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Posts posted by CoolColJ

  1. Does your V3000 have a heatsink and fan on the chip? If it doesn't I suspect an overheated chip. especially since it works ok for a few minutes then freezes. Typical signs of inadequate system and video card ventilation and cooling. Try running the game with the cover on you PC off, with a portable fan blowing on the V3000 if possible, and see if that fixes it.

    If it does, I suggest you go buy a heatsink and fan for your v3000, and/or make sure you PC case has enough holes for air to flow through


    [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 06-15-2000).]

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by oddball:



    That's rousing stuff, sir.

    Well done! Say....any chance of you making up a "soundtrack" of various pieces and then

    converting 'em to MP3s for easy download

    by the masses? smile.gif



    Errr I'm not quite sure what you mean? When I said 2 hours, I meant it took me 2 hours to write and record the piece, and not how long the piece is. Is that what you meant? smile.gif


  3. It won't be long now before we can see authentic AFVs using digital graphic technology wink.gif Just look how realistic Dinosaurs looks. Wouldn't be too hard, Just drive T-34 around, and composite a CG ontop of it smile.gif

    Then we can have King Tigers, Jagpanthers etc all cruising round on the screen tongue.gif

    Or how about a 100% CG WW2 movie? That I'd like to see.


  4. WOW! FInally biggrin.gif

    I didn't get any reply from BTS, in the 2 times I asked for this fixed point camera rotation, so I thought it was never gonna be in CM. Ha I was wrong damn, I owe ya one Charles tongue.gif

    Panoramic screenshots here we come! biggrin.gif


    Check out my CM mods, Music and artwork smile.gif


    [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 06-14-2000).]

  5. I'm still waiting on a hardcore WW2 with full on Armour action wink.gif I wanna see King Tigers, Panthers etc. I've never seen a Panther in a movie yet . I've seen Mark IV H.

    How about a hardcore eastern Front movie, set in summer 1943.

    I've yet to see a German tank with Ambush cammo in a movie too! smile.gif


    Check out my CM mods, Music and artwork smile.gif


    [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 06-13-2000).]

  6. JUJU

    here is one thing you can try - reintsall the old drivers, go resgistry searhcing, find the entries for AA, then copy them down. Re-install new drivers, renter the old keys into the new registry wink.gif

    Might work smile.gif

    Kingtiger - geforce?

    I personally set mipmaps to 0 (default and keeps CM roads nice and straight in the distance), set everything to max quality, keep V-blank sync on.


  7. Well ya could have right clicked on desktop and change the res tongue.gif

    Well 5.22 is way more stable for me with CM and everything else, wow

    ANyway I looked into th registry, and found an entry for FSAA = off smile.gif For OpengGL

    I changed it to on, didn't notice anything, looked a bit smoother, maybe....I think I'm imagining it wink.gif

    Also with the Tetxure AA, if you goto the registry, in Software / Nvidia corporation, there should be a AA= 0 change that to 1 to turn it on. Change mode from 0 to whatever AA quality you want 1-3


  8. Ok the old TNT drivers had Texture AA, which has been been removed from the newer Nvidia drivers control panel, but its still there, and it does work smile.gif If you hack the registry a bit wink.gif

    OK FSAA , anti-aliases every single pixel on the screen. And it does this by rendering the screen a few times and combining them, slightly offset, depending on the driver and system used. So any jagged lines are minimised. 2xFSAA, means 2 passes, and 4xFSSA - 4 screens are rendered. So you can see why its such a framerate hit biggrin.gif

    Texture AA (TNT2), will smooth out just the textures, but the edges of the object will still remain jaggy smile.gif


  9. There is only one DET 2 driver there, just download the win95/98.zip version. Then manually unzip the file.

    * read the readme in the zip! Its there its for a reason. It outlines in full detail how to install it.

    Ok basicly this is what you do

    1)Right click on desktop, go into Settings>Advanced>Adaptor >Change - then change your driver to a standard VGA driver (select next, display a list of drivers). Reboot windows when it asks you after you select OK.

    2)You should be in 640x480 - 16 colours. Ok repeat the above steps, except instead of choosing VGA, select have disk, and go to the folder you unpacked the driver to. select Nvidia TNT2, select Finish>Ok, then reboot. It will reboot to a new res and refresh rate.

    Right click and go setup up the screen resolutions and refresh rates to taste.

    Also goto to Nvidia tab and select additional properties, and configure the graphics quality you desire

    Now that asn't hard was it??? biggrin.gif


    [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 06-11-2000).]

  10. Don't compare GF FSAA to a V5500 smile.gif The GF 2 GTS is what you should compare it too, and the fps are very similar. Also the GF 2 also has a 9x FSAA mode too smile.gif

    The distant tetxure swimming is cause by CM using tetxures that are too large for the object, so its switching between 2 or more pixels that could occupy that space, since the tetxure is several times larger than the actual pixel size of the object. If the pixels that are being switched are of different colours you get the twinkling effect. The only way to get rip of that is to recode the CM graphic engine to use mimapping. This would require, several copies of each texture at various sizes.

    Turning on mipmapping in your GFX card options, is similar, but its a brutal approach and doesn't look anywhere as good as it would look if it were done within the Game engine. Mipmapping does lose detail though, so its a trade off.


    Check out my CM mods, Music and artwork :)


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