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Everything posted by Colin

  1. Never tried the Wespe!!! Any have any good use out of the Hetzer Flammenpanzer? ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  2. Very good point. Come on!! There must be more little known vehicles!!! I love using the heavy Churchill tanks when I'm Brits. They're relativly inexpensive and have great armor. Also the Ram Kangaroo's are rather nice APCs. ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  3. But the ROF sets the 37mm apart from the 75mm+ weapons. I also like the 2 lbr on the Daimler AC. ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  4. I never liked the Mk IV. Too little armor. I had 4 taken out by an M8 within 2 turns. Brutal. Simply brutal. It's sad when a MBT is vulnerable to frontal 37mm fire. ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  5. True. Very true. Also the 50mm AT gun is rather nice. Even has tungsten occasionally. ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  6. Sometimes the number that comes after the M is the year that design was made. M1919 MMG M1917 HMG ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  7. I suggest you try the Sdkfz 234/3 (I think that's the designation). It's a Heavy Armored car armed with a 75mm cannon. I've used them to good effect in my last few QB's. Are there any other little known vehicles I should try? ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  8. My name's already in CM!! I had a Lt. Richardson several times. I suppose there's no chance of fitting that in anywhere in CM2. Ah well. I think I perfer Western front action to East front. ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  9. Just thought I'd add one more point. Some StuG's have a remote flexible gun which is mounted like a flexible AA gun but is controlled remotely so it can be fired while buttoned. ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  10. Variable Timed. Do a search! ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  11. I think that maybe units costs should change according to scenario type. A probe scenario for instance could have Recon vehicles cheaper and medium and heavy tanks very expensive. Attack could have normal priced (same as now I mean) medium tanks but still have the assault tanks expensive and recon units expensive. Assault could have the heavy tanks priced as they are now and recon expensive and medium units raised like 10%. It's just an idea that needs to be thought out more but it could be incorporated. Now I'm just waiting for the people who think things out to come and tell me why this won't work. ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  12. Yup there are. Not for PIATs of course! ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  13. I use a 250mhz PowerMac 6500/250 w/ 96MB and a 12MB V2. God it's awful. I love it. ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  14. I like it except the buttons are pink!!! And there are some gaps in the unit info screens. ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  15. Just checked it out. Apparently Tripod is experiencing technical difficulties. I'll get it up ASAP! ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  16. Any chance you'll let me host that mod too? I love it! ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  17. I'll definetly be looking on Game Ranger for CM games once TCI/IP comes out. Hopefully they'll write a plug-in for Game Ranger. It's the best Mac multiplayer service. And it's free! If you have a Mac and you play multiplayer check out gameranger.com. ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  18. Nice site. Just wondering if you could add my link. cm4mac.tripod.com was the 3rd CM site established. It came right after BTS's own site and CMHQ! ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  19. That's the Goliath thing mentioned. I'd like to see the Maus, Brümmbar and the US AA HT's. The Super Pershing was extremly rare (I think maybe 1 saw combat) but it's in. The Churchill AVRE wasn't going to be included but it was put in eventually. The Maus would just be fun. ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  20. It's called FOW. It shows that your guys don't know where an enemy units is just that it's out there in that direction somewhere. It's not messing up any recon work you've done. It's a sort of recon in it's self! ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  21. Hellcats are the fastest AFVs I believe. ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  22. It's up. qwitcherbitchin ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
  23. SChools a bitch!!! I'll update it with what I have now. ------------------ And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh. -Steve My website!
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