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Posts posted by Phoenix

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mike the bike:

    Also he probably can't dodge worth a damn - that's why he starts out just a couple of feet from his opposite number - any further and he might not be able to hit his moving target!!


    Heheh. Perhaps you should check out

    "The Freak" some time.

    Jevon Kearse. 6' 5", 265 and fast as lightning.

    Oh well, at least you like the Raiders! smile.gif

  2. To the citizens of the UK -

    In the light of your nation's increasing irrelevance in world affairs, and in an effort to preserve your quaint culture, The Disney Corporation has decided to buy the entire nation and convert it into a

    theme park. To ensure a smooth transition, Michael Eisner himself will be overseeing this operation. A few changes are to be made immediately:

    1) All unnecessary vowels are to be purged; the proper spelling of "colour" is "color." Note that it's "aluminum" not "aluminium."

    2) In an effort to foster effective communication, all residents of the former

    UK will be required to pass a basic vocal skills exam. They will be judged by representatives of all other English speaking

    countries; anyone who can not be understood will be sent to a remedial speaking class. In an effort to cut down administrative overhead involved with these exams, everyone in Scotland is deemed to be

    incomprehensible and sent to class immediately. Especially those from


    3)All English slang is banned. The word "fanny" will now properly refer to the posterior. You can keep "bollocks" though, as it's sort of endearing.

    4)Parliament will be replaced by a large gallery of sexual deviants, cross-dressers, alcoholics, and bribe-taking do-nothings. They will have no actual power. No one will notice this change. For entertainment

    value, we suggest doubling the size of the wigs and the occasional indoor display of fireworks, a la professional wrestling.

    Someone will be required to bang a gavel and shout "Order! Order!" every two and a half minutes.

    5)The Queen will be replaced with an animotronic robot. No one will notice. Prince Charles will be replaced with a cardboard cutout of himself. No one will notice. Princes Henry and William will be replaced with two of the "cuter" members of N' Sync. No one will notice.

    6) As soccer (its now official name) is insanely boring, and the only entertaining bits are the occasional kick to the gonads and the riots afterwards, the rules are changed to the following:

    a) The game itself involves each team lining up facing one another; each team member will kick his

    opponent in the gonads as hard as possible.

    The team with the most men standing is the winner. In case of a tie, the winner will be decided based on penalty kicks.

    B) The riots afterwards will be televised. Points will be awarded for such things as most original use of common objects

    (beer bottles, signposts, policemen), most teeth lost by a combatant, and most damning insult.

    7) All other British sports (cricket, rugby, etc) are irrelevant. The stadiums and grounds used for these sports will be converted for use in repeated, unending Britney Spears concerts.

    8) As it was entertaining the first time around, the Hundred Years' War is started again. The pretext is unimportant.

    For argument's sake, let's say it's for failure of the French men to insist on shaved

    armpits on their women. Or their insistence on not bathing and covering their stench with cologne. Or wearing speedos at the beach

    regardless of state of physical fitness. Hell, everyone hates the

    French, not just the British.

    9) All British heavy industry is hearby halted, as you no longer own any of your own automobile manufacturers anyway, and the British have found ways to make all mechanical devices leak oil, including those

    that have no need for lubrication and those not based on internal combustion. Triumph Motorcycle Company may stay in business, as

    Disney understands the national pride that comes from only having one motorcycle company in your country worth a damn. We would suggest having the USA, UK and Germany declare war on Italy and Japan out of

    jealousy, but then we'd end up sending all of the troops and the UK would send no enlisted men but a dozen generals who would insist on

    running the campaign. So you can stay home and eat kippers instead.

    10) While Disney applauds the UK for inventing the steam engine and

    the locomotive, please realize that you can't run a railroad for the life of you. Let us handle it.

    11) Parapets are to be installed on all buildings.

    12) All British "cuisine" is banned, as it would not be used for fodder in a civilized country, much less eaten by a human being. British national cuisine will now be considered pizza and curry dishes.

    13) All residents of the UK shall be forced (at gunpoint, if need be)

    to the dentist for corrective orthodontia, crowns, bridges, etc. Any

    Brit without a full set of choppers shall be shot on sight.

    14) Hugh Grant is to be slowly burnt at the stake. His ashes, carefully preserved and not allowed to blow away, will be fired by NASA into the sun. Liz Hurley may live.

    15) All residents of the UK may continue to look down their noses at everyone else on the planet. Otherwise, how would we know they were British?

    [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 11-16-2000).]

  3. What you are referring to here is well beyond the scope of the game.

    Medics, ambulances etc have no place in this type of a game. And what are they going to do? Run over and heal guys during a battle? Incapacitated guys are not capable of combat and they cannot be patched up during a 1 hour "Combat Mission".

    Unless of course BTS places some Stim packs or Med kits around the battle field. smile.gif

    Your statement that casualty evacuation is a major part of fighting a battle may be true, but it has no place in CM that I can see.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1:

    I did some checking and I found the Panther D and what it did. It is a night fighting tank with infored sigths. Who thinks this kind of tank should be in CM2?It is a conveted Panther D.


    Rob, as this has been covered several times, you won't be surprised to hear that that model tank you refer to with infrared

    sights was an experiment. And it was an unmitigated disaster.

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by EdDaChed:

    Thanks for your quick and courtesy response.

    Prior to posting this message, I did a quick search, but obviously didn't use the correct key words to locate what I was looking for. Could you give me a hint on a key word that might point me to one of the more recent of those other 100 posts.


    A simple search for "TCP" will get you all the possible hits you can find.

    None of the responses will tell you a date though. Why? Because BTS has not provided a date when it will be released.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kestrel:

    This is starting to make me feel old, but to set the record straight...

    Air War was originally published by SPI. For its time, it was the most complex game on the market. It took a long time to become comfortable with the rules, but it remains to this day my favorite boardgame. Gaming a dogfight takes many, many times longer than the actual event. The hardest problem is finding an opponent willing to suffer through the process of learning it.


    Yes, that was it, SPI! Thanks. What a nightmare. smile.gif

    The other flight game by GDW was quite good fun. The ground attack version at least. Nowhere near as hard as Air War.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Teamski:

    If I were you, I'd stick with a Geforce 2 card. The game runs excellent at 1024x748 with FSAA enabled.



    I've got a GeForce GTS 32mb. What on earth is FSAA and how do I enable it??

    The card was part of my new Dell, I have no documentation on it.

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dukenhammer:

    How very true your Quote is Snake Eyes. I think I'll go cry now. Boo hoo. He called me a name.


    You'll probably get over it, and you deserved a lot worse.

    Your assinine comments that BTS is rushing CM2 out to make more money deserves a response.

    And you could alter that quote you like so much to fit people like you too:

    It's easy to be a prick from behind a keyboard.

    [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 10-31-2000).]

  9. Airwar - I can't recall who made it, but I had it. It was incredibly complex. It modeled modern jet aircraft. A friend of mine and I spent some 10 hours one day trying to learn the basics of flying and shooting. When we finally got a dog fight going I ended up pulling a manuever where I lost like 8000 feet of altitude. The bummer was I was at 6000 feet when I did it. smile.gif

    If I recall, AH's, Third Reich was a nightmare as well. Went through the rules once and gave up.

    ASL is certainly one of the most complex board games I ever saw.

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dukenhammer:

    Instead of trying to release CM2 so rapidly and making more money...how about putting the damn patch out to enable TCP/IP?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I have an idea! Instead of coming off like a total prick telling BTS what they should be doing, maybe you could try looking around to see what BTS said about the TCP/IP patch. If you had you'd know that's ALL that Charles has been working on.

    Freakin' ingrates.

  11. Originally posted by Johnno:

    This is dense as I made a scenario where they had to exit the other side of the map for points. THIS HAS TO BE A BUG!!!

    A bug? Please.

    Phoenix is perhaps right in saying that the AI will not magically drive into enemy territory. However, this is an ambush, they don't know you are there! The AI is cheating in this aspect knowing you are there before you show yourself.

    The AI is NOT cheating. Good grief. Where do people come up with this? Other units don't know where you are, what makes you think a truck doess? Did Charles make some special code so trucks know what to avoid? Oy.

    Also, as for Ambushes, man it pisses me off when one of your guys gets up from hiding to shoot before the target hit the ambush marker. That is a real downer.

    You're not commanding robots.

  12. Originally posted by buddy:

    Wanted to create a scenario which ambushes a convoy but the stinkin' convoy just sits there...armor starts moving out but the actual convoy does two things - jack and squat.

    CM is not really setup to model this. Unless you drive the trucks into the ambush, the AI is not going to magically follow a road into enemy territory.

    Also, anyone know how to start a scenario with an artillery bombardment already underway?

    You can't. An observor needs to call it in.

  13. Wow. That has to be one of the most offensive ads I've ever seen. Hell...I've never even been offended by an add before. Maybe offended is a harsh term since I am no combat vet. But I would have to question their taste in choosing that ad.

    Pretty pathetic in my book. I wonder what amputees from the wars would think.

  14. I have had a couple CDs become unusable over the years. First thing I did when I got a burner burn a copy of CM and my other mission critcal discs. (Yes, CM is one! smile.gif)

    Then I put master copy away. To be honest, I don't care what the EULA says. Im protecting my investment, period.

  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

    1. A stationary FO in the open can be spotted from 1000m away. Don't know how or why, but that seems ridiculous to me. He's dead now. Never had a chance. Why can't you spot from a hidden position? I tried to keep him hidden while spotting, but alas, that seems too much to ask as he can only do one or the other. Why dammit!?!? Arrrggghhhhhh!!!!


    What killed him?

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