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Posts posted by Juju

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Murx:

    Just read Jujus post...

    You are right, but with the limit you weren't able to do all this and focus on being the CO giving commmands and hoping your troops assimilate :_) ( this will take maybe a even better TacAI [could that be done ? without a cray redface.gif ] )<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Murx, what I actually (or maybe, also) meant that it would be a shame if I had a platoon attack, or move to, an objective, and they get chewed up along the way just because I, the player didn't get enough time to, not tell them what to do, but how to do it.

    Frankly, the only game so far where I've seen 'multiple character' (multiple unit in CM's case) realtime 'combat' that didn't turn out into a click-fest is Baldur's Gate. Simply because you can pause the game AND isue orders at the same time.

    [This message has been edited by Juju (edited 06-16-2000).]

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Murx:

    PS: I'm astonished with so good replies on my thread ! I'm in since only three days... ;}<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hehe, won't be long, and you'll come here every night.

    Hey wait, you already come here every night. smile.gif

    So here's a late welcome Murx! smile.gif

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pathfinder:

    which kitchun sink??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hey Pathfinner. Gawd, ah like yer accent. smile.gif Allus reminds me of thet ole Bugs Bunny cartoon, Yo' know, like, Bugs pops out o' th' groun', like he does, an' thar's this sign sayin' 'Y'all's in th' Ozarks.' An' then thar's this hyar bird, it's real homely like, an he lives in a treehouse wif his Pappy 'n stuff! Fry mah hide! "Ah's goin' out 'n ketch me a rabbit," he sez. "Yup, Thet's whut ah's a-gonna do!"

    I'm watching too many cartoons I guess. biggrin.gif

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Murx:

    Another option is to limit the time you can give commands; no, I don't want CM to be a click feast, but to represent the pressure under which a WWII commander had to give his commands<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    When playing CM I'm not THE WWII commander. I'm every lowly squad and/or section leader. I need to check everyones LOS, cover, advance route etcetera. So, in essence, I am a lot of people at the same time! I don't think any game will ever represent the pressure under which a WWII commander had to give commands.

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scott Clinton:

    Both are damn fine games, with the REALPARA and REALRED patches!

    If you don't know about these patches or have not used them, then you don't know **** about these games.


    sorry Scott, but I haven't been connected to the internet for more than, say, 15 months. Before that I didn't even know what a patchwas. There are no doubt a lot of CC players out there that are not connected. Do they all know **** about the game? Is it their fault the patch wasn't in the original game when they bought it?

    Well, I've got all CC games, and I've NEVER heard of the patches. In your opinion (I think) I have no right to comment on these games. I disagree. That's all.


    I've just about had it with sig's

  6. I was one of those who mentioned downloading the demo on the CC board.

    I also offered to sell CC 1 thru 4 if anyone was interested. I was merely kidding. I just wanted to indicate that I at least have those four games, played them, and thus knew what I was talking about.

    Guess I should have included a couple of smilies there...

    I returned there today finding a "warzone." That was not my intention.

    I don't think I was wrong in doing what I did, but I agree with Madmatt that we can draw attention to something, but best leave it at that. A die-hard Sudden Strike fan wouldn't stand a chance on this board, for example.

    I've witnessed some flamewars on this board. People tend to get a bit a bit cruel and childish (no offence intended, I do it myself) at times like that. I am happy, however that things do not degenerate to the level of posts I've seen in said thread (solely my opinion!).

    Lastly, I'd like to thank you, Madmatt, for the response you posted. It was just what that thread needed.

    Anybody wanna buy CC 1 thru 4? biggrin.gif


    I've just about had it with sig's

  7. In fact those who do...

    Ah! Right... Here's what you do Cardinal (I know, this is lame): first you get....THE COMFY CHAIR. Then, you pour yourself a nice drink, put a little smooth music on the stereo, disable your doorbell, disconnect your phone, and read the manual.

    Beats curling up in a corner IMO. biggrin.gif


    I've just about had it with sig's

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Itchy:

    I've found something interesting to do:d I've been fighting for the CM movement on CC4 message board,hehehe. Hmmm, see if you can figure out which message I posted.


    Not a problem. It's the one on top. I've already added my support.


    I've just about had it with sig's

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by armorbuff:

    Dont Laugh. It happened to me. :/<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Joe didn't laugh. No smilies, you see.

    I think it was a pretty nifty idea of our friend Teresa to do things this way. If her intended "target" frequents this board he should find out soon enough, oh yes.

    He's gonna have to make some difficult choices in the near future. biggrin.gif


    Combat Axiom 46. Do unto others, before they do unto you.

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