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Everything posted by Lorak

  1. LOL ! Berli, I am truly glad you amuse me so. If not I would be forced to give your postings some thought. I am honored that you found my sherman "blunder" to be so interesting. I saw where I might actualy win this game. That my friend, would mess up my perfect winless streak as a defender. So I rushed my sherman out, hoping you would hit it, to even up the odds some. I am glad to see that it has worked. By this point in our last game, (a meeting engagment), your men where all fled or fleeing off the map crying. I am happy that you have learned something from me, LORAK! In at least you are making a game out of it this time. Now be a good little devil and settle down and stop that dancing before your un-trimmed hooves tear a hole in the carpet. Lorak the loathed
  2. humm... Sorry for the run on of pictures. But I can't show one fine celtic lassie and not throw out a pic of my other celtic love (not including my wife). Mairead Ni Mhaonaigh (lead singer and fiddle for Altan) Lorak the loathed
  3. Happy Holidays from Enya ! lets see your mormon wives top that ! Lorak the loathed
  4. Dang crossbar! I see now where you made your mistake! When playing Stuka, you should always take green american infantry. Since he can't count higher than 3.. the sheer number of your forces causing him to lose his mind... followed shortly by the game. Might be considered gamey, using Stukas total lack of wit against him like that... but all is fair in love and war. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  5. Well, I hope all of you and yours are having a wonderful holiday season. I just remind all of you to take a moment out of your day to fall down upon your knees and wallow in the greatness that is Lorak. Yes make sure you remember that it is I, Lorak and my beloved celtic kin that created this wonderful holiday, so that you may get a vacation from work. In other news... I am blessed that once again turns for my games are flying back and forth accross the cosmos. Germanboy...what can I say? I really like to trap shoot and this scenario fits the bill nicely. Germanboy keeps yelling "pull" and throwing his AFV's forward.. and I keep taking aim with my guns, and shattering them like clay. Berli... Well it is a well know fact that I take great pride in helping those less than me. So it is with great pride that I am letting Berli win this one. In fact I got so worried that Berli might screw up this victry I am giving him.. that I had to rush my sherman out in the open with no cover to be blown up. Hopefully even berli cann't screw this on up. OBSF... well...He is one of my finer students. Once again I am allowing him to run roughshod over my americans. But like most children, I have to punish him when he starts to get a little too cocky. So at the end of every game I decide to show him how much damamage I can do with a handfull of my surviors. This helps him understand how little hope he would have if I actualy played the whole game to win. moriarty...This has turned into a wonderful little teaching tool. I am trying my best to arange my topplement, but Mori keeps showing up determained to lose. But now, due to my great planning, I don't think even Mori can wtake this loss away from me. Yes peasents. It truly is wonderful that I find myself back here among you sorry excuse for human beings. I find the only thing dimmer than the lights in this pool, are your wits. But fear not. I am Lorak. I will shine my grace and light upon you. I will lift you up and place you upon mountains. Yes, even mearly walking in the shadow of one as great as I can do wonders for your souls. Follow and learn, then you too will find your places upon the mountain, peering down at the withering slugs in the valley below. Lorak the loathed oh, jdmorse-win GiTom-loss
  6. Oh fear not Moriarty. I have planned my topplement so well, not even you can screw it up! Files will be sent as soon as I get off work tonight. Oh.. I will get files off to the rest of you idiots too... Lorak the loathed. Now...for a nice picture of moriarty... what can I come up with... by Moriarty: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"Oh please, Oh please, OH PLEEEEEASSSEEE!! let me win this one !!! "<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Lorak [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 12-21-2000).]
  7. by Berli <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> .......................<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> sorry old boy. Your comments may seem like music and magic when you spew them forth. But alias... For those of us with an IQ higher than a rabid goat, they sound like nothing more intelligent than a sick whales fart. by Berli: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>" I have smoke you dang wipper snappers ! and I'll use it too !"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 12-21-2000).]
  8. humm... without doing some research it is hard to guess... But let me try. It is a Tank.... and it is located outside. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I shall permit you to keep your delusions until death's sweet kiss brings you to my domain.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sadly I thought that had learn more of the Lorak than that. Being as I am Lorak, celt and elf. It is well known that after my passing I will spend my eternity blessed in the wooded kingdom of Arvandor in Olympus. Where those who are valient and with honor dwell. Where you sir are tanar'ri, godless, cast out to live your miserable life in the foul smelling acidic aybss. Oh yes, you have your army.. but one of cowards and thieves. Yes it saddens my heart when I think of the promise you hold... to be squandered and wasted in fruitless attempts to slander me. But fear not oh evil one. Lorak is the forgiving type. In so much as I do not blame an inferior animal when it acts like one. Where you to have any sense of intelligence at all I might be offended. But you spewing out babble, and a pig rolling in mud have much in common. Both ignorant beast that have not the sense to do any better with themselves. Nay, I don't hate you for being a dumb animal. In fact I might come to pity you, could I be bothered to give you more than a second thought. Lorak the loathed
  10. LOL !! Truly Berli you are causing me great laughter today. Your little taunts are almost as funny as when you get angry, prace around, and wave your little goat hooves in the air. hehe, priceless. Ahh, but no matter. It seems you are progressing well under my teaching. I can readily understand the frustrations you express, for the knowledge and history of Lorak is so long and complex, that even given your whole life to my study you could do no more than touch the shadow of its corner. But still.. it is a worthy effort, for all that. Lorak the loathed
  11. Greetings Oh people of the pool. Alais I have not much to comment with this post, It has just been a day or so since I have stated How great I am. Marlow you said little git. Your name has been added to the squire list with Rune as your sponsor. Marlow-win Croda-loss Speedy-win OBSF-loss Berli-win Bauhaus-loss Now Berli, you sad little devil. Am I short? a corp? a failed painter? LOL, nay, but your jest does call me to laugh. It really is a simple thing.. I am a Celt, and I am Elven. Therefore greatness is not something I need to prove or even to strive for. It flows through my veins, for the power has always been in the blood. You would think, berlievil, that you have dwelled long enough in your sad empty abyss long enough to learn some simple truths. If not I advise you to talk to seanachai, even this low-life celt wannabee might be able to explain things slow enough for you to comprehend. I'll help you out a bit until then though, and give you something to think about..... All of you should realize that: Duty to clan and family, to the people and the homeland- this is the truth that guides the life path and heats the fighting blood of the celtic folk. But you should also learn that the honor held so dear by my highland kin is but a pale thing compared to that of the elves. This is a truth that should make you all humble indeed before those wondrous folk.. and I admit in a candor, more than a wee bit frightened. Now taking that to heart and learning that I am truly celtic and elvish ,should give you great reason to fear, and rightly so. For even when I read your post to me, I can sense the sweat beeding on your foreheads and the quickening of your hearts thinking of the doom that one of my stature could unleash upon thee. But do not fret too much. For I am fair. In my victorys I am a gentleman. As much as I am when I allow you, my students, to win. What? you say.. Allow us to win? you say... Yes, allow you to win. I view all of you as my students, pupils yearning for the knowledge that I alone posess. What good is that you ask? How usless would it be trying to teach the depressed and downtrodden? Nay, tis better to allow you a humble victory now and again. For by allowing you small victories, I keep your intrest and your hopes alive. whats that? you say.. LOL, no, there is no need to thank me for my knowledge. I give freely to those I deem worthy. All I ask is that you do not waste what is given. As for those I am teaching now. Fear not. I still walk upon this mortal plain. And yes.. It appears that the Gods above me have seen my deeds and are pleased. They have gifted me, even more so than I am, with a few miracles to get my "RL" back in order. So class will once again be back in session. Lorak the loathed [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 12-21-2000).]
  12. Now Foobar, How could you possible think that your absense would go unoticed? You are one of people fnord that seem like a good fit for the pool. Hopefully your mind hasn't been to tainted with things Grog from the outside. And when I send you mental teachings from now on... Don't assume they blossomed from the empty shell of your head that causes your own insane voices to echo.... Nay, realise that they are pure teachings from LORAK ! He who is great among you! Now bang your head against the deck until forgiven. Lorak the loathed
  13. Personaly I would have to vote for Evermeet: Island of elves (and peng) Or If that is too confusing. Here abides Lorak, Master of all things great! or... Lorak: omnipresent authority figure. Just a couple to get the ball rolling. Lorak the loathed edited because my name contains such power that even I am sometimes forced to spell it wrong. [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 12-18-2000).]
  14. Nice as always guys thanks for making them. Also thanks Matt for taking the time to post them. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool
  15. Bah, I say let the door swing open. How will we ever educate the masses to the true joy of CM? If they are not allowed to come in wallow in the blindling light of my greatness, I am afraid they will forever be doomed to wander the world in an gorg indused haze over optics and mantle thickness. Nay.. let them come and learn for the true masters. By the way... a little present for peng on getting out of the hospital. Lorak the loathed
  16. Bah..... You may be able to move the thread. But do not think for a moment that you can lose the glowing light of my teaching. Yes move me around, turn me upside down, rightside up. It makes no diffrence. My greatness will still act as a becon in this pool of darkness. Still here... still great. Lorak the loathed.
  17. Hair covering 98% of my body? Now i know you are insane. Everyone knows Elves have very little body hair. But yes I do peddle Shampoo around to the rest of the poolers. Anything to wash that human stench away. Sadly it appears Peng has fell ill, he didn't read the "for external use only" label and attempted to groom his inner croda. At least none of you have mistaken my greatness for a mental illness. For as you are all becoming awear I am Lorak and hence Great. Now all of you, go away. Or I will be forced to beat you with my football-bat. Lorak the loathed [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 12-18-2000).]
  18. ok, the tomb has been further updated. Germanboy-win pawbroon-loss Germanboy-win Moriarty-loss Moriarty.... surrender? How dare you stoop so low as to think I would allow you to surrender. Did I not forsee my topplement when we started this game? There is no way I would allow you to take my prophesy away from me. Nay, I will lose this one... and in the same sad way I will lose the rest of my games. No surrender!! Just my trademark. Mindless, bone chilling, worthlessness! Lorak the loathed.
  19. Ahh, at long last Everything here seems to be close to the order it was when I left. For those Of you I am playing again I am sorry for the long drought. WOrk and life is caught up. So I will comence getting my arse kicked again real soon. Latest entries in the book: Jshandorf-win Mace-loss jdmorse-win moriarty-loss jdmorse-win croda-loss jdmorse-win chupacabra-loss mensch-win pawbroon-loss MarkIV-win Babra-loss Yes my friends, I continue to take up my quill and write. What better way to repay my educators than with such a goal as logging the events of the pool. True... there are many lessons to be learned in this degrading swamp we call home. Lessons from warriors, bards, common men, and little croda's all looking to teach others thier insights of grandure and woe. Alais it is I, Lorak, in my humble greatness that have taken this duty to see that these records get recorded. Much like our great elven kingdoms of old. That are totally lost now, except for stories in song and legend. So I too see the Pool. I slimly place filled with living goo now... but long from now the Pool will drain, setiment from the outside will fill and clog its banks, and what will be left? Just the legend. I have observed that facts usually only serve to obscure the truth. So Hopefully the bards and story tellers will continue the history of the pool. For it is in Song and story that the truth, when found at all, is more likely to be heard. I know that my greatness, much like burning flesh or sceans of slaughter full of sun dried blood, overwhelms your senses. For this I am sorry. But I fear that to offend your sensibilities is the most direct way to reach the maggot filled caves, that is your minds. Lorak the loathed
  20. Actualy people, OGSF was granted knighthood for winning. But... truth be known I decided to award both of them knighthood for actualy being the first two squires to finsh the game. It has been several months and these are the only two guys who have played this match to completion. Hence the kindness on my part. What so few of you seem to realize is this obvious fact. I am Lorak ! Period. With temptation must always lie the realization of irredeemable evil. Irredeemable.Without hope. That concept, redemption, must be the crucial determinant in any dealings. Temper your blade when redemption is at hand, and strike hard and without remorse when your foe is beyond any hope of redemption. I am Lorak ! Hear me and learn from my greatness. Truly the Pool is always in a state of flux, delemma, and in a crisis of conscience and balance. What good thing does the pool hold? What is it that brings you here? Promotes your creativity? Is it a love? compassion? understanding of our fellow outcast? Nay. Not in this present incarnation, at least, But there is hope that the pool will find a light beneath its murderous form of an assassin. Yes indeed I am Lorak the loathed. I would indeed be glad to hear that the pool has embraced the light of my wisdom. In truth though, I doubt that anyone or anything here will be able to pull that lost flame of compassion through the thick and impenetrable armor of disspassion the pool now wears. Yes friends, I am Lorak the loathed, keeper of the pool tomb and guide to those that will listen. Yes.. to some I am teacher, guide,and profit. To others an idiot and a fool. But it matters not. For many great men have been idiots, and to many, the paths of greatness appear foolish... I am Lorak. [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 12-14-2000).]
  21. Now it is also time to proclaim another new knight that is among us. Along with welcoming Sir OBSF into the order. I would like to take this time to confirm Hiram Sedai also. Well done Both of you ! For your patience and fortitude for being the first to complete this joust, you have earned at least some degree of honor (as well as our pity). I think it speaks highly of the both of you that you did not falter in the face of such nonsence and proceeded to take the battle wherever you were led. Well done indeed! I also wish to offer Sir Seanachai a well done also. For sponsoring a young squire such as Hiram you have done well also. (just not as well as OBSF and myself) Now, as keeper of the holy tomb I have recorded these names. So it is written, so it is done. Lorak Order of the radiant heart
  22. HAHA!! Well done my squire! I really had no doubt as to the outcome. You have proven yourself well! I am glad to pronounce you: SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastard Well done indeed!! Lorak the loathed order of the radiant heart
  23. LOL, actualy Hiram, You are correct and tracing Lorak to the Dragonlance series. You are correct, I just didn't give you the tribe he is from. I have spent way to much time on krynn and now we're into the 5th age. Sadly I also spend way to much time in the forgotten realms also. Along with playing computer games I also manage to read 3 or 4 books weekly. Intrest vary greatly, but I keep returning to those. Lorak the loathed "defender of the faith" Order of the Radient Heart
  24. Hiram, How it does please me to see a man with an education. Truly your lore knowledge must be high indeed. Sadly I can not answer you. As a teacher I would be remisss if I stole from you this area of research. Also know that I walk many planes, Yes I called Lorak in many, and this is the path you trace now. I can also be found along the sword coast as Lorimere, Obviously my given elvish name. Keep striving for knowledge and look for me among the "moons" in Evermeet. May Boo guide your travel. Lorak the loathed "defender of the faith"
  25. yes Germanboy I understand your plight. Do not think you need to explain to me the follys of war that sasenach gits seem to think of as genius. I am just saddened that it is my irish laddies that are paying the price once again. guns fire, metal torn life spilled, running down the street cold death, blood puddles Lorak the loathed "defender of the faith"
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