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  1. Griffin I see you must be in a desperate situation in that game also. I am slowly destroying griffin in Chance as amis (like pulling the legs off a defenseless bug). First I take away his arty FO, then I am slowly taking away the armor , next.....??? At least Griffin plays in a timely manner unlike some... Lewis
  2. I remember reading something like that also (and I read the book 30 years ago). I just thought it was a 251 1/2track with the 6 rockets on the side. I remember they used napalm type rockets also. Lewis
  3. I would think response times would be dependant on a number of factors. 1. Terrain between spotter and target. This is a major factor for response time because spotting rounds being observed and corrected. 2. Distance between battery and target. An interesting effect with morters would be that close targets might have longer time of flights. 3. Being in the batterys covered arc. If the weapons have to be moved this would be major. 4. Reload times. 155mm and large weapons were not flexible enough to "chase" infantry targets. So really bad spotting rounds could tip off infantry to beat feet before they got bracketed. I am sure that there are alot more but the point is that it is complicated. Lewis
  4. I am impressed by the spectrum of nationalities posting here. I am also somewhat amused by the 'legal' matters. Just for the record, Someone mentioned whether or not the US declared war on Iraq. Yes they did. Also for the record, we only went there with everyone else to get Iraq out of Kuwait, thats why we didnt 'finish Saddam'. As for the claymores ... technically they arent mines ...or land mines. They are teleoperated anti-personnell weapons. Being above ground is a plus for them. Lewis
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DrD: Well, I can't imagine why they would want to limit free publicity in any way. I've seen previews and hype start for some games years before they're released (Daikatana, anyone?) Most of those games never live up to the hype. I think for the good of mankind we should try to show that, yes, some games can live up to the pre-market hype. Since BTS is fully busy getting the thing out why not us Panzergrenadiers generate some? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Exactly my point. Most games and marketing in the game world don't live up to the hype. Face it, most people here (that post and read the board) are already sold. Theres already signs here that people are tired of the "OBOY WAIT TILL YOU CAN PLAY THIS!!". Its preaching to the choir at this point. I would not want to do this to the masses of potential customers. I would try to bring the initial interest, demo distribution, magazine reviews and interviews and ads and finally sales in a planned manner. I would rather sell a million products through a distributor and make a buck on each than sell 15000 and make 10 bucks on each. I have read the company philosophy BTW. But this is just my opinion and I am in no way saying that BTS or anyone should agree. Lewis
  6. I think there might be some amount of backlash from something like this poll. I'm sure BTS wants to capture as much of a share of the market. If I were CEO of BTS (the other guys could be president and vice president), I would try to do the following. 1. Decide on a release date/season. 2. Do a limited release of final demo to about 100 people with all types of computer systems (about 6 months before the above). Try to get 95% of most popular video/sound/cpu setups out there as a sample group. Fix any glitches. 3. Release final demo to Mags for CDROM demos distribution about 3 months before dat/season targeted. 4. Start campaign like the one mentioned in this post after 3 so as to build up success for 1. I would probably target next fall. The fact is that grogs, slugs, warheads, etc aint going to buy me a new mercedes. I need to get the rest of the market to convert. I would want the panzer general types to get my religion. I am talking Holy Grail type of software marketing. Just my thoughts Lewis
  7. Not that I am trying to be a pain here but the definition is: Half-Life The time it takes half of a given number of radioactive nuclei to decay. Theres a bit of a difference. Lewis
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunt52: Hmm.... with a halflife in the billions of years range I would think that the heavy metal poisioning aspects would far outweigh any possible radiation damage. - Bill<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I just dont follow your logic here is all. If the half life is so long why would the metal aspects be greater? Lewis
  9. Hunt Perhaps you might want to brush up on the physics of radiation and terms like half-life. Lewis
  10. Looks like that T34 completely detonated itself. I can't imagine that much destruction from the AP shell's HE filler. I've heard of commanders being blown clear especially if they have themselves halfway out of the hatch. This makes me wonder.. whats the different scenarios that can happen when AP penetrates? 1. AP shell penetrates but either doesnt have enough Kinetic energy to do any damage or buries itself safely in the tank. 2. AP shell takes out equipment. 3. AP shell takes out crewmen 4. AP shell starts fire in ammo or fuel. 4 AP shell strikes the tip of a stowed HE shell thereby causing sympathetic detonation of all stowed ammo and fuel. I'm sure theres others.. Lewis PS Oh fionn thanks for the advice. (But werent you wrong on HE filler being rare in WWII?)
  11. Mark Yes they are organized tactics. But once executed they arent so organized. What would be going through your mind? By the way, all due respect but I disagree with your "respond to commands or face dire consequences". Perhaps in penal battalions or slave armies but most of the time people are fighting for the comrades in the unit and trying not to lose control in front of them (veterans anyway or units where people come from the same area). I see your point about how this "raising" of the unit(s) battle status comes about but think its effect is the same. See everybody? I can be nice.. Lewis
  12. I posted something like this in the 'fanaticism' thread but it got buried under "who knows what the word berserker means" posts. It is locked out also. I listed different unit status and states. I think banzai attacks and bayonet charges could qualify as "mass berserk" instances. While the latter was infrequent, the former was not. The russians would wind up the troops on wodka when available and this could also qualify. When my units are fired on in the game, I sometimes see men heading for the nearest cover (even towards the enemy)and I like to think of them as couragously inclined (running at the enemy). Lewis
  13. Just as a side note: The M9 ACE is a miserable system. It is a armored/dozer/dump truck leaking POS. Its also loud slow and hard to see out of. I'm glad someone found a good use for it. Lewis PS Theres a big empty cargo space behind the blade that you usually fill with dirt for ballast. You can lift the blade up and push this dirt out the front with a ram built behind the cargo area. If you fill this area with dead bodies AND dont lift the blade AND use the ram... a nice cruchy sound gets made...hmmmmm who could I put in there?
  14. Nobody wants to read your abusive crap, especially not me. Steve
  15. GI JERKOFF SAID: What do you want? Is your definition of a discussion that I accept you exalted opinion? Read the other posts soldier boy by the others in this thread. I could care less what you accept, you are in the minority and your arguments are weak. Now go mop a latrine.
  16. Ive driven an M9 ACE. What you can do is fill the front end with dirt, lift the blade up and then theres this ram that will push all the dirt out the front to fill in a trench .. I think 9 cubic yards. Filling in a trench full of humans wouldnt be that smart as the ACE is lightly armored and an RPG would easily kill it. Lewis
  17. Sorry for your confusion Peter. I agree with Zulu that "Panzer Elite is the best out there". I made a point of what I consider rude attacks that belong somewhere else (where they can be addressed by the designers also). Steve agreed with me and I believe alot of others would also. This isnt censorship is it? Zulu made some sort of apology. The person that started the thread now can enjoy PE and CM demo. We will all be treated to CM in the near future because it will have absolutely perfect award winning documentation, completely clear tutorials, a learning curve even a chimp could master blind-folded, no glitches, bugs, hardware conflicts, marketing mistakes, bad cover art,etc.etc. I will wait till then before saying anything sucks. Or how great something is. Lets have a race! Will PE be completely fixed before the release of CM? Whose taking bets on this action? Lewis
  18. Cunninghambone You are out there. The weapons you list arent being used.. DU is being used.. thats what you are missing. I am happy you feel you have a point. You are in the US military? Get your Anthrax shot yet? Theres no point in discussing the issue of DU with you. You of course ignore everyone else that is posting against it and focus on me. You ignore my point about using Tungsten and only using DU if it is an emergency. So save your name calling for someone else. (that sweet boy remark shows you to be a flaming "dont ask dont tell" kind of soldier) HE in AP Yes I agree with Kettler and others about the increase in tank killing/ammo conservation. I was being tongue in cheek about not reading personal accounts of crewmen experiencing AP shells. Heres an experiment .. maybe you can do this for us Cunningham.. take an M80 or M100 firecracker and set it off inside a M113 with all the hatches closed. Post the results. Those of you who live in dumpsters can try it also. Lewis
  19. I agree Steve that there is an available forum for PE made available by the designers. I was just defending them here because I percieved them being attacked. You are correct (as am I and the others that posted) that they really are 2 different genre and cant be compared as such. I can't wait for the game to come out and be the best documented, bug-free, "all things to all people" game in the history of the universe. Lewis PS IF YOU LIKED PE YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE CM.
  20. Zuluman The post was about someone who liked PE and was curious about how it compared to CM. You took it as "Whats your complaints about PE". Maybe thats your nature. So YOU leap on your bitch pedastal. I am just defending a product that HAS been improved AND is being improved as YOU whine. I am not "censoring" anyone. I would have to be able to delete messages on this board to do that. So your censorship math equations are somewhat unreasonable also. You just can't accept the fact that someone is showing you to be an chronic complainer. You also have a negative frustrated tone. Whats that about? LOL Have a nice day Zulu Lewis PS I can't wait for CM to come out and be perfect so you can be uncomplaining about something for once.
  21. You continue to compound your mistakes Mr Cunningham. How many people have been killed by ICBMs? You like to ignore what makes you look somewhat ignorant I suppose. As someone else also posted, The effects of DU are non-lethal but definetly a long term health risk with devastating consequences. I believe it should be immediately withdrawn from use in combat and held as a emergency reserve in case of an all out attack where Tungsten can not be used. As for HE fillers being effective, I have read many accounts of Shot (and perhaps shell that failed to explode) that have entered tanks by surviving crewmen. I cant remember anyone relating an experience where an AP shell enters and explodes. Lewis
  22. Yes you shared your "impressions" and I took you up on it. He said he was impressed by PE. You have to slight PE because of some reason. That was my impression. You continue to attack Wings and PE in your next post like you are out to prove something. Some people are just bitchy in nature I guess. Just as the games are different so are the companies making them. Why you are throwing that into the mix is beyond me. HEY IF YOU ARE IMPRESSED WITH PE YOU WILL BE BLOWN AWAY BY CM!!!!. Theres something you could have said, but it wouldnt have let you spew off some whiny little comments would it? As for me setting myself up as a censor ... can't you come up with anything better than that? You are totally sold on the fact that CM is going to be bug free and absolutely perfect. Luckily I have a sense of humor and a realistic outlook on life.. Lewis
  23. Your argument is suffering from the fact that ICBMs arent being used. DU is being used. Tons of it have been used in battle conditions in the 90s. Sorry but I believe if DU is being used as armor and it is hit, it will give off a nice spray of DU dust. Why dont you snort a few lines of DU particles and let us know how you feel. Wash it down with some mercury and then suck on some lead. Its not so bad. Lewis
  24. Peter You have alot of nerve trying to get this discussion back on track. I think you are mixing things up here. I would rank units status and state as such: Status: conscripts green veteran elite fanatical State: broken cowering pinned cautious normal brave berserkaroo The status and firepower situation would dictate the state. Lewis
  25. Mr Cunningham how do you base your "oh its not so bad" statement? I would outlaw it as a AP round and as armor (as used on the front of M1 vehicles). The effects are devastating and it appears the US military knew it and didn't instruct its soldiers to stay away from knocked out Iraqi armor. I bet the US military could use a few good guys like you Mr Cunningham in its PR department. Lewis
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