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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Just reading 'With the Jocks'. During the final attack on Bremen, a Loyd carrier prime mover with an ATG drove past a remote controlled IED (dug-in aerial bomb) which was detonated. The carrier was destroyed and the crew killed. On the same road, a Churchill Crocodile drove past a remote controlled IED (dug-in aerial bomb) which was detonated. The Crocodile was flipped on its back by the detonation and the crew killed. Armour did not make a blind bit of difference in that case. All the best Andreas
  2. Hmmm what? Get yourself registered before I send the pressgang round your place. All the best Andreas
  3. I could have made my career in Nelson's navy based on this record. All the best Andreas
  4. Ah, now ze Plan is falling into pieces, err, place. All the best Andreas
  5. Actually, AIUI the throwing of the handgrenade is just a visual representation of a close assault on a vehicle. How to knock a Tiger out with one: drop it through the hatch. All the best Andreas
  6. I'd be interested in forming a Military Council to run the Soviet show. AIUI these consisted of the formation commander, the formation commissar (titled Member of the Military Council), and the formation chief of staff. Again AIUI they were nominally jointly responsible to the next higher level of command for the planning and conduct of formation operations. Based on my CMMC1 and 2 experience, I think joint command is the only way to run such a show in a sustainable manner. All the best Andreas
  7. Three years, actually. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavel_Rybalko All the best Andreas
  8. Stefan I can confirm what Jochen is saying about his capabilities. Couls you email me please in relation to this campaign? Thanks Andreas
  9. You are still not getting it, but that is not really surprising, since you seem to have mental issues. You can criticise the game all you want, and I would not comment (and in fact haven't, anywhere). It's when you indulge in paranoid theories about BFC and beta testers manipulating the board that I start to care, and I'll comment. I doubt you'll get it this time round, but it is always worth trying. All the best Andreas
  10. I was characterising this: And this: I do not think that my definition of that post is that of a fanboy. I look forward to hearing your take on Ghost's post. I have not even looked at the game, so I can not comment on actual criticims or praise regarding it. All the best Andreas
  11. There's criticism, and there's deranged paranoid ranting about the BFC conspiracy of asking beta-testers to open multiple accounts to defend the game from people who have trouble producing coherent statements. I am sorry you seem to be unable to see the difference. All the best Andreas
  12. You need help mate. Start taking your meds again. All the best Andreas
  13. You are a nutbar if you think that BFC gives enough of a monkey's about your mental state to ask their beta-testers to defend the game from your criticism. They either do it of their own will, or they don't. But hey, continue living on Planet Lalaland where you are important enough for someone to care. All the best Andreas
  14. No. Every game goes gold before the demo comes out at BFC, with the exception of games for which Beta demos are published (CMBO and ???). To have a demo, it is a pre-requisite for the game to have gone gold, since that Gold version (final code on a CD shipped for mass-fabrication) is what the demo is built off. At least that is how I understand the process of BFC publication: Beta -> Gold -> Demo All the best Andreas
  15. I studied in Kassel where the Mensa used to regularly win or come into the top places in the nationwide mensa competition. I got a ****ty education, but the food made up for it. All the best Andreas
  16. There once was a post from someone who had bought CMBB, and started playing the CD Scenarios. The first one he played was 'Cemetary Hill'. He got so frustrated he did not play CMBB again, ever. Taught me a lesson. All the best Andreas
  17. Nice lurking Dredloc. All the best Andreas
  18. That is almost identical to my machine, a bit faster in fact. All the best Andreas
  19. The better the army, the worse the food. Or so they told us in the Bundeswehr. Panzerplatten. Can be used as carrying element for cheese and canned sausage, to mess up your least favourite comrades bed, or to light a fire (if Bundeswehr shoe polish is added). Maybe used to replace Kevlar body-armour. Very high calory content. All the best Andreas
  20. That sounds a lot more reasonable. Wear & tear through constant use in a very harsh environment must be substantial. And that's before anyone starts shooting. All the best Andreas
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