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Everything posted by guachi

  1. Definitely have the save game (cuz I keep all my PBEM saves). The thing is, he didn't even need to fire that much. The poor Company HQ he was firing at somehow managed to last twenty seconds before taking even one casualty! And he was still firing away merrily at my other units. At a range of four meters I figured he would have been vaporized in under 10 seconds. By the end of the turn, though, the HQ and two other squads had a continuous chorus of 'Let's get out of here!!' They'd run down the stairs away from the MG and then right back up away from the squads on the ground floor. Back and forth until they died on the stairs. The PBEM game is actually pretty close. The lucky breaks have split about even. The will probably go down to the bitter end. Even after months of play, the CM demo still manages to pull off a few cool things now and then. Jason
  2. If units are 'fanatical' will they (or should they) be able to ignore an enforced cease-fire? Jason ------------------ Board member since 9/99 with 340 posts. I'm a member, dammit!!
  3. Given the underpowered nature of your system, your problem sounds similar to the one I experienced over Christmas when I tried to play the game at my mother's house. What I did to solve the problem was decrease graphics acceleration. Go into Control Panel - System - Performance - Graphics and reduce the graphics level from 'full' one step at a time and the game should work eventually. The system I tried it on was similar to yours. CM ran but it was not pretty. Only having 2MB video on the compute really hurt. My suggestion to you is to upgrade your video card to anything above 2MB. You might even be able to get a 4/8/16MB card cheap or free of of somebody you know. Jason ------------------ Board member since 9/99 with 340 posts. I'm a member, dammit!! [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 02-03-2000).]
  4. I should have clarified. The MG42 didn't take any casualties - other Germans in the building did (a Hvy SMG squad in particular). Second, MG teams that don't move do not have their ammo levels decrease from casualties. I watched the turn several times just for amusement. It was pretty sweet listening to a continuous ripping sound from the MG42 for 40 seconds. The MG42 gets my vote for the best small arms sound. Another cool thing happened that turn. I close assaulted a Sherman with a full strength SMG platoon. Fired one Faust and destroyed the Sherman with a side turret hit. The strange this is, The squad that killed it wasn't even facing the tank! I guess Panzerfausts are omni-directional. Or maybe the soldier was too scared and fired it backwards over his shoulder. Jason ------------------ Board member since 9/99 with 340 posts. I'm a member, dammit!!
  5. I saw something almost unreal unfold in my latest turn in a PBEM game. An MG42 of mine in Riesberg unloaded an amazing 34 units of ammo in one turn. Some Americans were close assaulting him and a few other units in one of the stone buildings. He unleashed an astounding 32 units of ammo in 40 seconds at ranges of under 10 meters at the Americans. By my count I took two casualties and inflicted nine. I can only imagine what the top floor of the building must look like. Hundreds and hundreds of shell casings, bits of stone and plaster, shattered glass, and, best of all, dead and injured Americans. How many bullets would 34 ammo units from an MG42 actually be? Jason ------------------ Board member since 9/99 with 340 posts. I'm a member, dammit!!
  6. My old profile got vaporized and I had to re-register. That's why I am only a junior member. I counted all of mine so Icould stick it in my sig to let people know that I'm no junior. Jason ------------------ Board member since 9/99 with 340 posts. I'm a member, dammit!! [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 02-03-2000).]
  7. There is a telling comment at the Sild Bill & the Raiders site at TGN. The author, while talking about the scenario design screen, mentions that they are being redone because Steve and Charles don't particularly like them. It's the litlle (but time consuming) X-Factor things that turn a product from good to great to true classic. Short programming story. I was writing a small program for medicare billing for my stepfathers's company. The basic guts of the program took only a few days, but something occurred to me while looking at the forms that were being produced - they were functional but not very attractive. So my mother and I spent the rest of the week on purely cosmetic things. Things like making sure that when the letters were third folded the address showed through the window on the envelope. Sure it was a little thing but the hospital appreciated it because now they didn't have to fold the letters strangely like they used to do. Jason ------------------ Board member since 9/99 with 340 posts. I'm a member, dammit!!
  8. I preordered five months ago. I would rather have my manual signed by Steve and Charles than the free poster. Jason ------------------ Board member since 9/99 with 340 posts. I'm a member, dammit!! [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 02-02-2000).]
  9. And there is nothing preventing you from making a scenario that starts just after the minefield has been cleared. Would certainly give you the feeling of being 'en media res' Jason ------------------ Board member since 9/99 with 340 posts. I'm a member, dammit!!
  10. The frontage on the attack or defense will also be dictated by the ability to keep units under command. I'm learning to love my high experience high attribute bonus leaders. The Company HQ in Riesberg for the Germans is a Vet with high command and morale abilities and he is proving very useful in keeping far-flung shattered units under control. Jason
  11. Old thread with picture from Steve of purchase screen. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/000891.html Jason
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Or how about someone getting a free copy of the game if they go and count all of Fionn's posts<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I was just doing this with my posts. Took awhile but I counted 340 in all. I'd hate to do it for Fionn's posts cuz he has close to 2000 posts! Jason ------------------ Board member since 9/99 with 340 posts. I'm a member, dammit!!
  13. Fionn - a junior member!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Sorry. {wipes tears from eyes} Now I don't feel so bad for having it happen to me. It's like I've had an amnesia ray fired at me and now I'm first level all over again with zero XP. Jason - Oh, the humanity!! [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 02-01-2000).]
  14. Isn't Occam's Razor really - Don't multiply entities unnecessarily? Which essentially means, given two or more explanations that explain the facts equally well, go with the simpler one. The key here is the ability to explain the facts. A simpler theory is never chosen over a more complex but more 'correct' one. Jason
  15. If anyone wants, I have, like, 80 episodes on tape and would gladly tape some for people. Great way to spend time until CM comes out. There is a newsgroup dedicated to MST3K - rec.arts.tv.mst3k (I think). Haven't been there in awhile. Loved "The Day the Earth Froze" with the short "A Day at the Circus". Hve this one on tape, too. Best shorts - "Mr. B Natural" Truly hilarious for all of those who were in band. "Truck Farmer" It's shorts like this that make me feel sorry for kids in the fifties. Certainly explains the sixties. Jason - ThE MasTeR WoUld NOt ApPrOVe
  16. Wasn't the Rick O'Shea comic done by Stan Lynde? I believe is/was a resident of my home city of Billings - at least he is a resident of Montana. Jason ObGaming comment - I've been bored so I went to Gamespot and downloaded a bunch of demos, including BTS's own Achtung! Spitfire and Over the Reich. Pretty fun games! Tempted to buy them if CM takes any longer to finish.
  17. Tom, great user name!!! MST3K is my all-time favorite show. You've given me an idea. Think I'll pop in an MST3K video, maybe 'Manos, The Hands of Fate" - the WORST movie of all time. It's true!! Check it out at the Internet Movie Database Jason Just a lame excuse to check out if my id still works. Which it doesn't - drats! [This message has been edited by guachi (edited 01-31-2000).]
  18. The Major's idea about going to Origins is certainly the most reasonble idea. I was (and still am) a big Mystery Science Theater 3000 fan. They had two conventions in Minnesota and I really wish I had the money to go and see in person all the people I had met on-line. The conventions I HAVE been to have all been really fun. I live in Montana but I wish there was some way to meet at least some of the great people on this board. For those who wondered. Steve has mentioned that one on-line sale is equivalent to about ten retail sales. I obviously don't have any idea about pre-sales, but I do know that only one of my e-mail opponents has actually posted to this board more than a few times. I suspect there are A LOT of people that have pre-ordered or play the demo and read this board that don't post. Jason
  19. I was the one who initially gave the smartass response to Manieri about the manual. That's the kind of person I am - a smartass. And since no one had replied yet, I decided to give a totally smartass reply. Perhaps if I had given a serious reply others would have as well. It had nothing to do with Manieri. I was just being silly. And so were most of the other replies. The board has just gotten downright silly lately. If the initial post had been by almost anybody else I would have likely made the same reply. The question was actually a pretty good question. There was a big thread started by Moon at the beginning of the year about manual ideas and then nothing about how that turned out. Manierei claims he is a comedian. I had no doubt that he would figure out that my initial reply was a (lame) attempt at humor. None of us knew the answer to his question anyway, so we used humor to cover up our ignorance. Jason
  20. I don't get why people say that the AI in Ardennes offensive was any good. What was so good about it? I found it incredibly easy to beat. Second time through the Bulge campaign as Germans. Playing on 'Hard'. I managed to destroy every single Allied unit while losing none of mine. And by the end of the game every one of my units was at full strength. The basic way to win the game is surround and destroy. Over and over again. Don't fight any battle at anything less than 7-1 odds and make sure your defensive line is strong enough that the Allies don't counter attack. Jason
  21. I don't think any of us really know the answer. We're covering our ignorance by making funny remarks. If BTS's past is any indication, they took our manual suggestions under advisement. I read some good ideas in the 'Manual' thread and I hope they get implemented. Although for those of us that have read every single message on this board I don't know if a manual is really necessary. And my answer of 'Words. Sentences. And stuff.' was correct if not very accurate. Jason
  22. I don't know why people want translucent smoke. If you could see through it, it wouldn't be much of a smokescreen, would it? I thought smokescreens were supposed to be dense and thick. If it was transluscent it might end up looking just like the fog does. The only reason I think the smoke looks odd is that it is 2D smoke in an otherwise 3D game. Jason
  23. You don't really need the tanks after turn 10 to win. Just run around like a maniac with your halftracks and tanks blowing up anything that shows its face. Works real well against the AI. I jsut played LD recently against the AI. Here is what I did. Put all three tanks on the left where there is a slight hill. You can move them forward slightly into hulldown positions spotting the hill where the reinforcements arrive. Sure, you know the Hellcats will arrive there, but its a good place for them anyway. The major advantage to German vehicles is the greater penetration at long range and it provides great overwatch to the only possible place for reinforcements anyway. Load two squads, the HQ, and three MGs in the half tracks. Drive the halftracks down the main road and the AI will open up on you, but the gunfire will just ping off the halftracks. Put the three MGs in the stone house and drive the halftracks around shooting at stuff. Do this for six or seven turns. When the Hellcats finally arrive your tanks should make short work of them. Your tanks are at a range of about 1000m and, on average, you'll lose maybe one StuG. Now its a piece of cake. You can drive the remaining vehicles at fast to the top of the hill and massacre the reinforcement platoon while your other troops mop up in the town. Jason
  24. Words. Sentences. And stuff. Jason
  25. I bought Battleground: Gettysburg and loved it. Ended up buying a book about the big Civil War battles to learn a bit more. I then held out until the rest of the Battleground games dropped in price. I ended up picking up the whole set on the cheap in a compendium package. Four games in each for $20. My first AH game was Frederick the Great. Got it as a gift from my Aunt when I was nine. But I've lost the instructions. Grrrr!! After playing WWII games, the Battleground series was a god change of pace. I especially like the way the commanders were dealt with. Definitely a pain in the butt keeping all the troops in command up to the highest general. Jason
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