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Everything posted by Speedy

  1. Ha you got to love Gmail they certainly know how to protect you, I just went looking in my spam folder and there was your email.
  2. PM me your email addy and I will get the setup to you. Oh and I make Kleenex at work maybe you can give me your address Boo and I can send you a few boxes.
  3. I've had an FO in LOS of target and never been fired at call in a mission from onboard mortar (also never been fired at), the second spotting round landed dead on target then third and fourth spotting rounds were progressively further away. The FO then calls FFE and the barrage comes down 150-200 metres from the target.
  4. Bah, you just wait I'm sure the scenario designer will give me millions of panzerfausts as reinforcements on turn 2 and they will all appear around that evil Greyhound and blow it to smithereens! But of course knowing you it will probably turn into a zombie Greyhound and destroy the entire whermacht ruining everyones fun.
  5. Oi stop spending your time fiddling with a technology generations beyond your comprehension and send me a file.
  6. Awesome how you captured the essence of Joe's postings in that quote Boo.
  7. Just because you are old and smelly it doesn't mean you are an Olde One.
  8. Condolences Hiram, it's not easy when a beloved pet passes away.
  9. Wouldn't that be in the Bulge game of which the Spring 45 stuff is a module of.
  10. Outside the scope of the game I would think.
  11. I thought of that but then discarded the idea as it was made by a Sherman Rhino so you would expect a Sherman sized breach.
  12. Hope he flies over up north and doesn't pollute our good southern air.
  13. I think it looks better with alcohol than without.
  14. I just played around with the file skelley sent me and yeah I tried every movement order with the tank buttoned and unbuttoned and everytime the tank would stop at the hedge line and swing to the right to go the long way. Of course this was somewhat amusing when i tried the reverse order with the tank deciding to go the entire long way in reverse. Looks like there is definately something going wrong there.
  15. Going by that release order and the historical release schedule of approximately 1 game/module released per year the Bagration game won't be out till 2019
  16. Yaaaayyy. Oi you keep South Australia out of this we don't want him, why not send him to Melton to shack up with Mace.
  17. The only thing I can think of from the second set of screenshots is maybe the first waypoint is to close to the hedge and actually on the blasted hedge tile, possibly try it a little further back.
  18. 5 I presume. Or possibly 1,2 or 3 if you are the one hosting.
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