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Posts posted by Juju

  1. Coupla questions:

    # - What's the difference between AA and FSAA?

    # - The CD installation in-control tools of my Diamond Viper 770 Ultra features an AA option. When I installed the latest Diamond drivers ( I got a different set of options (even though I didn't choose to reinstall the in-control tools), AA was NOT included anymore. I know quite a few of you have a Viper ultra. Has anyone found a solution to this?

    BTW, I agree with Maximus: It can be risky installing generic drivers. Had quite a few problems with that in the past frown.gif


    Combat Axiom 46. Do unto others, before they do unto you.

    [This message has been edited by Juju (edited 06-11-2000).]

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kholt:

    Ik ben een Amerikan maar ik heb in nederland gewoned. Is dat goed voor u?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Well, good enough. you sure do get around much, do you (first The Netherlands, now Prague. smile.gif


    Combat Axiom 46. Do unto others, before they do unto you.

  3. Hi all.

    I'm researching some stuff for an upcoming historical scenario I'm going to design, and I'm running into some thingies. Maybe one of you grognards (no offence intended) can help me out here.

    #1 - I need to know what type of M4's the US used during, and directly after the landings on Omaha Beach (specifically B/745 Tank BN).

    #2 - I need to use elements of the German 352/Ersatz BN. While finding out what particular units to use was relatively easy, it's much more difficult to gauge the experience level of the actual troops used.

    Are Ersatz troops usually lower quality, or can I assume that since the 352 Div. was a veteran division, their Ersatz BN must have seen some combat on the eastern front, as well?

    #3 - Experience seems to be a major factor. I'm sure the proper/improper use of it while designing a scenario will make or break it. My knowledge about this is very minimal. Are there, like, guidelines to do this? some of you all must have designed scenarios before. Any help would be most welcome.

    #4 - Final question to any Beta-testers or BTS :Are there specific rules/problems/drawbacks when using artillery at night? (I'm picturing this FO that calls a turn of artillery on an advancing troop, then silently disappears into the night, take up new positions and then do it again smile.gif).

    Thanks in advance


    Combat Axiom 46. Do unto others, before they do unto you.

  4. Erm, ah, Actually I'm still waiting for that Riesberg turn, Berli! smile.gif Allthough I wouldn't be surprised if you were thinking directly the opposite. (and I was winning... I think biggrin.gif)

    Anyway, Berli, I regret to inform you that Sgt. Beta has bitten the dust while heroically trying to hold his harddisk positions during a major 'new hardware' assault (pending the arrival of CM) on my computer. It was the Format.com squad that finally did it in. There were no survivors. frown.gif

    Rematch soon?!


    Combat Axiom 46. Do unto others, before they do unto you.

  5. The battery idea is a fine one. I've used it myself. At other times, however, I include a mortar and an MG in a platoon if possible, as long as they have a clear objective and do not need to hurry. Platoons that go "hunting" behind enemy lines need to be mobile, so I don't attach mortars or MG's to them. Maybe the occasional bazooka, or Schreck, but these guys also tire quickly and usually can't keep up either.


    Combat Axiom 46. Do unto others, before they do unto you.

  6. Hi All!

    First, I didn't do a search on this, since I didn't know where to begin. I would, however, be a little surprised if I was the first one to think of this.

    I noticed a few people commenting on the fact that they had lost a tank/AFV, while not really knowing at first glance who got it, and where it was hit. God knows, it happened to me!

    Wouldn't it be cool/possible to have a "decal" appear on the spot where a tank is penetrated (like a hole with jagged edges). Everytime an artillery shell hits the ground you get a crater. Given this it doesn't seem too difficult to apply this to anti-tank rounds and vehicles (I might be wrong here. Not really my line of work you know, coding and software).


    Combat Axiom 46. Do unto others, before they do unto you.

  7. I check the board about 3-6 times a day. And I still say we should crash the server, or just close up shop, for the weekend. It'd do many of us a lot of good. smile.gif You know, catch up on sleep, spend time with the wife'n'kiddies, go fishing. That sort of thing.

    Are we insane? Obsessed? Maybe. A little. Well. A lot, really, but loving it!


    Combat Axiom 46. Do unto others, before they do unto you.

  8. Could somebody remove this Yo-Mamma character, please.

    What's that I smell?

    We eat trolls for breakfast

    And split their skulls for fun

    They never live to tell the tale

    And see the rising sun

    An old M.E.R.P ditty from my role play group... Just remembered that one... Don't know why...

    Ah, now I remember: Jokes about mamma, dildos and gas chambers in one single sentence are NOT my idea of fun!


    Combat Axiom 46. Do unto others, before they do unto you.

    [This message has been edited by Juju (edited 06-08-2000).]

  9. Hi TeAcH!

    I like the idea. But only from a nostalgic cpu/board game-perspective. Since CM doesn't have campaigns, and the operations probably won't last longer than a couple of days that wouldn't be very realistic IMO.

    Okay, some of your guys could be put up for a medal, but how long does it take for a soldier to actually receive such a thing?


    Combat Axiom 46. Do unto others, before they do unto you.

  10. Ach, sie meinen Warjokes, ja?

    Two German spies are airdropped in the English countryside to, er, well, spy. They land unobserved and proceed to their objective.

    Soon enough they stumble upon a quaint little English village. There is an inn in the village, and the spies agree to have a drink before continuing.

    They enter the inn, sit down and order in a straight and perfect English voice:

    Spy 1: two sherries please, my good man.

    Barkeep: dry?



    Combat Axiom 46. Do unto others, before they do unto you.

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tss:

    Note that this extract tells of the state of Waffen-SS in 1941. The quality of SS troops rose with the war (at least, until '44) as the highly paid experiences were not forgotten.

    - Tommi<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    This is not entirely true IMHO.

    Many later SS units were made up from foreign troops (some really weird units here, like the Indische Freiwilligen-Legion der SS, or, even stranger, the principly muslim Osttuerkische Waffenverband der SS). While some of them performed excellent in combat, some others are not so noteworthy, and are specifically reputed to be of little military value (like the 2 mentioned above)

    Anyway, TSS, Indeed the true Germanic unit's quality did rise until about '44. But the foreign ones...


    Combat Axiom 46. Do unto others, before they do unto you.

  12. Hi Epee!

    These organizations differ from country to country I think, but here's a typical SS example at the time of the 1944 Normandy battles:

    Divisionsstab (divisional staff):

    Divisional Commander

    General Staff officers

    Cartography unit

    Signals Element

    Divisional escort unit

    Military police element

    Quartiermeister (divisional quartermaster):

    Weapons platoon


    Staff doctor

    Staff dentist

    Panzer Regiment ( tank regiment);

    I Abteilung - 4 Companies (1-4) + workshop Company

    II Abteilung - 5 Companies (5-9) + workshop company

    Panzerjaeger Abteilung (TD detachment)

    3 companies of self-propelled guns

    Panzergrenadier Regiment (armoured infantry regiment):

    I Battalion - 4 Companies (1-4)

    II Battalion - 4 Companies (5-8)

    III Battalion - 4 Companies (9-12)

    Heavy guns Company (13)

    Flak Company (14)

    Recce Company (15)

    Pioneer Company (16)

    Panzergrenadier Regiment (as above)

    (Waffen SS panzer divisions fielded 2 panzergrenadier regiments).

    Panzer Aufklaerungs Abteilung (Armoured Recce detachment):

    2 Companies of armoured cars

    2 Recce companies

    1 Heavy Company

    Panzer Artillerie Regiment (armoured artillery regiment):

    I Abteilung - 3 batteries

    II Abteilung - 3 batteries

    III Abteilung - 3 batteries

    Werfer Abteilung (mortar detachment);

    4 batteries

    Flak Abteilung (AA detachment):

    5 batteries

    Panzer Pioniere abteilung (Armoured engineer detachment):

    1 armoured comany

    3 Pionier companies

    1 bridging company

    Panzer Nachrichten Abteilung (Armoured signals detachment):

    1 telephone company

    1 radio company

    Divisions Nachschubtruppe (Divisional supply troops):

    6 companies of lorries

    1 supply company

    Panzer Instandsetzungsabteilung (armoured maintenance detachment):

    3 workshop companies

    1 weapons company

    1 spares company

    Wirtschafts Battalion ("housekeeping" battalion):

    Bakery comany

    Butchery company


    Field post office

    BTW, no two Waffen SS divisions were absolutely identical in their composition. The above, based one the 12th SS PZ Div. Hitlerjugend is fairly typical.


    Combat Axiom 46. Do unto others, before they do unto you.

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