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Posts posted by Juju

  1. On second thought, The brits do sound like fun. I heard somewhere they got the joke in their arsenal.

    Imagine, your british squads happily prancing through european forests, yelling in unison: "Wenn ist das Nunstueck git und Slotermayer? JA!...Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput"! And Germans dropping out of every tree. biggrin.gif Get's 'em everytime!

    Although it pains me of course the German version of the joke didn't make it into the final version. frown.gif

    So no sweet German revenge... No "Die ist ein Kinnerhunder und zwei Mackel ueber und der bitte schoen ist den Wunderhaus sprechensie. 'NEIN' sprecht der Herren 'Ist aufern borger mit Zveitingen.'"

    Pity, that...

    A patch perchance? biggrin.gif

    [This message has been edited by Juju (edited 06-26-2000).]

  2. Couple of findings and suggestions on a great pack:

    - I couldn't resist (too much time on my hands smile.gif)and tested the grass mod on the Gold Demo. While the high-res grass looks absolutely smooth and great, it makes judging altitude changes a lot more difficult. As the ReadMe.txt stated, the low-ress grass sort of enhances the ability to judge altitudes while still looking a lot better than the original.

    - The scattered tree tile is superb! With the original tile I often had trouble mistaking it for a wood tile, and sometimes suffering the consequences!

    - A small note: The sound of shellcasings falling on stone in the MG42 files, while a great touch, really get on my nerves when there is 'sustained' fire from several of them. The constant "tinkle tinkle" sound carries a long way and is way to prominent IMHO.

    - Furthermore, I have a suggestion for the MDMP team regarding the sound mod. I've listened to every sound on my so-so speakers and found most explosions and main gun fires too taxing. Now, come CM I could manually pick every single sound file I do or don't want (well, I've already done that, really smile.gif), but it would be far easier if the partial sound mod zips were divided into, say, a 'voice part,' a 'small arms part,' an 'explosions part' and a vehicle/main gun part.' That way it would be even more customizable, especially since you offer partial downloads anyway (which is a really good thing!).

    Keep up your great work, guys!


  3. In my current CE PBEM it is now turn 9 and not a single shot has been fired. I play the US and I have 3 VL's under control. The closest friendly units to the one on the right US flank was about 80 meter away when in turned into a US flag So dumping artillery on that spot probably wouldn't hurt them). Now, I know the woods on the German side must be crawling with Germans, but I can't see any of them. I'm 99% positive my opponent has control over the VL (hell, we all know the scenario inside out) in the woods. I only see a questionmark flag. That's how it's supposed to be, isn't it?

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kump:

    I have a PLEA for my fellow still waiting pre-order crowd.

    Can we please keep the crying, complaining, or just plain "updates" of our waiting in a single or as few threads as possible?

    Just a plea.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Oh, please YES, do let's!

    Really guys, this is getting a little out of hand. Some worthwhile threads are being pushed out of sight (out of mind) because of some people's need to whine and complain all the time.

    I learned a long time ago that when I have absolutely no influence over certain things (like the way mail gets distributed, by whom and whereto for instance) there's really no use in complaining, whatsoever.

    Get a life, will ya!

  5. Sure I'm eager. like anyone else. Sure I could sit on my butt and complain, and whine about CM not arriving. 'Till I'm blue in the mouth...

    Well, not me... I haven't got the game, yet, but I'm currently "playing around" with the editor, and man it is great fun!

    How, oh Juju, are you doing this without having the game, you might ask? Simple really: I downloaded the screenshots on MantaRay's pages and simply loaded the one featuring the editor and an empty 800X800 map into my paint program (or equivalent). I've been doing research (great way to while away the time, boys) on an area that I'm planning to recreate, and now I'm happily cutting and pasting, and drawing little houses, and brushing little roads. Okay, so it's only 2D, but come CM I'll have my first map ready within days!

    Have fun!


    [This message has been edited by Juju (edited 06-23-2000).]

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