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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Bah! I'm banishing you to the General Forum for one month! Go, the Great god Seanachai commands you!
  2. You know, it makes you feel like a right twit when you shout 'Who's with me', and there's nothing but a resounding silences. You useless buggers.
  3. I think that people who disapprove of Gay Marriage shouldn't marry a gay person. And what's all this ****e about gay marriage being a threat to civilization? If homosexuals haven't managed to destroy civilization (such as it is) in the last ten thousand years, then I find it extremely unlikely they can pull it off when they're bickering over who lost the receipts needed for the tax return, or who's going to pick up their adopted kid from the daycare staffed by certified non-homosexual pedophiles. And when did the concept of legalized marriage between homosexuals in the United States become defined as a threat to 'civilization'? I mean, if we drop the ball and give them an opening, can't we rely on all the other homophobic nations out there to keep civilization going? I mean, I didn't know that we'd put the lock on civilization. I mean, if it's in our keeping, I think that's really, really unwise. I, personally, would push it down the cellar stairs as soon as it's back was turned. I think we should ask the French or the Japanese or someone to look after civilization. They've been around a lot longer. And for the matter of that, I think Hello, Kitty or the Disney Corporation are a greater threat to civilization than homosexuals, even those powered up and given a new lease on legitimacy by their ability to form lasting matrimonial bonds. But I guess the idea that Civilization might be about to get a Queer Eye makeover is far more threatening than whatever Michael Eisner is doing in that kiloton-range-hit proof bunker under Disneyworld. The hell it is! Stop letting them distract you with homosexuals! We've got to organize a crack team of agents and get them into the complex underneath Cinderella's Castle, you stupid bastards! Who's with me?!
  4. I've been told that Dorosh was playing Fiefdom under a pseudonym. Michael, unless you email and tell me what it was, I shall call for the naming of an ever more disturbing list of things as a 'Dorosh whatever'. Renaming 'tactical victory' a 'Dorosh victory' is only the start. By the time I move on to certain rather disturbing medical procedures, you'll wish you'd told me. Believe it.
  5. No we weren't, that wasn't us. We were the Cesspool Alliance. I don't know who the Rabid PENGuins were, but our average score was much lower than theirs, down around 34,000 something. Anyone who played know who the heck the Rabid PENGuins were? We certainly deserved the appellation 'rabid', but we didn't use it officially.
  6. I thought 'Borg Spotting' was encountering a huge cubic starship in a previously unexplored section of space, and hauling arse for Federation territory...
  7. I submit the term should be changed to 'Dorosh Victory'. This means that you win, but since you are still Michael Dorosh, what does it matter? Alternatively, it might mean that although the opposition fought well, they simply lacked the stamina to keep posting at a favourable rate, and eventually resorted to making rude noises and yelling 'Yeah? Well so's your mother!'.
  8. Boo, I rescued my singed teddy bear (named 'Boo'), from the smoking wreckage of my blasted fief. Fiefdom was fun, in the same way crack is 'fun'. There's a few minute rush, and then minutes of boredom until the next rush. Although playing with you lot (Marlow, Leeo, Boo, Lars, and v42below) in the Cesspool Alliance and tenaciously making psychotic attacks was fun. But a lot of the people over there are stiff-necked, humourless toads. And the level of smug arrogance and 'We've got this down, children, and you can't match our Fiefdom brilliance, now excuse us while we go thuggish on your immigrant arse' attitude you get made playing that lot rather tedious. I can't remember reading more than a handful of good taunts the whole time I was there, other than from some of our lot, and even the other decent taunts were mostly made by BFC people. Most of that lot just oozed smarminess. Ah, well, it was an interesting experience, but I don't know that I'd go back. Too many people over there were playing not to play the game, but to win, and anything, no matter how tacky, justified winning. Perhaps I just didn't approach it with the proper attitude. But why play it, when you don't like the people you're playing against? Okay, Boo. I'll start doing turns again. My life is getting better and I'm starting to enjoy it again, so I need the counter balance of playing you to keep me from becoming to blissful. Now then, who's for a jolly sing-song?
  9. Okay, for all Cesspoolers playing Fiefdom, but especially the members of the now defunct Mother Beautiful Alliance (And it will always not be there): Dalem decided to get out of the game because it wasn't...stimulating him enough, or something. He handed the alliance off to me, and I put all the Alliance cash into a new bank as the Cesspool Alliance. Shortly thereafter a group of toads, acting clearly as an 'unofficial' or indeed, covert Alliance, most if not all of whom were probably 'the Crimson Brigade' in the last game of Fiefdom, started going after our Fair Queen. They may have used that twit Grouper as a stalking horse. Berli thinks that it may even have been Jouk (from last time) simply pretending to be a halfwit, and helping to expose who everyone was that would support the Queen. First they took out v42below (now bolded because of his fanatical and impassioned, not to mention crazy to the point of weirdness, devotion to the Queen). Then they completely destroyed the realm of the Fair Emma. It was brutal to watch, and most of it was done accompanied by extremely piss poor taunting, and a certain low thugishness that led Berli to dub them 'The Crimson Brownshirts'. They did it casually, and without seeming to act together. Then they got a lot more aggressive, and hammered Berli. They hit him twice, doing the maximum damage to his infastructure possible. About this time, a member of the MB Alliance, SturmSebber (bolded out of respect for the fate he suffered), came in and began to play. By this time most of the members of this secret Alliance were becoming pretty clear. They hammered SturmSebber into the ground. He'd never acted against any of them, his only crime was belonging to an Alliance they'd marked for destruction. He had withdrawn most of the Alliance bank to rebuild when the jackal pack struck. He was left with nothing, and the bank had been emptied. Then they came for me. By this point it was becoming completely obvious as to which of them were allied. They weren't even subtle in their attacks. They hit me one and a half times, and reduced my realm to nothing except a few lightly scorched bars and brothels. Apparently even pillagers and murderers hesitate to burn down a brothel. Shortly thereafter, as I tried to rebuild, I was dogpiled and brutalized by a gang of Disney Dwarves that had a grudge, but that's a different story. I was left, trampled, lying in the mud. They then proceeded to repeat the process with Boo Radley (already known to them as both a member of our alliance, and as a supporter of the Queen), and rleete (they probably hit leete because he associated with us, and used the same shield crest as the MB Alliance. They finished by trashing Emma's fief yet again, in what was clearly a move of pettiness and arrogance, like going back to piss on someone you'd already knocked unconscious in a fight. They're Borgia-esque approach to the game was understandable, but this last was low and bullying. They had not, as of this writing, gone after Lars, Leeo, or Marlow. That may be because they hadn't hit listed them (they seemed to concentrate on anyone who'd actually stomped on Grouper), or it may just be because some of their members finally had to go offline, and they will resume with the destruction of the Mother Beautiful League later today. I name them here so that MBT players and former Alliance members can know of them: Tethias Veneteer, Vyk, Eion, baffles, Gripper, Hugrin. Possibly also Brother Lee Love (not as likely), and possibly Grouper (he may just be a shill) I spit on their shadows, as I wouldn't want my saliva to touch their unclean flesh. To have them role in weasel dung would be to foul the dung. Vultures wouldn't feed on their corpses for fear of cheapening their image as loathsome scavengers. I cast them from life. I would insult and belittle them further, but it sullies hatred itself to apply it to such unworthy puddles of pus. We now return you to your regularly scheduled taunting and worthiness.
  10. Bugger. Tonight...well, actually, early this morning, while playing the very silly game Fiefdom, the Cesspool gained a new figure of shock and awestruck. After his third or fourth unprovoked, daft attack on our Queen, the Fair Emma, a Fiefdom player who'd been soundly slapped and butchered each time for his attacks upon the Queen, decided to attack her yet again. His mindset is impossible to imagine. What follows is a transcript of the results. Battle: Kitty defeated Grouper in battle. Battle: GrueRoo defeated Grouper in battle. Grouper Declares: bogus bogus Kitty Declares: LOL What? GrueRoo Declares: Management material! make him an exec of a corporation. Seanachai Declares: Are you gonna cry, Grouper? I like it when you cry, bro. Grouper Declares: you bogarts humpfree bogarts Kitty Declares: LOL Grouper Declares: dam wat the hell Seanachai Declares: Grouper, you're so half-witted it's almost...magical. Do you learn nothing from experience? Household pets have more comprehension of cause and effect. I'm laughing so hard I sent you a message intended for someone else. I may have to adopt you. GrueRoo Declares: Just make sure you housebreak him quickly. Grouper Declares: dam you dam you all bogarts so bogus Seanachai Declares: Grouper, your words shall be the battle cry of our Alliance until the grass ceases to grow and the rivers cease to flow. Generations of Cesspoolers shall charge into battle shrieking: "dam you dam you all bogarts so bogus". I thank you. I will engrave your name into the 'lunatics in honour' of our clan. Cesspoolers, I give you, Grouper. And, when next you're faced with an opponent that fills you with incomprehensible hate, I want each and every one of you buggers to scream: <big>dam you dam you all bogarts so bogus!</big>
  11. Boggs, if you turn out to be one of the Snow White Alliance, I will hurt you, me lad. Confess now, that your immortal soul not be endangered and your flesh rent from your bones.
  12. I know, I know. We hate to think that anyone we know could be one of them, but I tell you, it does happen. I think it's because parents aren't doing their jobs and paying enough attention to their kids' lives. If you don't pay attention to them, they'll find someone who will, and they'll end up in the Republican party. Only love and firmness can stop that sort of thing. Perhaps if we had a constitutional amendment banning them from marrying? Of course, they would still be permitted to have some sort of simple, civil ceremony to express their commitment to each other...
  13. MrSpkr, please keep 'General Forum' behaviour there, where it belongs, and not in here. I'm reminded of a kid rushing home to explain that something was another kid's fault, not his, with a long, breathless explanation of why even if it was his fault, he had to do it. It makes you look silly and petty.
  14. That seemed so...so...dismissive. I've got my eye on you, Mantra. I may have to put you on a list. I'm having Arthur Anderson audit them these days...they need the work.
  15. I would have words for you, sir, and demand satisfaction for that remark, were it not for the hard kernel of truth at its heart. Tread carefully, though. You might want to add that I'm a thoughtful raving lunatic.
  16. And don't come back here until you can tell me that you used a jeep w/.50 cal to shoot up a German HQ command post after rescuing your three captured buddies, you poseur!
  17. Dear God, man, have you no historical background at all?! They did it all the time in Rat Patrol. Jesus, the quality of posters you see nowadays..
  18. I figure Snarker is sleeping it off right now, lying in a puddle of his own fluids on a bathroom floor somewhere, and I didn't want him to miss the fact that he's always in our hearts and in our thoughts, so I reproduce this from the Fiefdom General News thread: Kitty Declares: Attack a Waffle and die. It's as simple as that, Sarge. *shrugs* Sgt. Viljuri Declares: !!! Seanachai Declares: Pour syrup on a Waffle, though, Viljuri, and it's like giving the morning a great big hug. Seanachai Declares: Many's the time I've heard Snarker say that there's nothing he enjoys more than being showered with golden goodness. dalem Declares: Sure that's SYRUP he's talking about there, Seanachai? Kitty Declares: Don't be mean to Snarker when he's not here...oh go ahead. =) Seanachai Declares: Well, he usually says 'sweet golden goodness', but I don't know if that's because he thinks its cool, and by that he means totally sweet, or if it's a taste thing. And with Snarker, even the taste aspect could be very, very subjective. Kitty Declares: Go, dalem! Go, dalem! Go dalem! =)
  19. Sorry, Redwolf, but informed sources indicate that your style of leadership makes the men testy. It may be your tone, or something, but many of them just seem to want to lash out at who ever is available...
  20. A number of years ago I left a job. I mean, of my own volition, not like some of the more recent ones. The manager held a 'going away party' for me in her own home. Everyone I worked with was there, some 15-20 people. I was as beloved by them as I am here, in the Cesspool. They brought me beer. They brought me delicious appetizers. Many of the women offered to share their bodies with me... Okay, that last bit was a hideous lie. But several of them hugged me in a suggestive way. And, as my 'going away present', they'd all chipped in and hired a piper to come that evening and play me several songs. His last name was 'Gilchrist', and he was impressed that I knew it meant 'Servant of Christ' (as in 'Christ's Ghillie). Be buggered, lad, if I'm intimidated by bagpipes up close in an auditorium or gymnasium. I've had them played 3 feet in front of me in a suburban living room! And me, beaming, drunk, and moved almost to tears at the thoughtfulness of them all! After that, I think I was jailed for a time... [ February 20, 2004, 02:34 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  21. You play the pipes? You play the pipes?! Michael, I have a feeling this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship... </font>
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