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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Kartoffelverwandlungsargumentehass. "These things are not words, they are alphabetical processions." - Mark Twain http://www.crossmyt.com/hc/linghebr/awfgrmlg.html All the best Andreas
  2. Kartoffelverwandlungsargumentehass. "These things are not words, they are alphabetical processions." - Mark Twain http://www.crossmyt.com/hc/linghebr/awfgrmlg.html All the best Andreas
  3. I was in Mengen, 1./LAR 3, then JaboG34 at Fliegerhorst Memmingerberg in Memmingen, Sicherungsstaffel 'S'. Stetten am Kalten Arsch was about as close as I got to Sigmaringen. All the best Andreas
  4. As well as military barracks, e.g. the barracks in Sigmaringen which were named after him in 1961. He is viewed as a hero today. All the best Andreas
  5. NEWSFLASH!!!! ****Stop Press**** Ground attack jockey thinks older ground attack jockey is hot. Scroll down to read other items: 1) 90% of nerds would not turn down a date with Salma Hayek 2) Great White Shark not a vegetarian 3) Day follows night All the best Andreas
  6. NEWSFLASH!!!! ****Stop Press**** Ground attack jockey thinks older ground attack jockey is hot. Scroll down to read other items: 1) 90% of nerds would not turn down a date with Salma Hayek 2) Great White Shark not a vegetarian 3) Day follows night All the best Andreas
  7. You hav way too much time on your hands. All the best Andreas
  8. Then I can only suggest you inform yourself about the conditions on the Eastern Front, for both sides. The war in the desert was not boy's own fun, it was still a war, and people got killed, maimed, and diseased in large numbers. But in terms of treatment of POWs and mutual respect, it was vastly above what went on elsewhere. Just compare the end in Tunis to the end in Stalingrad. The war in Italy was no picknick either, and anything I have read on Normandy suggests it was a deeply unpleasant place during the battle, and that is without anyone shooting at you. Rommel's quote about El Alamein refers to the barrage which opened on Axis positions at the start of the battle. It was the heaviest barrage in the west since WW I. He would not have seen anything like it in the east either. All the best Andreas
  9. As I said, knock yourself out. I am not going to debate this totally loony interpretation of what I wrote beyond saying that it is, in fact, loony. All the best Andreas
  10. As I said, knock yourself out. I am not going to debate this totally loony interpretation of what I wrote beyond saying that it is, in fact, loony. All the best Andreas
  11. No, that would be a silly thing to say, which is why I have not done so, and a silly thing to read into my posts, since I have not done so. But you knock yourself out with the stupidest possible interpretations of what I said. All the best Andreas
  12. No, that would be a silly thing to say, which is why I have not done so, and a silly thing to read into my posts, since I have not done so. But you knock yourself out with the stupidest possible interpretations of what I said. All the best Andreas
  13. How can he assume a 2-3:1 damaged to destroyed ratio (ist para above) when the KOSAVE figures show an actual ratio less than unity (circa 1050:1300 damaged:destroyed in the 2nd para)? </font>
  14. How can he assume a 2-3:1 damaged to destroyed ratio (ist para above) when the KOSAVE figures show an actual ratio less than unity (circa 1050:1300 damaged:destroyed in the 2nd para)? </font>
  15. 200 M1A2 are better than 200 Strykers. Discuss. All the best Andreas
  16. I think the wish is the father of the thought there, but I would love to be wrong about it. All the best Andreas
  17. Do you mind explaining what that is supposed to mean? All the best Andreas
  18. Do you mind explaining what that is supposed to mean? All the best Andreas
  19. Email me. Apart from that, if you contact the publisher of the MGZ, they may send you the issue for free. They have done that for me with a different one. All the best Andreas
  20. Email me. Apart from that, if you contact the publisher of the MGZ, they may send you the issue for free. They have done that for me with a different one. All the best Andreas
  21. Ask him on the TDI Forum. One error in the first quote, looks like a typo. SFL should be 1,834 for end June. Note these are German AFV numbers, not Soviet. The second quote is verbatim, from having a quick glance. I used Töppel to correct much of the Wikipedia article on Prokhorovka. I have just checked and found that since then some Russian nationalist has changed it back to a totally worthless description that has nothing to do with the battle. Why Wikipedia is **** All the best Andreas
  22. Ask him on the TDI Forum. One error in the first quote, looks like a typo. SFL should be 1,834 for end June. Note these are German AFV numbers, not Soviet. The second quote is verbatim, from having a quick glance. I used Töppel to correct much of the Wikipedia article on Prokhorovka. I have just checked and found that since then some Russian nationalist has changed it back to a totally worthless description that has nothing to do with the battle. Why Wikipedia is **** All the best Andreas
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