opinion is that the rewrite will cover everything from early war (possibly even as early as Spanish Civil War), to Korea, with cheap expansion packs aimed at weird fronts/regions to take account of the local conditions and unit mix.
  12. Well, it would annoy the bonnie wee spaniel... But I imagine that not everything ricochets around like a ping-pong ball. Wouldn't a lot of high velocity lumps of metal simply come in, losing most of their impetus, hit the other side, lose their remaining kinetic energy and thud down under foot, or such? And even if it makes it through the hull or turret armour, does that mean it's loose in the crew compartment like Tinkerbell on amphetamines? Couldn't it penetrate without achieving anything more? (rather like Grog Emrys on a date?)
  13. True. And sometimes a very, very small brain, wit, and penis are yours. You poor wee tyke!
  14. I've been out on your foggy stretch of salt sodden pine barrens before, you bastard, every other foot of it over-run with Californians politely congratulating each other on making their way 'North', like a gang of Mormon missionaries discovering a new, previously un-proselytized wealthy, custom-home community. Enjoyed it? I'm most assured she did not! Even her dismissal of your sad, sorry squeak against Her glory was wrung through with pity! Where's my setup, you poncing lick-spittle?
  15. You watch yer mouth, Emrys, that's our Queen you're after laying your lascivious lies against! A man who won't play CM against another is naught of a man, in my book! So lay off your lying clack about our Glorious Queen, or I'll drive out to your rain-sodden forest by way of Calgary, and stuff Grog Dorosh up your bunghole!
  16. Ahem. Gentlemen and Ladies! Men and Women! Cesspoolers, dogs, chickens, and Goodalers! It has very recently come to my notice that a member of this Thread possesses an item of inestimable worth! Think 'Treasure of the Sierra Madres'. Think 'A Pearl of Greater Worth than all His Tribe'. Think, 'Bloody Hell, We've Got a Transcript of Berli, Drunk as a Bloody Lord, and Pouring Out His Deepest, Most Intimate Thoughts About Life, the Universe, and Everything' to our own Fair Queen Emma! Now, Queen Emma has sworn many an oath (some of them quite un-lady-like, I might add) to me that she will never, ever, for any reason, release this transcript. But, as Vile Scum With No Hope of Redemption, we all know what that means! What do I hear? What do you bid for this 'Once in a Lifetime Peek Into a Maudlin Moment With The Prince of Darkness'?!!! Come on, fellows! Here in America, we know that everything has a price!
  17. Well... it's the first time I've been called that! </font>
  18. You could shoot someone's eye out! I'm torn. Shall I compare your choice of the BB gun with your brains, your wit, or your manhood? Ah, well, since all three can best be imagined as a very small item delivered to its target with minimal impact, I guess any or all would apply equally. Your are in fact, Snarker, under equipped for any sort of contest with me. I see your choice of 'BB gun' as a tribute to your gentle and delicate soul.
  19. Irish Cream?! Well, I guess any Ponce in a storm, eh?!
  20. Then quit your loafing, you lazy sod, and get drunk! Damnation, Emrys, must I do everything? You're not after pulling your weight, Emrys.
  21. Poison toad! How dare you address my Oafish Thug that way?! Pennsylvanian! Do you know what lies between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia? Alabama! picks up barstool and moves purposefully towards Snarker
  22. There's our Michael fella! How you doin', Michael? How 'bout a game, eh, Emrys? One little PBEM, eh? What's the harm, eh?
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