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  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: StuGs just aren't a good infantry support tank. Now, give me a StuH 42 and I will show you some real problems for the US forces Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually stugs were regarded as better infantry support than tanks. They were manned by artillerymen and fought against infantry more effectively. I would like to see the mix of vehicles changed in the scenario. Maybe a few shermans with 76mm would be more historical at this point in the war. As I have said previously, a hetzer or jgdpnzIV would be nice also. It would be fun to get to pick the mix, ie either get FO with 81mm or a stug105, get either 3 stug75 or two hetzers..etc. This way there is always some doubt about what you are up against..as it should be. Lewis
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna: I disagree that the scenario is "all about the armour battle" as you contend. I think that the initial few turns are heavily armour intensive, but after that it is more abut the infantry. Now, if the Allied player (human) is able to escape the tank duels with 3 to 5 M4's left, I would say that the Germans don't have a chance, unless they make some big mistakes. All of the HE rounds the M4 carries will pulverise the Germans if they can sit back and do it. However, if the German player can lose all his StuGs for 3 or 4 M4s killed, I have to like the Germans chances. Sorry to not be more explicit about my disagreement in your post, Lewis. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Goanna Let me get this strait. Its not about the armor battle, its about the survivors of the armor battle? Glad I understand you now. (Rolling eyes and shaking head) So you are saying that if I am the americans and have one sherman, you are the germans with NO stugs..you will win usually? sometimes? depending on the weather? Could we play a scenario this way? Park the non-needed material in some dead spot? Sorry but I think you are making some moot point at best. Thanks for your ..uh ..explicitnessness. Lewis
  3. Heres a question that Ive been wondering about: Were the AP,HE shells (part coming out the barrel) the same for all German 75mm weapons. That is Panther 75L70, All the L48s, Stump from early panzer IV and 1/2tracks, PAK? I would assume they are and that the germans saved the cases for reloading and would have a rear area point with powder and shells and caps. This way one factory churning out AP rounds would satisfy most needs. I think I remember reading once in Armor magazine how the americans in africa used captured german 75 ammo that they modified for grants. Lewis
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna: I have to agree with Berli (as much as it makes me want to spit ) and disagree with Lewis. I have won CE a few times against the AI playing the Germans even though I had lost all my StuGs and he had one or more Shermans. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Goanna How are you disagreeing with me? I state that I beat the AI (and a number of times at that) as the CE Germans even though I lost all my stugs. Further, I said that a PSK saved the day. Do you disagree with my contention that CE is really about the armor? Care to play, you as the germans and dont use your Stugs? Lewis
  5. I just finished CE as germs against AI for umpteenthed time and heres the synopsis: stugs loaded with MG42s PSCKs and Bn HQ all 3 up the road to unload to the right of the church. Push germ inf forward use running. I put Stugs in Hunt mode to take a quick peek over the top then a quick reverse order. Results: 2 KO sherms. I do this sneeky peek again and KO another sherm but lose a stug. Its now 2 on 2. Sherms go "grey" as I lose sight of them. Stugs are hammering ami inf when a stug gets banged from I dont know what. 2:1. I get another sherm but lose last stug. Im screwed as remaining sherm is just taxiing around shooting up the place. Lucky schreck hit nails him from the church (answered prayer)and my 81mm arty breaks the ami inf back. I get all 4 flags but its a bloodbath. So even against the comp AI, CE is all about the armor fight. Stugs should move forward in my opinion but once they blood the amis, like nail 2 shermans, just hang back and try to let inf and arty take thier toll. Put them on reverse slopes or behind buildings. Against a human its really hard to get even a draw as the germans. But if I only had a JGDPNZIV or hetzer... Lewis
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen. Sosaboski: Lewis-if you must know I am 15 years old and this was my first PBEM, so I didn't exactly know the rules of etiquette. Sorry. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well since you're sorry.. I guess its OK. So Goanna can apologize now also.. go on goanna .. ya stuck ya two cents in and ya made a fool of yourself. Thats it, get on your knees ..say the words... Griffin is making a comeback of sorts. He has this Stug that should be upgraded to superdiehard status. But its in the sights of my vet sherman and a bazooka and hes buttoned up and shooting at the 'zooka. Its curtains for you griff.. Lewis
  7. Or how about a "mission targeting". Such as telling your assault guns to prioritize anti-armor opportunities over all commands. Maybe designate this in the pre-game. I guess I liked TacOps way of handling these finesses. Lewis
  8. Hey Fionn Were the Germans anti-flemites? Now thats a joke to hopefully defuse the situation here. I just feel the Brits feel historically like they are the lords of the planet and everyone now realizes they are has beens. Except poor Ireland because they are stuck in the neighborhood. Lewis
  9. Exactly why we aren't going to do it Gamers have a long history of not liking what they asked for in this regard. The coordination between what is going on in the player's head and with units is hard enough even when direct orders are being given. The thought of having the AI act independently of the human in a way that would be acceptable to the average gamer is beyond our capacity to program. Probably beyond anybody's I would imagine there being a pre-game way points for platoons not under the direct human command. So an armor commander would have an idea where everyone is heading. As for artillery ..who knows. I think multi-same-side play would be great. It would simulate a situation with poor tank-infantry cooperation fairly accurately. Lewis
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen. Sosaboski: Lewis tells me he will surrender, but then sends me what I think will be the AAR and final map. Wrong! Instead, he sends me a game turn in which his teams appear to be trying to form a "Banzai" charge of some sort. I offered him honorable terms! My medicas would have treated his wounded and his men would have been treated well! Instead, one of my medics is now dead due to his fire! Lewis simply wants to kill more of his men and mine on this map. It is needless bloodshed. I hope I meet better and wiser opponents soon. . <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Look General I figured you to be a kid from your boastful emails spoiling the endings to the move movies. Noone wants to play by email and get the highlights from you before seeing the turn. Let me just watch the turn. As for your demanding to see the AAR so as to improve your play (pure luck)..well dont count your chickens till they hatch. And dont post victories unless you get them in the email first..kid. It was a rumour of war. Lewis PS That medic was a quack looking for a good german watch.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna: Grow a brain Username, PeterK clearly names Griffin as his opponent.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No need to grow any organs goanna. Topic:First PBEM Victory Posted by Sosoboastski. He didnt mention PeterK there. So clearly your reading comprehension skills need work. Lewis
  12. Sosoboldski It seems PeterK is saying that he was the first yet you are reporting me as the first. Anyway, unless I am mistaken you don't have the surrender from me? Yes the battle rages on.. Lewis
  13. How long before this thread goes napalm? As a second generation mostly irish american, I can only say that Ireland due to its proximity and small size never had the ability to break away from the "Kingdom". Face it, England is the biggest slave-drivers and users in the history of mankind. They love to slaughter commen wealth troops (canadians, indians, whoever they get their hands on)instead of english boys. I would never fight for England in any war if I was an Irish citizen. Lewis
  14. I am playing chance as germans against the computer seeing if theres a good way to handle the opening couple of moves. I am trying to see what works best for the stugs. I am not really bothering with the german infantry and wonder if that could be an option in the game. That is, let the AI control your sides infantry (or tanks)also? FOW would only let you know whats going on where your human controlled units could see. I guess maybe for CM2. After the "dave dial" post, i wouldnt want to suggest delaying/hurrying/marketing/pricing/anything lest I bring the wrath of keyboard banging slugs on me. Lewis PS I did develop some effective openings and tactics. One is called the "sneaky peeks". Very effective. Also MGs and infantry ARE needed to suppress tank commanders and divert sherman fire away from the stugs. I wish the game had a "shoot and scoot" command. PPS It would be really fun to have one player control one sides armor and another control infantry from the same side.
  15. Let me put it this way. In the world of grown ups who do business. You never extend payment for product that doesnt have a lead time. I would never give out my credit card information till I got a "allow X to Y time units to recieve" beforehand. That of course is my opinion and not to be confused with advice for anyone else. Now if I were running a business and people were "fronting" me permission to ship and charge when I saw fit .. and alot of these people were in other countries... what would I do??? If I saw enough guaranteed business, I just might take my time. Sorry guys, I am a customer just like every one of you. I don't need any posters or slicer-dicers. I will wait till the product is ready and all the bugs are reported back from the customers with pre-orders. Lewis
  16. I think the only people who should be agravated are those that sent their credit card numbers to Big Time Software. They in good faith put up the "funds" because they cant wait a second longer. I will wait to purchase "when its ready". That means after it is released and everything is working. Thats my decision as a consumer. So the moneys waiting on you guys to finish. The only real marketing or sales danger is if someone were to release something similar while you finish up. Something with a similar name like "Combat Action" or "Armor Mission" would confuse the market. Just like all those "panzer" games that came out. Now lock this thread so I get the last word in again.. Lewis
  17. Griffin I think the scenario will be better balanced once the faustniks get cracking. It would be better if the germans had at least one JGPnzer IV or a hetzer to stand toe to toe with the shermans. I am getting rolled over by Sosobaski as the germans. Lewis
  18. Sorry but I have issued a "no quarter" order. i want burning hulks and dead bodies. Lewis
  19. sosoboskawhatever his name has got to be the luckiest CM players. He drives a sherman on top of a commanding little mound (with no other support)in view of my stugs (2 of them). One stug shoots twice and misses with both rounds, sherman then nails him. Other stug looses off a hunk of supersonic steel that bounces off same said sherman. Mercifully the 60 seconds came up at that point. Sean's response to this is: "scratch one stug". I just got back from Milwaukee and as my friend said dont bother reasoning with a DP..they are like cinder blocks. Lewis
  20. Griffin Im only joking of course. griff plays on unlike some woosys that loose a vehicle to my drawing first blood and then dont even have the decency to quit. You know who you are ..... Lewis
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